Hall - the first room, which gets a host or a guest, entering the house. Most of these rooms are modest in size, but of considerable importance. It is in a small lobby, the first impression is formed on the overall interior. When it is necessary to adhere to the design of important rules to take into account, as the design of the apartment and outside of surrounding landscapes.
- Features hallway decoration
- Color spectrum
- stylistic design
Requirements for finishing materials
- tile varieties
- Linoleum
- Laminate
- A natural stone
- self-leveling floor
- Parquet and parquet board
- What material is better not to use the floor in the hallway
Wall coverings
- Paint
- Decorative plaster
- microcement
- Wallpaper
- Wall panels
- Artificial or natural stone
- Cork wall decoration
- The combination of materials
Lighting and decoration of the ceiling
- Stretch ceiling
- suspended ceiling
- Multilevel plasterboard
- The selection and placement of furniture
- conclusion
Features hallway decoration
To a small room did not seem overburdened, must be carefully selected finishing materials, furniture and colors. In the hallways of apartment no natural light, so better to give preference bright palette, glossy surfaces. These simple solutions will help to favorably present the room, visually increase its area.
The walls, floor, ceiling, and doors should be in harmony. The entrance hall is the closest rooms to the front door, and often subjected to various kinds of dirt, cold, damage. If there is a creature that should be systematically to walk, small children, special attention should be paid to flooring.
Trim hall usually do in the last turn, when the repair of all residential rooms of the apartment or house completed. This is due to a high cross, the movement of large pieces of furniture and pollution at the time of conversion. Repairs should be carried out corridor wear resistant surfacing materials in view of their frequent cleaning.

Color spectrum
The most important element of art design - color selection. From the harmony of shades will depend on the warmth and comfort. Hall - the first room, which sets the mood at the entrance to the room, so it is important to follow the rules of color combinations in its design.
In the hallway of any size must be observed brightness ratio. The dark color will draw up a lower zone. Middle and upper - in the light. It is better not to make the luminance contrast. It may look annoying. Speaking about the nature of the shades, it is necessary to realize that his set-koleronositeli materials. For example, an expressive orange will look exciting if administered in its interior materials such as textiles, alkyd paint. Restrained colors are obtained by using red brick.
For small hallways make better use of win-win-neutral shades of beige and gray. In the spacious rooms you can use warm colors (yellow, coffee, pink, etc.) provided that the color of the walls will be at least one tone lighter than the furniture.
An important factor affecting the color of the walls - light. Compensate for the lack of light can be blue, salad walls and white ceiling. Designers do not recommend white trim materials in a darkened hallway. Walls will look dull, quickly get dirty. The hall with window dominant color may be blue, green, indigo.

stylistic design
Even the limited space of the hall can be used to the maximum, if competently approach to its design. Start by zoning. It is necessary to define the place for clothes, shoes and accessories. Part of the area spacious corridors can be used for storing things malohodovyh. Large entrance hall requires competent filling, otherwise it will seem empty. From it, you can do two communicating rooms - in one storage area of street of things, the other to create a cozy environment to relax, in harmony with the living room. You can use one of these stylistic solutions:
- Baroque. Elegant interior creates a sense of prosperity, it emphasizes the high status of the hosts. Suitable for large premises. The materials should be natural and costly;
- Classicism. Soft and luxurious, contains no flashy details. It fits perfectly into a sconce, chandelier, a large armchair or sofa, upholstered in velvet and silk;
- Empire. Decorating the walls - only expensive materials. You can use the Venetian plaster, plain silk wallpaper without patterns and drawings. Even a small hallway is filled with the most furniture. Required attributes - drawers, mirrors, mythological accessories;
- Pop Art. Hallway in this style creates a magical first impression. Saturated juicy background, design furniture with sandblasted pattern, colorful pattern will make the room festive and extravagant;
- Minimalism. When making a cozy, functional room using no more than three contrasting colors. There are only clear lines and regular shapes. A minimum of furniture;
- High tech. For finishing using natural, artificial materials (glass, plastic, metal). All surfaces must shine. Floors spread large ceramic tiles for walls, use of glass fiber wallpaper, ceiling - glossy tension or suspended.

Requirements for finishing materials
Any hall undergoes tremendous stress from external factors. Adversely affected by dust, moisture, dirt, getting off the street into the building. Therefore, materials for decoration must be not only aesthetic appearance, but also practical. For wide corridors can be used any type of decoration. Suit washable wallpaper, coatings for painting, siding panels, artificial stone and other. For finishing of small hallways make better use of materials that do not involve installation of the frame in order to avoid losing precious centimeters square.
The main qualities required of finishing materials for the corridor - is masking dirt, mechanical damage resistance, durability, ease of care. Floor covering should be durable construction mixtures, artificial stone. In suburban homes use wooden flooring.

tile varieties
Floor covering for the portion, exposed to the aggressive influence, should be as resistant. Choosing tile can be a long time to forget about the flooring repair. It visually raises the price of the interior, a long time do not lose the original aesthetics. Cladding may be complete throughout the floor, or partial, in an enabled small fragments. Select the type of floor covering depends on the personal preferences of the homeowner. The following types of tile:
- Ceramic. Tile long retains a presentable appearance, texture and color. Details of baked clay are available in a large range, with an imitation wood, ornamental stone. With proper installation, the risk of damage is minimized;
- Granite. The product of increased strength. Low porosity material is prepared from clay, rock crumbled with natural dyes. Moisture resistant type of tile can be glossy, rough surface;
- Kvartsvinilovaya. An improved version is not responsive to sudden changes of temperature, mechanical stress, harsh detergents. It includes quartz, plasticizers, vinyl, stabilizers The composition massive fragments. The product is absolutely safe, it does not produce unusual sounds when walking;
- Glass. Original, elegant material. The raw material is glass liquor with the addition of binders. Characterized by a high rate of light reflection;
- Metal. Stylish items used for the decoration of individual sections of the hall. They are manufactured on the basis of porcelain and brass coated layer, titanium and other metals. It fits perfectly in a classic style or high-tech.
See also:Design a small corridor in an apartment - Interior Photos

One of the most popular floor coverings. Cheap, easy installation, interesting design material is available in a huge range. Hall fit for both synthetic and natural covering. In choosing the material necessary to consider the degree of patency of the room. To choose the best corridor coating high strength with a high anticipated load.
Perfectly flat floor can be covered with linoleum and without the basics, but it is better, if it is present foam lining. Long will multilayer woven PVC material basis. Alkyd linoleum with layers of fabric and resin has high heat and sound-proofing qualities. The elastic and water-resistant coating kolloksinovoe illuminate hallway beautiful shine. Linoleum lay in the hallway is not recommended due to its fragility and unnecessarily high cost.

The first parameter to which you want to look for when choosing laminate for corridor - durability. Floor covering hallway must withstand greater load and dotted with some frequency. Maximum sustained commercial grade parts are marked in figures and graphics.
The thickness of the laminate shown in the market ranges from 6 to 12 mm. This parameter is responsible for the lock fortress, consequently, for the resistance to corrosion. Place the laminate can be yourself, just snapping grooves, or put items on waterproof glue. It is better to give preference to products known manufacturers that guarantee the service life of the floor for more than 20 years. The color scheme can be varied. When artificial light well will look gray, beige laminate, with an imitation of an old tree.

A natural stone
Versatile finishing material has a long service life, the unique texture and pattern. Stone floors profitably transform any room. This decision applies to the antique, Scandinavian style, retro, minimalism. Natural stone on the floor in the hallway can be of any type, but it is not rational to use the expensive options, given the specificity of the flow of the room. It is appropriate to granite, sandstone, slate. Natural rock for laying floors have the following advantages:
- Ease of maintenance, possibility of restoration;
- High wear, the longest period of service;
- Stability to moisture, abrasion, chemical substances;
- Can be laid on underfloor heating;
- A large variety of colors and textures;
- Not being affected by microorganisms.

Choosing stone rock floor, it is necessary to take into account the weight of its components. In urban apartments it is not recommended to use large and heavy plates, so as not to overload the overlap. Such a finish is better to use in the hallways of private houses with a strong base.
self-leveling floor
Thanks to the latest 3D technology, photo printing, this floor design in the hallways has spectacular views. It can turn into a landscape, seabed, sand dunes or mimic any natural material. Decor placed under a thick protective layer, which prevents the wiping and fading images. This surface meets the practical requirements.
An important advantage of self-leveling floor - no possibility of moisture penetration. Durable surface is not deformed by heavy furniture, thin metal naboek, small stones from the street. After solidification of such floor becomes absolutely safe, it does not emit any odor.

Parquet and parquet board
Durable parquet requires careful maintenance during operation, particularly if it is decorated floor hallway. Natural tree does not tolerate contact with water, washed by using abrasives. The upper protective layer in the form of varnish, mastic must be frequently updated. Floor in the hall better to choose a hardwood plank of wood with dense structure. This can be oak, ash, birch. Of the advantages of this coating in the corridor may be noted the unique style, natural, easy replacement of damaged elements.
Parquet board is also made of wood, but of lower quality rock. Placed it as a laminate to support the special latches. Some manufacturers of building materials coated with a layer of noble hardwood plank solid wood. Also used are lac, oil-wax coatings.

What material is better not to use the floor in the hallway
Room interior with a high load-through should not only have an attractive original appearance, but also comply with environmental, hygienic requirements. Floor coverings must repel dirt, facilitating the cleaning process, and not vice versa. Absolutely unsuitable material for floor hallway is a natural carpet. It absorbs moisture, dries for a long time, dust accumulates. Wet fibers rot and accumulation of microorganisms. Dents from the heels and legs of furniture is almost impossible to spread. If you wish to lay carpet in the hallway more of its negative features, better to choose artificial similar coatings.
Also not recommended for use in the hallway cork flooring. For critical disadvantages include low water resistance, flammability and rapid wear. Cork is deformed under the weight of furniture, from any mechanical action. This finish is difficult to produce their own hands.
See also:Wallpaper in the interior hallway 75 photos

Wall coverings
For the walls a variety of materials used in the hallway. Going through the options, it should be remembered that the creative stylistic plan should look not only aesthetically pleasing, but also practical. If you choose one material meets all quality characteristics and requirements of the owners is difficult, you can use the idea of combining the surfaces of different textures.
Painting the walls - one of the simple and low-cost ways to update the hallway. This can be done monogamous, using several shades and textures. You must first determine the type of coloring material and color. Choose shade is necessary, taking into account room size, the level of darkness.
The borders of the small hallways should be possible to push. Designers recommend to use when painting a few working steps. Make room spacious help horizontal lines. Shadow scale must be abandoned, it is better to give preference to beige, olive green. You need to paint the walls with waterproof materials only. You can use the following types of enamel:
- acrylic;
- Butadiene-building;
- polyvinyl acetate;
- Alkyd.

Decorative plaster
Fill the hallway and comfort to create a homely atmosphere, you can use decorative plaster. Due to the unique structure of the material can be represented on the walls of unusual composition, embossed patterns. Under a layer of such a mixture easily hidden cracks, unevenness and other surface defects.
With the help of decorative plaster can create an interesting design of the corridor. A large assortment of colors you can use it in any style. In addition to plain mixes are encountered with the addition of gold materials, pearlescent, bronze fibers. They are applied as a standard method for smoothing wall and make the surface relief. Plaster distinguished as follows:
- By basic fillers (Venetian, structural, textured);
- In composition (silicate mineral, acrylic);
- By basic type (lamb coat, bark beetle);
- According to the subspecies (roller, silk, plastic, latex, rain).

Material finishing with high adhesion hallway - one of the best options. Polymer plaster of quartz sand and cement mixture is allocated exceptional strength. Apply it with a thin layer, no more than 3 mm, which is important for small hallways. Microcement can cover any surface. The standard color of the plaster - gray. It is suitable for corridors in high-tech style. If you want to liven up the hallway in pop art style, just add dry pigment of the desired shade.
The disadvantages of micro-cement include the complexity of its application. It is important to observe the exact proportions, kneading the material at the liquid polymer solution. Work with ready mixes have several people. It dries quickly, which can be confusing if necessary the wet dock. Plastered surface should necessarily cover the multiple layers of lacquer.

Material for this type of finish should be abrasion resistant, durable and easy to clean. Based on a simple paper wall does not fit the basic requirements. There are several options webs with improved characteristics:
- Vinyl wallpapers. The basis of the decorative paper covers the plastic film. Thanks to the multi-layer, it is strong and durable. It rests on the wall up to 10 years. When systematic wet cleaning does not lose color and freshness;
- Non-woven wallpaper. The structure includes, intertwined cellulose fibers and fabrics. Fasten their chemical composites. Fabrics have excellent operational performance, hide the shortcomings of the walls;
- Mural. With the help of the material, you can create an original interior. Panoramic scenes visually increase the room. If the hall is big, they can be successfully zoned space;
- Fiberglass wallpaper. For paintings characterized by textured, twisted figure. Most products are for decoration painting. Dense durable wallpaper have reinforcing properties. Service life - up to 30 years.
- Natural wallpaper. Made of natural materials (bamboo, jute, leaves and other things). Vegetable webs bring together with the natural environment, absorb noises. They can pokleit only on a special adhesive.

Wall panels
The variety of colors, textures, materials, allows the use of wall panels not only in offices, but also in the cozy apartment hallways. A well-chosen low-cost product create a comfortable atmosphere in the hall. They are made of various types of raw materials. They have different characteristics. MDF panels are well retain heat, insulate the hall from outside noise. Disadvantages are intolerant of high temperatures. The heat they expand and deform.
In PVC panels for walls highest thermal protection. They can be fastened to the ceiling at any angle. Molded freely in contact with the paint, construction adhesive, self-adhesive materials. On the wall panels in the hall looks good any furniture, for example, plastic switches. Appropriate decoration metal hangers.
Wall panels made of natural wood give the hall respectability. Multilayer product made from durable species (walnut, oak, etc.). They are well retain heat, do not absorb moisture. Gypsum 3D panels attract the original design. The convex relief can be performed in the form of waves, sand embankments.

Artificial or natural stone
You can use a decorative natural stone or artificial for decoration hallway. This stone has a unique texture, you can choose a variety of colors. It will last only as long as the house owner wishes.
Artificial stones made on the basis of plaster, cement, aggregate of these breeds. They have absolute similarity to the natural counterparts, but weigh much less. Furnish hallway feature simplifies processing decorative elements. Only one side of their invoice, the other three resemble tiles cut. Stones on the basis of plaster and fragile lungs. Most often they are used for mounting on drywall. Artificial parts, cement-base heavier, stronger. Crystal, acrylic agglomerates absolutely do not absorb moisture and have a very high strength.
See also:Hanger for clothes with their own hands

Cork wall decoration
One of the safest materials furnish a hallway with zero emissions. Make it from the shredded oak bark. The mound of sawdust spread over the sheets and pressed. The output is a natural material roll. For the walls take cork reel increased flexibility and aesthetics. Decorate them with additional veneer layer, with a special varnish. Thanks to modern technology, the additional processing cork wallpaper endowed with the following positive qualities:
- High water resistance;
- Possibility of contact with organic solvents;
- fire safety;
- Soundproofing;
- Specific non-conductivity of the electric current;
- The absence of condensation between the wall and the coating.

The combination of materials
The secret luxury interiors - the restriction in the choice of materials for finishing. It is better not to use more than three. Hallways with a small area you can paste over self-colored wallpaper to the middle of the wall. The lower part of the wall panels identify, arranged horizontally. Also in the area of shoals wallpaper can decorate elements of artificial stone, small bricks, molding.
Flooring material should be combined with the design of the walls. Laminate, linoleum, parquet will be in harmony with the decorative plaster-type plastic-latex. The stone floor is combined with from the micro-cement walls. Filling bright cover will fit into the overall style of pop art.

Lighting and decoration of the ceiling
In many homes and apartments hall occupies part of the living room. It is used not only for storage, but also for recreation. Every homeowner is trying to turn this room into a sophisticated area. Quality repair includes not only the walls and the floor. At the entrance to the corridor ceiling immediately catches the eye. His condition will say a lot, so it should be tastefully decorated and is bright enough. ceiling trim - the final stage of repair. From the right selection of materials depends on the harmony of the interior.

Stretch ceiling
Practical and easy way to get a smooth surface with little effort. Stretch ceiling will maintain a neat appearance for years to come. The term polymer film operation - 30 years. Before finishing is not necessary, and further to level the surface. The film is fixed in a few hours.
Due to the large range of colors and textures the designers possibilities are endless. The ceiling may be matte, satin, gloss, metallic, pearlescent. Tensile structures do not require special care. Suffice it becomes dirty wipe them with a damp sponge. Film coatings are not afraid of water, well tolerated contact with aggressive cleaning means. Can not withstand the mechanical action, especially with sharp objects.
When installing the lighting can be difficult, because the coating film will not sustain the weight of fixtures, poor contact with incandescent lamps. Way out - LED assembly point to the prepared seats.

To avoid the effect of the zebra, it is necessary to distribute the LEDs at regular intervals from each other and from the web.
suspended ceiling
Installation of suspended structures the most expensive and time-consuming. All items are attached to the metal frame. Classic single-level ceiling of plasterboard can be plaster, paint, wallpaper oklevat, brick tiles. For lighting use spotlights.
Surface finish in the hallway also produce modular suspension elements. It can be rack, tapes, special plates. Works are on the same principle as with plasterboard. The carcass is mounted by the following types of suspended ceilings in the corridors:
- Tiled. The elements can be made of different materials (plastic, gypsum, polystyrene, mineral fibers). Standard 60x60 size, but there are curved shapes;
- Rack. Aluminum slats coated with lacquer or enamel, is attached to the prepared carcass. Ceiling suspended decorate integrated lamps of the same power;
- Grilyato. The modules have the form of metal grids. Suitable for some designer lobbies, for example, in the industrial style or high-tech.

Multilevel plasterboard
Universal multilevel ceiling can solve many design and engineering problems. Stacked plasterboard structures more suitable for spacious living. Ceiling surface of a small hallway is better to make a two-tier. The geometrical pattern is selected taking into account characteristics of the premises. Extend long and narrow corridor square boxes can be connected cut line.
Designate a cabinet or hanger can be beautiful by placing them over an overhanging ledge. It may be semi-circular, triangular visor element in the shape of a butterfly, half sun, and so on. The edges of the second stack frame into a brilliant edging. Very impressive looks mirror image of furniture and decor in these lines. Light can be mounted to the upper tier, or hiding in the niches. Hidden in cells welcoming fixtures create a cozy atmosphere.

The selection and placement of furniture
Hallway in each apartment or house has a specific shape and size. Therefore, the arrangement of the premises must be approached individually. Narrow corridors is important not to overload things. Suitable decoration in the style of minimalism. Designers do not recommend to place the furniture along the walls. You can use only a shallow interior. Standard interior doors should be replaced by sliding, and the surface of the cabinet to decorate a mirror in full growth.
The square hallways can use angular placement of furniture, or U-shaped. In this room there is a place not only for cabinets and dresser, but also for the roll-obuvnitsy shelves, a comfortable sofa or upholstered benches. You can hang large pictures and wall mirrors.

The main purpose of repairs in the hallway - the creation of comfort in the doorway. Smart finish the corridor will help hide imperfections, emphasize its strengths. We should not forget about its specifics and purpose. It is appropriate to make the island at the door of moisture repellent materials. The lower part of the walls should be protected from dirt, sheathing wall panels.