Waterfalls always captivated people with their beauty. Monitoring the movement of the water calms, soothes and adjusts to philosophical reflections. In Japan, no garden is complete without this decorative element, but as you know, people east - recognized aesthetes and connoisseurs. Decorative waterfall can independently design and install in his garden. He fits into the landscape in an original composition, and becomes its center to which gravitate the other design elements. More miniature versions placed even in the living room, so the framework for this decorative object simply does not exist: it can be adapted everywhere. In essence, this construction with continuously circulating water, a closed loop which provides a built-in pump. Let's try to figure out the details of creating the waterfalls, the equipment required for their operation and features of the installation.
- Types of decorative waterfalls
- Forms and types of stages
- Selecting a location
- The optimum height of cascades
Making the waterfall with his own hands
- ditch
- Sealing layer
- We form cascades
- installation of pump
methods of decoration
- Plants for decoration
- How to properly care for waterfalls
- conclusion
Types of decorative waterfalls
All artificial originates in the natural. These waterfalls are classified into three types:
rapids | In this case the water flows smoothly from a low altitude at an acute angle to the bottom of the pond. |
Cataract | Powerful, broad stream of water flows at a relatively low altitude. |
Cascade | Many people find it the most beautiful. Water for a long period of time undermines the stones that form the rapids. The result is a whole array of small waterfalls which are formed from a single stream. |

Any of the above types can be played back in his garden, cottage or apartment. In this case, the role played by only the surface on which will drain the water. By its form and shape depends on the overall appearance of the finished composition. Also, there is another classification of the nature of the flow of water:
drip | In these waterfalls is provided the use of special glass tubes through which water flows down gently. This option is most close to the natural original. |
Streams | Water is a continuous flow, which is partially cut by artificial barriers. |
SLR | For this design requires the glass layer, where the water will collect in drops, and fall down. The design creates the illusion of rain. |

As a material for a base on which allowed water purchased:
- Glass;
- Mirrors (original effect doubling the flow);
- Artificial and natural stone;
- ceramics;
- Wood (have changed over time due to exposure to rot in wet conditions);
- Metal;
- Combination composition.

In embodiments, jet water draining character will depend on the surface texture. To get thin thread selected rough stones with numerous notches. To create an even and smooth flow, preference is given ground surface. So that the water foamed at the point of incidence, several stones are placed next to her, on which she will be "broken".

Forms and types of stages
Decorative waterfalls are divided into the following sub-processing of the character:
- Source. Water flows smoothly from the artificial "bed" in a small tank. Such fontanels versatile and suitable for the creation of quiet, cozy corners with natural discreet murmur. The origins are often shaped in the form of inverted jars, amphorae cracked, sea shells.
- Simple, single-stage. This type has only one projection - man-made obstacle, which allows water to flow off beautifully broad "band". Typically, such small-sized facilities. If the projection height exceeds 1 m, the pleasant hearing purl replaced intrusive hum, which would nullify the entire aesthetic decorative design. The width of the stretching jet of water is regulated by a "step" size.
- Gushing waterfall. It creates a lot of noise, but it looks impressive. Such, the construction requires a powerful pump that will be able to maintain the required pressure.
- Multi-stage waterfall. Issued by the type of single-stage, with only a large number of projections. Construction, usually due steps strongly pulled up, so it looks appropriately outdoors or in rooms with high ceilings.
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structures form can be very different:
- Square;
- Rectangle;
- Semicircle, where the water flows down either to the convex or the concave side;
- Asymmetric composition.

Recent best resemble the natural waterfalls, so are used to create the most accurate simulation of natural composition.

It is worth noting that even a small waterfall will regularly moisten the air. This is useful not only for indoor plants, but also for humans. Particularly suitable such natural moisturizer in houses where the heating capacity of the system is manually adjustable, and the air is too dry.

Selecting a location
From site selection depends not only on the combination of a waterfall with interior painting, but particularly care for it. When it comes to design on the street, then it must not be placed:
- Under the trees. Autumn deciduous leaves knock care schedule waterfall as it will clog it systematically.
- In the distant corners of the garden. Do not forget that such a luxurious decor is worthy to be seen, respectively, and it must be placed in open areas.
- In places where there is no shade. This tip only applies to complex combinations of waterfalls and ponds with wildlife. Fish and plants will hardly constant superheat taste.
- Near residential construction and finishing which is made of materials sensitive to humidity.

The room is not necessary to place the batteries in the waterfalls. Taboo enter the room with "wet" walls, in which the mold is formed periodically. A constant source of moisture, you will only aggravate the situation and provide a ticket to the life of fungi and other organisms that are dangerous to humans. Compact, floor waterfalls are placed either in the center of the large room, or somewhere in the "corner of solitude" in small rooms. In the latter case, the central composition is not so much to decorate the interior, as will prevent the free movement of hosts, thereby violating their comfort. At the cottage ideal place to host waterfalls considered gazebo, spacious courtyards centers, areas for games and recreation. For compositions near completion low bushes planted: rose, rose, viburnum, spirea, hydrangea, hawthorn, lilac.

To save yourself a lot of trouble, choose a place with the natural slope of the soil, the water drains yourself, and you do not have it "help" by adjusting appropriately decorative surface.

The optimum height of cascades
As regards height, it should not exceed 1-1.2 meters. The optimum is considered indicative of 0.5-0.8 m. When falling from a height small flow creates noise curtain, which is not annoying. The main thing is to find a waterfall caused pleasant emotions, not only from the contemplation, but from listening to this "music of nature." If there is a ground water drainage artificial barriers to form a foam spray, noise increases dramatically, so the appropriateness of their placement is set empirically. The higher the "drop point", the more powerful pump is required, and this involves high energy consumption and additional costs.

Making the waterfall with his own hands
Make a waterfall with his own hands is not so difficult. Once the optimum location is selected, you need to connect the builder talents and dig a pit, to equip it properly, install the pump. Then it requires design skills and maybe a little bit of the architect to design a coherent stylistic composition. Ultimately, complete mini-construction start-up water. Let us examine in more detail features of the work at each stage.

Before you start digging, you must make markup. For these purposes, use the pegs and strong thread, which is stretched between them. Width you define yourself, but for the depths, there are certain standards. If the pond adjacent to the waterfall is inhabited underwater flora and fauna, then dig up 1.2-1.5 m. exclusively decorative embodiment will be enough depth of 0.7-0.8 m. Please place purified from herbs and irregularities. During the "excavation" edge of the pit periodically moistened with water, thereby preventing crumbling walls. After completion of the main works on the pit bottom poured sand and gravel layer to 12-15 cm.
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Sealing layer
With the type of waterproofing is necessary to decide at the design stage. In all there are three main types:
- Flexible. For this method, apply a special film, which copes with the task, but does not hold a shape, but only repeats it. Options with an average value made of PVC. Underlying film is more expensive butyl.
- Absolute waterproofing (concrete + stone). This is an old, time-tested, but very time consuming way. Used in the construction of monumental structures for decades, as isolates, they say, "tightly".
- Tough. It involves the use of solid forms of plastic or composite.
The most popular flexible waterproofing. Its price is not so biting, and the life of quite "decent". It is worth noting that, the deeper the pit is, the thicker the film is used for waterproofing. Approximate correspondence table is as follows:
- Deeper 1.5m - 1.5 cm;
- 1.5 m - 1.1-1.2 cm;
- Less than 1 m - 0.7-0.8 cm.

Rigid waterproofing is used to create large waterfalls. Like elements in the case of small structures can be done independently. Materials need only glass and plastic.
When shallow pond adjacent to the waterfall in winter algae will freeze to the waterproofing layer. Before the first coolings they have to be removed and placed on the entire season in a home aquarium.

We form cascades
The waterfall is formed at a vertical drop. His creation in the construction necessary to attend. To flowed smoothly flow the steps, form the protrusions. Water, as you know, sharpens a stone, so among the variety of materials, preference is given to sandstone. Pieces of this sedimentary rock look natural and easy to care for. However stone - is a surface layer. The basis of the best stage design of wood, simultaneously strengthening it with concrete. After drying facilities, mounted pump, and then proceed to the decoration.

For those who do not want to engage in the formation stages independently in specialized stores offer to buy ready-made form. All you need: choose the correct size and install it in the pit.

installation of pump
Dig a pit and construct basis only half the battle. The next challenge will be to ensure the pond water and its continuous circulation. The pumps are of two types:
- The surface (outer). Used to create a closed loop in large structures. Placed next to the tank.
- Submersible. It placed at the bottom of an artificial pond.
To create a relatively low flow waterfall height (up to 1,2-1,5 m) will be sufficient pump 70 watts. Working unit from the mains, so the installation of the transformer deal ahead of time. Hoses camouflage decor and the pump itself are trying to close the algae. The entire system consists of a filter, 2 hoses (one for emissions and the other on the skin), and cable "box" in which is hidden motor. One pump "sleeve" is positioned on the bottom of the tank and the second stretch of water to the point of impact.

methods of decoration
As mentioned above, the waterfall itself, you can draw any kind of artificial and natural stone, but preference is given to sandstone, marble and granite. Of course you can take any cobblestone road beautiful form and use it to create a composition. Stones can lie freely. In this case, they eventually move and change the design at will. Also, the design can be enhanced cement mortar, which tightly clasped monumental structure. For decorating using a variety of materials:
- Pebbles (shingles);
- Sand;
- shells;
- Seaweed;
- coins;
- Figures frogs, snails and other aquatic life from ceramics.
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All these decorative splendor poured bottom of the tank to give it a natural texture. When choosing algae guided by those that feel great in terms of the local climate. Sam Falls obkladyvayut stones and their imitations. Naturalness of this "interior" give rare tufts of green, lurks in crevices. In the more expensive option right under the cascades of steps set the backlight. Wiring insulate properly and choose moisture-proof lamps. Looks like design charmingly especially at night.

Plants for decoration
Primarily decorate the surrounding area, as the "bezel" creates a panoramic view. Area with bubbling water should square off and tune in a positive way, so soft under your feet planted, lawn grass. According to this coating is pleasant to walk barefoot. Around an artificial pond and waterfall thrown flowering shrubs. The original is the idea of "hours of Linnaeus", when each species reveals buds petals at certain times, and these times do not overlap. Thus you will vechnotsvetuschy garden. Among the bushes prefer lovers of high humidity:
- daylilies;
- Manica;
- arrowhead;
- Iris;
- azorella;
- saxifrage;
- marigold;
- Ferns.

In addition thrown colorful cane, which is associated with quiet backwaters. If you decide to decorate the house with a waterfall, the "crux" of the program furnish indoor plants in pots. In rooms designed in Japanese minimalism or motifs look beautiful design water framed miniature bonsai trees. This object is suitable for interior design living room, a winter garden or "corner of appeasement" in any other room. There are also waterfalls decorating styles. They are conventionally divided into three broad groups:
- Natural. Waterfall trying as close as possible to the natural original.
- Ethnic. It is often used clay pots, amphorae, ceramic tile, plenty of ornaments and patterns. The entire design of a man-made.
- Modern. They use simple forms, straight lines and cool lighting. The water, flowing streams of glass (mirror type) - one of the brightest representatives of the style.

How to properly care for waterfalls
About once a month is necessary to lower the water and pour a new one. The bottom and the wall of the tank together with the decor during dry wipes or soft brushes with special means. In particularly hot days, the evaporation of the water a certain part of it will have to fill up to a waterfall "economy" is not shallow. It is not necessary to forget about this procedure, those who hold the fish surrounded by algae. In autumn special nets from the water surface is removed yellowed leaves. Animals should be periodically fed. In winter, the water is pumped out, the tank is cleaned, dried and covered with a protective film. If you have a southern climate with mild winters, it is possible to abandon the procedure.

The construction of the waterfall is no easy task, but with the materials, tools and enthusiasm its implementation will be a fascinating process. Decorating design you can think of to make it to get a unique, or peep ready ideas on thematic resources. The contents of the large waterfalls in the area, as a rule, involve additional costs for electricity, so before construction actually assess their capabilities. Otherwise, the facility will be ready to stand idle for months and only a couple of days to please owners of the year. Greatly simplify the task for those who have the area flows a trickle or other natural body of water. Creating the desired slope, you just place part of its shores and will be able to do without the involvement of the pump.