Curtains are an important functional load - can hide the slum dwellings of strangers views and protect the premises from dust, drafts and bright sunlight and are decorating element interior.
One of the most important decorative elements in the interior of the room are the curtains, they make the home much more cozy and comfortable.
However, the curtains without quality holder, like a string without a needle, can not perform its functions. Traditional round cornice for curtains has been and remains the most popular, reliable and convenient form of suspensions.
- 1 Round cornice for curtains
- 2 Round single and double row cornices
- 3 The semi-circular moldings
- 4 Fixing round cornices and curtains on them
- 5 Examples and Photos in the interior
- 6 VIDEO: Installation instructions for round cornices.
- 7 50 variants of curtains at the eaves in a variety of interiors:
Round cornice for curtains
Cornice for curtains is a functional device for fastening a piece of fabric - drapes, curtains, or drapes tyuley.
One of the most traditional classical options decorating windows is to use a cornice for curtains on a round rod.
Round cornice represents crossbar which is attached to the horizontal surface by means of brackets and a holder for curtains.
Despite the simplicity of design, they are classified by the following features:
- manufacturing material;
- Method of attachment;
- Design features;
- Type "hold" curtains.
Over the years of its existence, they are virtually not changed in appearance and thus did not lose their popularity and demand.
The materials used for the manufacture of:
- Metal;
- Plastic;
- Wood.
By mounting method:
- From the ceiling;
- To the wall;
- By the window frame.
Material for the manufacture of the bar can serve as plastic and metal and even wood.
By type:
- Single Row;
- double row;
- Three-row.
By type of "hold" curtains:
- Rings;
- backstage;
- Eyelets;
- Loop.
In the family round the eaves can be identified:
- Standard or classical;
- Semicircular or radius;
- Telescopic.
Plastic products are most often found in black, white, gold and chrome colors.
Plastic - the easiest and most budget option. At the same time, he has a presentable appearance and dignity "to discharge his functions." Its drawback - fragility.
The design of the plastic tube holder standard - the crossbar, brackets, lugs, ring. They are available in different colors and shades: white, black, yellow, blue, pink and other, as well as imitations of wood - walnut, beech, alder, oak, cherry, pine, mahogany.
Wooden moldings can have shade light oak, cherry or mahogany.
Plastic construction is lightweight, so are designed for light curtains and tyuley, curtains in the kitchen curtains in the bathroom and children's room.
Tip! Plastic rod "do not like" high temperatures. They are best installed away from heat sources and direct sunlight.
Metal - the hottest embodiment. Their choice is not limited to, from simple - classical to exclusive - design. They are strong, durable and reliable.
Plastic products are most often found in black, white, gold and chrome colors.
Pipes for metal holders curtains differ:
- In diameter (16 mm - 35 mm and others.);
- In color (gold, bronze, copper, silver, chromium, etc.);
- Design (smooth, grooved, braid, etc.);
- By coating (plating, lamination film for any texture).
Metal brackets are used in all areas. They are well withstand high weight loads and securely fix the massive curtains with lambrequins and tulle. Most often they are used in the halls.
The round models are fixed over the window with the help of special brackets.
Wood - the most loved by many for its natural, ecological and natural beauty - the color and texture. He is no different from plastic and metal on a complete set. In the manufacture of solid wood rods are used with defined structure and the longitudinal fibers.
If you select the material you are targeting in the first place, on the durability of the product, the winning option will be a wooden or metal model.
Tip! The main property of wood is impressive weight. In rooms with thin walls and flimsy walls is better to abandon the wooden eaves.
Holders with wooden beams are universal:
- used for window and door frames, screens and canopies;
- suitable for all rooms and corridors;
- in harmony with the furniture "under the tree", parquet and laminate flooring;
Cornices made of wood, metal, plastic and metal plastic.
Tip! Wooden holders should not be installed in areas with high humidity. Absorbing moisture, they can exfoliate.
These options round the eaves do not require special care. The only drawback is a fairly high cost of wood and metal bars, but it is more than compensated by longevity, ease of mounting and use. For opening and closing the curtains - quite effortlessly move their hand.
They fit perfectly into the interior in a classical style, which is dominated by the warm light brown and chocolate tones.
Round single and double row cornices
When making window blinds, the most frequently used single and double row round rods, respectively consisting of one or two rods.
Round moldings may contain one, two or three rows, with which you can combine the blinds and curtains.
Three-row holders used in the case where the design of curtains suggests the presence of three paintings fabric - drapes, curtains and pelmets. This variant is used in living rooms, emphasizing the luxurious decoration window openings.
Single row moldings used for kitchen windows, blinds in the bathroom, on balconies, for doorways. For them suitable for absolutely all kinds of curtains, any density and color.
metal cornices will suit those who plan to use the massive heavy curtains in the interior.
"Roman" blinds shtory- "cafe", and are mounted on a single rod. Telescopic shower curtain rod for can be safely attributed to the single-row.
The hottest version - round double row moldings, wood and metal. They are suitable for all areas without exception.
One post is attached a light tulle, the second - curtain.
The design of single and double wooden holders is limited only by the imagination of designers. They are decorated with fine carving. Tips make curly, cutting them from a variety of tree species.
Speaking of the metal eaves, it is impossible to bypass attention forged. They also come in single and double row. Decorated with beautiful knobs, curly-tipped laces wire, graceful wrought-iron fixtures, flowers, leaves, ornament.
Iron cornices very well withstand high loads of weight.
Tip! Any cornice should organically fit into the interior, and be suitable for the style. Plastic holders are suitable to be placed in high-tech style. Wood - for premises in the ecological style, or loft. Forged - the classic style or Empire.
Design finds allow of a simple round tube to make a work of art, transform any interior into a unique and unrepeatable, while maintaining the simplicity and reliability design.
The semi-circular moldings
For interior decoration elements with smooth, rounded shapes may need semicircular curtains or blinds:
- Bay windows, corner windows, and other non-standard;
- Shower cabins;
- Canopies in the nursery and the bedroom;
- Semicircular arches;
- Roundings on the ceiling.
Construction form is chosen based on the shape of the window.
Wood tochitsya easy, but it is almost impossible to bend. Meet the sale wooden beams other form but even impossible.
Plastic and metal rods bent well, easy round.
They allow you to create smooth lines and shapes of any configuration.
Sometimes curved shape is achieved by combining multiple pieces of wooden or metal rods to each other by hinges. These holders do not bear the functional load are decorative as well as hinges prevent the curtains move.
The design of the eaves in the form of a semicircle is no different from the usual - rod, brackets, finials, rings for curtains.
They come one, two and three-row, with ceiling and wall mounts.
The semi-circular moldings are suitable for curtains of all types of tissue. Particularly impressive, they look in the rooms of the classical style and Empire.
Fixing round cornices and curtains on them
Fastening circular holders carried by various brackets:
- open or closed;
- single, double or triple.
Brackets are available for ceiling mounting or wall mounting. They are supplied with the bar and tipped performed in the general style. They can be decorated with various decorative elements have a smooth or rounded configuration.
Most often metal and wooden round wall cornices used.
The number of brackets is calculated from the total length of the eaves. If a length of 2.4 m need bracket 2. More than 2.4 m - 3 to avoid deflection crossbar.
Tips worn around the edges of the bar. On two or three gang - installed only on the first row, on the other edge put a stub.
Very stylish and original look of metal moldings for the hall.
Cornice for curtains rod makes it easy to carry out any manipulation of curtains and drapes. To the movement of paintings was free and easy, you need to properly and securely fasten the curtains to the crossbar.
In most cases, to secure the web on the bar worn ring with hooks or pegs.
These rings have a larger diameter to move freely.
Tip! Number of rings is calculated according to the length of the crossbar. For every 10 cm - one ring.
Blind can be fixed without the rings, with the help of other devices or be worn directly on the bar. mounting methods:
- Eyelets;
- Pata;
- Decorative loop;
- Drawstring across the width of the curtains.
This option eaves enjoys very wide popularity due to ease of use.
Tip! Choosing a round cornice should be aware that it will be a visible part of the interior and should be ideally suited not only by color or shape. Decorative elements, lugs, hooks or loops must meet the general style.
Examples and Photos in the interior
This article describes in detail the types and constructions of round rails for curtains, variants of design and application in the interior. Below are a few examples of the photo.
Round rails can be installed not only in the bedroom or living room, but also in the bathroom, in the kitchen or on the balcony.
Round the cornice - a traditional attribute of the interior. Its quality and reliability depends not only on the beauty of design of the window opening, but also the comfort in the room.
They are the most easy to use and can be used to complement any room.
For many years, traditional rod cornices almost not changed its appearance, and did not lose its relevance. This model is now the most reliable, popular and in demand.
Transform the interior of one or another room, you can use the elegant cornices.
VIDEO: Installation instructions for round cornices.
50 variants of curtains at the eaves in a variety of interiors: