Telescopic cornice for curtains: wall, sliding, installation without drilling

Nowadays widely spread telescopic cornice for curtains. This is due to the fact that his mount spacer type does not require the installation work, the product itself is durable and undemanding in everyday use.

Telescopic cornice - a simple and functional tool for quickly hanging curtains


  • 1 How does sliding cornices: the principle of action
  • 2 Kinds of models of curtain rods: the characteristics of available diameters, the maximum length
  • 3 mounting method
  • 4 The method of installation of the sliding curtain rod without drilling: instruction in what way there is hardware, the reliability of the attachment
  • 5 Examples of the use of telescopic rails for curtains: photo
  • 6 Video on how to install a telescopic curtain rod in the bathroom

How does sliding cornices: the principle of action

The mechanism of action of this type is arranged quite simply, a smaller diameter tube is inserted into the pipe section with a larger inside with a spring. At the ends of the rod fitted with rubber lugs to avoid slipping. It is fixed to the wall by unscrewing the lower part of the tube until it locks. The market has a large range of colors to choose from. This makes it easy to insert the device into the interior of the room.

Apparatus telescopic sliding cornice

Kinds of models of curtain rods: the characteristics of available diameters, the maximum length

This type has characteristic advantages and disadvantages:

Pros. Minuses
It is simple and fast installation. It can only be used in small spaces.
The low cost of the product. Withstand relatively low weight.
Can be used in a variety of styles. To avoid slipping requires accurate setting.
A light weight.

When choosing curtains fastening method, you must take into account that decorative coating metal cornices will last much longer if it will slip on cloth or plastic rings

Telescopic design can be divided into the following categories:


  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • wood.

Metal looks more attractive and has a long life compared to plastic and wooden counterparts, but the design has a heavy weight and requires hard fixture.

Heavy rails are the brackets for fastening screws or anchors depending on the material of the wall

Plastic sliding telescopic cornices lighter, has a wide distribution and low cost, fixation of lower impact on the surface to which it is attached, you can pick up the barbell under metal or wood. The negative side may include a short period of work, and increased pollution.

low quality plastic to quickly turn yellow and scratched easily broken. Inexpensive plastic eaves can be recommended except as a temporary solution, but the product from a trusted manufacturer may be long

Will compromise combined ledge which the supporting rod is made of metal, and the tips - of plastic

Wood products are not as common, but are attracted by its original view. The base is covered with a special compound that prevents the change in structure of the material looks very attractive and aesthetically pleasing.

The number of rows for attaching curtains

  • row;
  • double row.

Two-row models are perfect for the bathroom - one bar hung the curtains, on the other - towels

These products can be used in living rooms and on the premises of economic purpose.

mounting method

  1. Spacer type. Used for curtains made of PVC material that does not require the installation of fasteners.

    Spacer mounting method does not require drilling walls

  2. Bracket type. The boom is attached to the predetermined brackets. This type is installed in the living room to fix the different types of curtains.

    Brackets can be used for wall or ceiling mounting

  3. Stained type. Has a small diameter, fixed to the window frame profile, it has an adjustable length. It may have a maximum length of 3 meters and a diameter of 16 to 35 millimeters.

Stained glass cornice looks good with curtains type "hourglass", used in the design of classic interiors and for decorating the kitchen of Provence, Country or Shabby-chic

Small rods stained type mounted on the frame with adhesive tape or special brackets

Note! Stainless steel products expansible type should not be mounted on a tiled surface. The rod is rigidly fixed, which can lead to damage to the wall.

Special attention should telescopic curtains for curtains. In the market you can find models of telescopic design with the ability to change the size, if the need arises. This facilitates the adjustment process that makes it easier to install it.

You yourself can easily change the length of the rod to the desired size

The number of fixing points of the curtain rod depends on the length of extended rod

Metal sliding ledge uses small diameter for mounting curtain fabric ring or loop. Another way of fixing is stringing themselves to curtain rod without any additional devices. The length of such a bar has a size of 85 to 135 centimeters - to such an extent it is possible to push the telescopic guide. It is also possible to gather a few hangers in one at the expense of another arm. Thus it is achieved a length of 270 centimeters. The installation of these types of articles to a wall or ceiling surface is made using a bracket and also occurs as the installation of conventional hangers for curtains. The main difference lies in the fact that the position of the rod from the wall of only 25 millimeters.

When choosing a telescopic curtain rod design must take into account the curtains and the whole room

The method of installation of the sliding curtain rod without drilling: instruction in what way there is hardware, the reliability of the attachment

For proper installation will require adjustment of the length, by screwing or unscrewing the moving lugs. As a result, the length should be two centimeters longer than the opening size where installation will take place.

Before purchasing a telescope cornice, measure the distance between the surfaces where the product will be installed. The length of the sliding patterns limited to a specific interval determined by the manufacturer

In order to fix the device is urged by the spring pressure on the smaller diameter tube set between the vertical walls and then releases this part of the rod and a spring, which is located inside, provide fixation crossbar.

Cornice short spring
Cornice long spring
Cornice with a convenient regulator

Note! Some models do not have at their base a spring for fixing. In this case the fasteners produced by twisting the tube moving along the thread, which is located inside. When reached the desired size of the pipe clamp is fastened. These devices have a low reliability and are practically absent from the market.

Even in the photo evident fragility of this design, besides these moldings easily break down and rough handling curtain

Before you install, you must mark the spot with the help of a measuring tape and spirit level. It is necessary not only to mark the attachment points, but also make the measurement of length in the opening, which will allow a more precise adjustment of the length. The level needed to establish the position of the rod in the horizontal direction.

When installing the sliding eave enough to push the bar to the desired size and secure in this position

Reliability fastening rod will depend on the manufacture and quality of the material from which the fastening lugs and place accuracy.

Examples of the use of telescopic rails for curtains: photo

Products telescopic design is simple and perfect way to fix the curtains in the bathroom. When dismantling the rod marks on the walls are left. On the market there are systems with more advanced solutions, but telescopic products will not lose its popularity and demand among buyers.

Video on how to install a telescopic curtain rod in the bathroom