Features of learning to play tennis

Teaching professional tennis has a number of specific features. It is important to adhere to the approved details and various kinds of nuances. Mastering the technique of the game is essential for successful performance on the court. Don't know where to start? Pay attention to the commercial offers of the Berezovsky Tennis company. On the official site https://berezovskytennis.ru/ your individual tennis coach You can also view the full service package here.


  1. What it is?
  2. Benefits of learning 
  3. Cooperation 

What it is?

Professional tennis training is a complex event that should be approached with all responsibility. Thus, you are guaranteed to achieve the desired result. Within the framework of the approved training program, mastering the technique of holding a racket is provided. There are eastern, continental and western grips.

Equally important is the development of the technique of hitting the ball. Its improvement is a guarantee of the development of professional skills. Special training should be carried out according to a personal methodology.

Benefits of learning 

Berezovsky Tennis offers a wide range of available services to its clients. You can master this sports direction in a short time absolutely from scratch. There is no boring theory here. The priority is practical exercises and positive emotions in pairs. Already from the first lesson, you will 100% appreciate the quality of the chosen teaching program.

The company's services are very popular. Consider below the main ones:

  • personal trainer;
  • professional education;
  • flexible schedule;
  • developed infrastructure;
  • discount system;
  • certified trainers;
  • variability of sections (children, beginners, adults).

Practice shows that more than 79% of students begin to play confidently on the court already within the first lesson. The main goal of the coaching staff is to organize quality training. It creates favorable conditions for progression at your own pace.


The company "Berezovsky Tennis" offers customers favorable conditions for cooperation. Here you can purchase a certificate for the first lesson with a face value of 1200 rubles. Loyalty program is available to regular users. To apply for the service, just call the managers at the phone numbers indicated on the site. An alternative option is an online feedback form. Contact us!