Stylish, beautiful, ergonomic kitchen - a dream hostess and her little piece of paradise in the house. Once upon a time, when people have just started to build a full house, the hearth became the center of life, it stretched all the members of the household and it is next to it was warm and cozy all. Centuries have passed, the furnace was replaced with a modern stove, massive, rough hewn tables and shelves - on ergonomic furniture, clay pots - by unbreakable dishes, but the role of the kitchen in the house has not changed.
It remains the center of attraction household and a small oasis of comfort and warmth. Beautiful and convenient design is not only important for the hostess, who will spend most of his here free time, but also for other family members who like "drink tea" and to conduct long conversations in the evening after working day. So preparation for repairs in full swing and has matured the most difficult question: how to choose the kitchen? What it must be to feel comfortable here all? How to fill it to a culinary inspiration never left the hostess, and appetite - the household? On this and will talk further.
Especially the choice of kitchen units
- aesthetics
- Functionality
- Ease of use
- Durability
Designing and planning features
- L-shaped kitchen
- U-shaped kitchen
- linear kitchen
- Island and peninsular cuisine
- Two-row kitchen
Material kitchen units
- The body and the kitchen facade
- tabletop
- kitchen apron
- Internal filling and accessories
- choice of style
- The combination of colors in the kitchen space
- Tips for location technology
- Lighting and light
- Feng Shui in the kitchen
- conclusion
Especially the choice of kitchen units
In the kitchen everything is important: and finishes, and filling. This room is used daily, there are "extreme" conditions (high temperature and humidity), during cooking the surfaces of furniture and decoration deposited large amounts of waste (water, grease, dirt), because of what the room is regularly cleaned (much more frequently than others premises).
Furniture should withstand such loads, endure dramatic changes "climate", easy to clean and long serve people faithfully. Kitchens are often used not the individual items and sets - furniture complexes.

They first appeared in the United States in the last century and so much like the hosts that mass production was quickly established. This experience took over from the Americans, Europeans, "tasted" the idea of the taste. In Soviet times, in the vernacular headset called the "walls" and actively use them not only in the kitchen but also in the living room. Furniture, chosen by the manufacturer, saves the buyer from having to "collect" a set of different objects.
Perhaps this is the main advantage of the headset. In addition, the price is set lower than the total cost of all the items that are part of it, if they buy separately. Furniture complex usually consists not only of the "wall", but is complemented by a dining table, chairs and mobile elements.

When choosing kitchen units should pay attention to the four characteristics:
- Aesthetics (appearance).
- Functionality.
- Long service life.
- Ease of use (ergonomics).
Let's talk about each of these in more detail.
Aesthetics headset - is its beauty in terms of choosing the person (this is important, because the idea of beauty at everyone). What can be said about the appearance of the kitchen furniture? Of course, it should look appropriate in combination with other furniture items and at the same time to please the hostess and households.

You can not just choose a favorite model, for example, in the style of Provence, and put it in the kitchen, which has already finished under the direction of high-tech. Filling and finishing must be consistent with each other.
Determine what features the hostess provides headsets can become acquainted with its content, ie the constituents. What should be in the range of furniture for the kitchen, so it was considered a full-fledged, fully meet the requirements of the person, it is used? The standard list of modules and add-ons as follows:
- Floor designs. They rank as lockers, cabinets and shelving systems (mostly closed type).
- Packaging. High narrow lockers, which are designed to accommodate the built-in appliances and kitchen utensils.
- Hinged cabinets. Can be closed and opened. Usually mixed storage system of shelves and drawers.
- Mobile elements. Screens, partitions, tables on wheels, furniture-transformer. Such elements are usually complemented by a headset, designed for close kitchenettes.
- Freestanding furniture: tables, chairs, sofas, corners.

Filling the headset is selected depending on the characteristics of the kitchen and hostess needs, that is, for each individual home. Someone needs more drawers, and some prefer to give half of the storage system for new products of home appliances.
Ease of use
Any furniture should be comfortable to use. Even before you buy it necessary to "try on", that is, to try what it is at work, if the height of the hostess if the shelves are located conveniently suited to all boxes if it reaches. This is followed by carefully conduct measurements and to think in advance the location of the headset in the room. Take into account the need to ease movement between the vertices of the triangle and the possibility of additional "routes" of the dining area to the work, stove and refrigerator.

Durability headset is primarily determined by the materials from which it is made. Housing and facades of the best solid wood is considered. Better to choose countertops made of natural stone. Kitchen apron will last longer if it is made of stainless steel, or is made of ceramic tiles.
See also:Potholders kitchen with his hands
Designing and planning features
Proper kitchen layout will create all necessary conditions for its ease of use. Experienced designers know about such a concept as "work triangle". This conditional geometric figure has its peaks at three points: cooker, fridge, sink. The zones must form a triangle, but in this case the owner will be convenient to move around the kitchen while cooking.

L-shaped kitchen
L-shaped layout is considered the best option for most cuisines, but is best suited to the premises of the square shape. placing headset embodiment allows to arrange the isolated site and easily positioned at the vertices of the triangle of two adjacent walls.
L-shaped layout leaves plenty of room for the organization of the dining area. The advantages include the option and the ability to use built-in appliances. The only exception, where the L-shaped layout is inappropriate - too narrow room where one wall length will exceed the length of the other more than twice.

U-shaped kitchen
U-shaped or U-shaped layout is commonly used in areas with different quadrature, but It is considered to be the optimal solution for the kitchen area of 12-15 sq.m. Suite is located along three walls. There is the possibility of arrangement of the triangle, each of the vertices can be placed in a separate wall.
U-shaped layout allows you to place a variety of technical stuffing with virtually no restrictions. Among the shortcomings experts say only the inability to through traffic, but it is not mandatory for the through passage of the room. Does not recommend the use of a U-shaped layout in cramped kitchens Khrushchev and very spacious rooms luxury apartments. In the first case it is better to "cut off" one side and resort to an L-shaped pattern, and the second - to the island.

linear kitchen
Linear or single-row layout suitable for small spaces. This compact variant is often used in modern studio apartments, where a limited amount of space for each zone and the kitchen does not apply to the sites, "dominant" in the area.
location model kitchen units lies in the layout name - linear, ie furniture is located in a line along the wall. On the one hand, this greatly saves space, leaving free the other three, but on the other - the rule of the triangle is simply impossible to observe. Experts advise only in the middle of positioning the sink, and on each side - refrigerator and stove. This option would be more convenient than the other two.

Island and peninsular cuisine
The island layout is characterized by the presence of a small "oasis", which protrudes forward, as if separated from the rest of the kitchen, "the mainland" is left behind. On this island you can place symbolic plate, working or dining area, bar. Option is suitable for very large rooms and apartments combined.
"Island" if the two are united into one space and at the same time subtly separates it into a culinary playground and rest area. Peninsular layout around the island repeats with one small exception: the island is not "detached" from the "mainland" in full, and is connected with it with one hand.

In fact, such a kitchen can be L-shaped or U-shaped, but with the second or the third party is not placed along the wall, and replace it, leaning against end. Option perfectly zoned kitchen on two grounds: for cooking and for its reception. Both types of layouts are not suitable for small apartments. In conditions of island and peninsular kitchen easily organize working triangle, placing one of its vertices (typically plate) on the island.
Two-row kitchen
Two-row or parallel layout - a popular option for walk-through rooms and rooms with an area more than 15 sq.m. Kitchen unit is divided into two parts, which are located along opposite walls. With such a layout is easy to observe the rule of the triangle: washing and plate positioned on one side and a refrigerator - to another.

The kitchen takes up space and allows us to expand into multiple storage systems, a large number of utensils and kitchen stuff, build appliances. Among the shortcomings noted only the complexity of placing a dining area. The two-row kitchen is no place for her, although the area for meals can be taken outside the kitchen area, slightly "shortening" headset length. Such a decision requires a thorough work on the project to design supplement each other.
Material kitchen units
The complex furniture for kitchen use several materials, as its individual components designed for different purposes. Elements of kitchen units can be grouped into the following groups:
- Housing and facades.
- Accessories.
- Table top (the same working area).
- Apron.

Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the various materials used by manufacturers.
The body and the kitchen facade
Housing and facade kitchen mostly made of wood or its derivatives (MDF, particle board, chipboard). They are a good combination of quality and price. Most of the furniture from the budget category is made of MDF and particleboard.
The sheets are easy to cut, it can be given any (even complex) form. Unfortunately, the material on the slices is strongly crumbles. After mounting the whole structure of carefully treated zakleivaya special veneer tape. The technology of gluing and laminating of PVC films give surfaces allows body facades and any texture. Most often, it simulates fine wood.
See also:Placement and installation of sockets in the kitchen

Parallel to this, the film protects the surface from aggressive food climate. Unfortunately, particleboard and fibreboard can not be considered sustainable. In any furniture has a lifetime, but in comparison with solid wood in chipboard and MDF, he is very short. Wood for kitchen units less frequently used.
Its cost is higher, but the furniture is a more soundly. To protect the facades, they are often coated with a layer of acrylic or plastic film in general is made of impact-resistant, hardened glass. It can be transparent or opaque. If the glass is complemented by chrome elements, such headsets perfect flow into the kitchen in the style of high-tech.
There is another option for mixed fronts of kitchen furniture, consisting of aluminum frames and inserts made of wood, MDF, glass and plastic. Metal "skeleton" provides structural strength and durability, but does not create extra loads since lightweight aluminum material.
The three leaders of materials, of which perform countertops include:
- Wood. Eco-friendly, stylish option that never goes out of fashion. The tree should be handled with special compounds that prevent its swelling and deformation of the systematic contact with moisture and high temperatures.
- Ceramic tile. Now this option is not used very often, but it is in perfect harmony with an apron of the same material. If you pick up the color with a difference of a couple of similar tones and texture, the countertop and apron will be one set in kitchen set.
- Natural stone (marble, granite, quartz). These countertops will last a very long time. They are not afraid of absolutely nothing and will stand any test: heat, cold, humidity, regular cleaning.

With a small gap from the leading trio settled: stainless steel, artificial stone, glass, MDF, chipboard and plastic. They are not as durable (with the exception of glass and stainless steel), but at the same time encouraging potential buyers affordable prices.
kitchen apron
Kitchen apron - the area between the wall and floor mounted constructions, which closes a special coating. The material should be easy to wash, to maintain regular contact with household cleaning products, not to respond to the rise in temperature. As a rule, aprons stretched along the entire furniture set, capturing the sink, work area and tile. These three areas are considered to be the dirtiest. Kitchen apron make out using the following materials:
- Ceramic tile. Unconditional leader of the list. "Quickly and permanently" - that is her motto. Tile is not afraid of almost nothing but severe mechanical damage, which can lead to a split tiles. A wide range of colors and textures allows you to choose the original version just for your kitchen, which will be combined with the style and color palette premises headset.
- Tile or mosaic tiles. Material made of ceramic, granite or stone, glass. It consists of numerous small units, but is sold to the already assembled on the grid matrix. Mosaic tile - strong, durable and reliable protection for the wall.
- Metal. Apron made of stainless steel. She is not afraid of water, heat and cleaning agents. The disadvantages of the material is only the "soiled" - on the surface immediately fingerprints, fat droplets and drip water. Metal apron have to be cleaned regularly.
- Natural and artificial stone. Durable and strong materials. If you use natural granite or marble, it is better to choose the same table top in tone to set looked harmoniously.
- Glass. Transparent fabric will be a perfect protection for "soft" finish: wallpaper, photo collages, panoramas. The material is not afraid of anything, except cleaners with an abrasive effect, which will leave micro-scratches on the surface. Glass is the same brand as the metal. It requires frequent cleaning.

Much less to the apron using PVC panels and laminated MDF or chipboard. They serve smaller tiles or stone, but provide an opportunity to the owners to change the part design without spending a couple of years after repair.
Internal filling and accessories
Internally content (in this case, the dryer and pallets) fittings and small (handles, hinges, shelf supports, corners) be made of solid and durable material. It is best suited for this role metal, but if it comes, for example, on the handles, then you can consider other options:
- Wood.
- Glass.
- Plastic.
- Any material with a further coating of the skin.

For dryers pallet corners, latches, hinges, usually stainless steel selected.
choice of style
The style of cuisine is chosen solely on the basis of the preferences of the owners home. Any design trends are applicable for this room.
By popular styles include the following, to which is attached a short description of their characteristic features:
- Loft. Brick, "threads" of communications, some metal and original lighting.
- Scandinavian style. The combination of blue sky and white snow surface glossy facades, glass, cold light.
- Modern. Restraint, minimum decor, flowing lines, rounded forms, an original combination of stone, wood and glass or plastic.
- Classic. Luxury, bright texture wooden surfaces ornate inlay, stucco, massive chandelier, gilding and expensive textiles.
- High tech. Stal, chrome surface gloss, glass, and a combination of cold light gray, black, white in the color palette.

For cozy kitchen without pretensions to luxury suit more simple and unobtrusive subnet country (rustic style): Russian, Spanish, Mediterranean (Greek), French Provence. They all have in common the use of natural materials (wood, metal) and a whole range of methods for aging surfaces.
See also:Kitchen design in a private house 130 interior photo ideas
The combination of colors in the kitchen space
The design of the kitchen can be any color, but in certain quantities. If it's a warm and bright colors (red, orange, yellow), they must be balanced with pastel colors. For cool colors (blue, indigo, violet), it is better to choose, as opposed to warm notes.
You need to combine colors in one of the generally accepted principles:
- Complementary. color-combination of opponents in the Itten circle.
- Similar. There are three colors that are adjacent to each other in the Itten circle.
- Monochrome. Use one color of the circle of Itten and several shades.
- The classic triad. The combination of the three colors, which sectors are the vertices of a triangle inside a circle of Itten.
- Classic notebook. The colors are calculated on a similar principle as in the triad, but using a rectangle instead of a triangle.

If you decide to try your own way of combining colors, keep in mind that the designers do not recommend use in the interior more than seven colors. The more colors will be used, the less bright they must be.
Tips for location technology
Exaction technology and its location - one of the stages of the process of kitchen equipment. The most important are the vertices of the triangle, composed of boards, refrigerators and washing-sink.
Between the tops must be kept away within 1.2-2.7, and the sum of all the sides of the triangle should get. In the range of 4-8 m If this rule is neglected, the kitchen is crowded, move between the three zones - uncomfortable.
In addition to the work triangle, in a technical stuffing kit for the kitchen may include:
- Hood, responsible for high-quality ventilation. Located over the stove.
- Microwave (oven, oven). Placed either in a special niche, or corner table top.
- Coffee (coffee), kettle. Usually placed on the table.
- Food processors, blenders, toasters, steamers, bread machine. Usually they hide in niches and shelves headset.
- Dishwasher. Embedded in the set and masked facade.

The kit can be supplemented by other appliances, which uses the hostess, but the most massive have already been listed above, therefore, it provides space inside the headset on the shelves for additional technical contrivances or in boxes.
Lighting and light
lighting system in the kitchen is divided into three zones:
- Summary (ceiling light).
- Working or local (lights above the tabletop).
- Sometimes added a third zone, where it is used decorative lights. (Usually around the room, around a space or furniture contour).
Plan coverage is necessary only after the purchase of kitchen units. When the furniture is arranged, it is easier to calculate the correct location. Adjustable lighting - the last "squeak" interior fashion, so setting the dimmer will be a nice bonus. It will allow the evening "turn off" light, giving rest your weary eyes, and in the morning on the contrary, make it brighter, so cheer up.

For the kitchen used for various types of lighting (overhead, bus, spotlights, LED lights, incandescent bulbs in the chandeliers), as long as they have a solid, waterproof housing.
Feng Shui in the kitchen
Now let us turn to the ancient Taoist practices, a set of rules of harmonious design of the space on which to freely walk Qi energy flows. What does Feng Shui on the kitchen interior? First of all, this room symbolizes abundance and wealth, and even according to the Taoist practice, it is among the most important.
It plays an important role with respect to the location of the kitchen to other rooms and the front door. It is clear that the owners of the apartments can not be choosers, but those who have just started to build their own home, it is necessary to place it away from the hallway or foyer. A person entering the house, must not rest against the threshold gaze into the open kitchen.

According to Feng Shui this arrangement contributes to the "brain" of usable energy, which is responsible for the welfare and prosperity. Remedy the situation, you can: install a door or hang a light curtain. Another option - to hang in the hallway a bright decor that will draw attention to themselves (picture, the composition of the ceramics on the table, mirror with light).
Experts in Feng Shui does not recommend to zone the kitchen with the help of the podium. Elevations floor "cut" qi flows though the tabs in the cascade waterfall, after which it "flows" chaotic. From the popular idea of using the podium to highlight the dining area also need to be abandoned. The kitchen in the first place should be the same on the level names with the dining room.

Plate can not be placed next to the window, as her fever, symbolizing the welfare of the family, will "leak" out. Avoid the use of mirror tiles and cumbersome decoration on the ceiling (massive chandeliers). Catchy, juicy red color of feng shui taboo falls under the kitchen. Do not clutter up the room. Ruthlessly get rid of unnecessary utensils, leaving only what is really used.
The kitchen design should take into account four components: color, line and form, texture and light. This is the "whales", upon which the art of design. If the project builds on the traditional recipe, season with his talent, add a couple of spoonfuls of imagination and a pinch of creativity, the result is an original dish. It can be a bit eclectic, extraordinary, different from other "restaurants" masterpieces from the best Chefs kitchen design, but it is sure to be a warm breeze from this culinary masterpiece and comfort.