In many industrial communications, as well as in the construction of residential premises are used asbestos or asbestos cement pipes. Wide popularity of the use of products contributes to their high wear resistance to various adverse factors. In addition, asbestos pipes wide range of sizes with different diameter and length.
The materials used in the manufacture of
The main materials used in the production, are cement and asbestos fibers. To obtain asbestos fiber, asbestos previously crushed. The resulting powder mass separated into fibers and added to the cement slurry.
The number of fibers in the solution does not exceed 15% by weight, but because this is a material having low weight and low thermal conductivity. Reinforcing concrete asbestos solution makes it possible to receive the material strength 40% higher than conventional concrete products.

Types and use of asbestos cement pipes
Depending on the conductivity of the fluid pressures asbestos cement products are divided into two types: pressure and gravity. In turn, industry produces four kinds of pressure pipes having the following notation:
- VT6 - calculated pressure 0.6 MPa;
- VT9 - withstands pressures of 0.9 MPa;
- BT12 - checking the pressure medium conducted to 1.2 MPa;
- VT15 - maximum pressure of 1.5 MPa.
Scope pressureless pipes as follows:
- in the manufacture of water supply pipe network of residential homes;
- for use as pipes for chimneys;
- in drainage manifolds and for laying sewer systems;
- as foundation piles during installation of prefabricated houses in flooded unstable soils when applied asbestos pipe diameter more than 200mm;
- electric and telephone cables are placed inside the laying of small diameter of the product to protect against damage and isolation.

The use of asbestos in the flue pipe with caution, especially if the heat output of smoke. Such chimneys of the high temperature may crack and rubber seals which provide sealing compound burn.
Furthermore, on the walls occurs a large accumulation of soot and condensation, which also weakens its durability and reduce the thrust furnace. If the source of the fire is at a great distance, the use of asbestos products it can be assumed.
Equally extensive scope flowline:
- Transportation of gas, water and oil products;
- installation of ventilation systems;
- systems for use with hot medium conducted to the tolerable temperature to 115ºS;
- the laying of sewage pressure systems and everything for water wells.
Pressure pipes from pressureless different thicknesses and size of inside diameter. In non-pressure piping wall thickness is performed with the dimensions 7... 18 mm, and the pressure at 9... 43.5 mm. The inner diameter of the first case is 50... 500 mm, and in the second case to 600 mm.
Important! Low thermal conductivity and the ability to maintain long pursued temperature environment conducive to their widespread use in heating systems. In accordance with SNIP, these products are allowed to be used even for drinking water supply systems.
Dimensions of asbestos-cement pipes
Non-pressure pipes are available in lengths of 4 or 5 meters. Other dimensions are specified in the table.

Pressure pipes have a length of 5 meters, the dimensions given in the table below.

The main advantages and disadvantages
Compared with metal pipes Asbestos-cement products have a number of advantages, especially resistance to corrosion and operation lasting more than 40 years without repair and replacement. include the following factors Other benefits:
- Easy installation of pipelines for laying the track. They should not be welded or threaded fittings to connect.
- It does not require additional insulation because of the low thermal expansion coefficient.
- The possibility of piping in any type of soil.
- High resistance to external load causes their use where tracks pass under roads with regular traffic.
- During operation, no maintenance required.
- On the inner walls are formed of increase, narrowing the inner diameter.

Laying of sewerage
If the water supply pipe is made, then eventually wall becomes stronger due to compaction of the cement component. According to research by scientists in several countries, the use of such products for drinking water is safe for human use. In case of contact with the inside of the body asbestos particles, it is rapidly excreted from the body without any harm.
Well, the main drawback of asbestos cement materials is their brittleness. They can easily be damaged during transport or careless unloading stroke heavy object. To avoid this, we must take care to preserve their integrity during transport and installation.
Cutting asbestos piping
When installing asbestos systems often there is a need in the segment size of the product. This operation is performed using a grinder with diamond disk set.

cutting grinder
Initially marked up the required length of the cut, and the risk is applied around the perimeter. To cutting the product does not move it is necessary to fix, but not in the grip, as you can inadvertently squeeze surface. If you have an assistant, you can hold his hands, or set to lock between the two bars.
When cutting the formed minute asbestos dust, which is unhealthy inhalation. To protect against dust should be put on a respirator or dust mask and eye glasses. Cutting can produce diamond disc of any diameter, for sequentially turning product availability disk.
Compounds and methods of installation
Pipeline can be done manually with small diameters up to 100 mm, and should be used for large construction equipment sizes. If the installation is carried out by gravity sewer system, the pipes must be installed with a slope in accordance with SNIP, and lie completely on the ground.

All the necessary requirements for the technology: how to asbestos pipes must be connected to each other, and how to adhere to certain rules are as follows:
- The connection between pipes is performed by means of connecting sleeves. The couplings are made grooves for the insertion of sealing rubber rings. This type of connection ensures a tight coupling with a docking tube that provides sealing at design pressure.
- When installing pipes with a diameter greater than 150 mm is necessary to provide a gap between the joined elements. This is necessary to eliminate the possibility of installing additional expansion joints along its length.
- Asbestos pipes must have the entire length of the support, not allowed to have voids that could lead to a pipeline deformation.
- When using the products for heating hot when the maximum temperature is greater than 100 ° C is increased wall size due to heating. To not damage the rubber seal are deformed pipe end by 0.2 mm.
To connect pipes up to 150 mm is used plastic sleeve. To install the coupling it is heated using a hair dryer building, and then put on a junction. The clutch is cooled and tightly pulls both ends, providing the necessary tightness. Instead of the hair dryer can use hot water, which lowers coupler PVC for 10 minutes.
Sometimes device sewage Housing necessity arises in connection with plastic pipes asbestos. Many do not know how to connect asbestos pipes with plastic, to avoid leaks. For such a connection is used a special fitting MAGNAPLAST, with it are joined dissimilar pressureless pipes 100... 300 mm. In the industry, this compound is used for laying communication cables in products.
When constructing flue to insulate asbestos product from contact with a high temperature, it is necessary to carry out connection asbestos pipes with metal. If products of different diameters, the use of different diameters pipe ends. One end should be equal to the diameter of the metal, and the other asbestos-cement pipe. On a metal pipe is welded and connected to the asbestos pipe standard coupling. Another option is facing the metal to a diameter size of the asbestos.
The estimated cost of products
Approximate cost of products depends on the form, diameter and destination tube. The price of some products listed below:
- The cost pressureless NW 100... 600 mm, length 3.95 m. 450... 2200 rubles, while the corresponding diameter clutch assembly price increases by 40-210 rubles.
- To discharge product from the pressure of 0.9 MPa nominal width 250 and a length of 5 m, the price will be 4300 rubles, while DN-400 has 7100 rubles.
- Price clutch, equipped with rubber rings, will be 260-950 rubles.
these prices are indicative, they can differ from region to region and the location and the season, but for the exemplary reckoning estimates may be used.
Asbestos-cement products are used in many industries and among private households. They are especially in demand in the regeneration of sewage systems, thus increasing the service life of such communications in several times.