Hydrangea on botanical classification refers to the family of the same name. Now the flowers bloom profusely in the gardens and majestically sit in pots on the windowsill, looking out of windows. In Europe, the hydrangea will be more than six centuries ago. Exotic plants were brought at different times from North America and Asia, France and England. As with any fancy, it cost a lot of money and fill up a collection of wealthy people only. In Europe, initially hydrangea was introduced only two colors: scarlet and white. Subsequently, thanks to the efforts of breeders, new colors appear inflorescences. Although hydrangea grows in large areas of North and South America, the Far East, Russia and Asia, the most widespread flower was in China and Japan. AT
Japan gave him the name adzisay, which translates to kanji, as "purple sunny flower." The most lush thickets of hydrangeas can be seen in the ancient Japanese city, one of the former capitals of the country - Kamakura. In addition to the statues of Buddha and numerous Shinto shrines, there Meygetsu-in or Adzisay-dera, which translates as "Temple of Hydrangeas". The complex was established in 1160 and during this time carefully building surrounded by bright blue clouds inflorescence hydrangea varieties Princess. In early summer, the temple turns into a huge fragrant garden, which attracts tourists. Now get such magnificence for your home is easy. Let's learn about the vagaries of hydrangea garden, especially the cultivation and species classification.
- particularly hydrangea
Species and varieties
- Hydrangea macrophylla or garden
- Hydrangea paniculata
- Hydrangea Bretschneider or Groundcover
- Hydrangea petiolate scansorial
- Hydrangea ashen or gray
- Hydrangea
- oakleaf hydrangea
- Hydrangea radiata
- Hydrangea serrate
- Hydrangea Sargent
Features of cultivation and care of hydrangea in the open field
- The choice of location, soil preparation and planting bush
- Watering, fertilizing and mulching
- cutting rules
- What should I do to change the color of the inflorescence
- Preparing for winter
- Fighting against diseases and pests of hydrangeas
- breeding Methods
- What to plant next to hydrangea - select partners and associates
Hydrangea in the landscaped garden and a suburban area
- Hydrangea and styles
- Creating flower beds with hydrangea
- conclusion
particularly hydrangea
The exact age of the hydrangeas until it could not be established. Scientists sometimes give fantastic numbers in the tens of millions of years. A reason for such statements they have: independent excavations in different continents have shown that the seeds of plants preserved in the interior of the earth since the time of the Cenozoic era. The first botanist who introduced the general public with hydrangea, was John Bartram. Self-taught enthusiast, he independently organized an expedition in the Appalachian Mountains in 1732, where he opened not one new species of plants that had previously been unknown to science. Among them was a hydrangea tree. It was her first brought to the Old World from the New. European name "hydrangea" plant gave the French botanist and naturalist Philibert Commerson. It comes from the Latin "hortus", which translates as "the garden." Subsequently, in a more recent classification hydrangea renamed «hydrangea», which translated from Greek means "a vessel of water." According to conventional wisdom, a new name was a flower because of the special form seed pods that resemble small jars. Although the official name has changed, and in textbooks hydrangea became known otherwise in use remained the same name, which he called the plant Commerson.
There is a legend that exotic flower botanist named in honor of his beloved, since in those days Hortense often called girls.

However, it was not possible to calculate because of the large number of "pretenders" who could stir the soul Commerson, true inspirer named Hortense among historical figures. Second home flower is considered Japan. Get a rare species in this country and take them to the Middle Ages, it was virtually impossible. Starting from 1639, it has become closed to foreigners. Enthusiasts had to get out, coming up with creative ways to export plants. Botanist Carl Thunberg and physician Philipp von Zibolts opened for the rest of the world has two varieties: Hydrangea paniculata and krupnolistuyu respectively. Last of its activities even paid a couple of years in Japanese prisons. After that, the doctor expelled from the country without the right of return, but he retained the same valuable sprouts and brought them to Holland. Parallel to China was introduced another variety that was named Hortense Joseph Banks in honor of the founder of Kew Gardens in England, where it was first planted.
Furor produced a novelty, after only a couple of years come to naught, and the flower undeservedly forgotten. However, forgetfulness did not last long (when compared with the age of the plant), just a couple of decades, and today we We can see a new boom in the beautiful hydrangea that delights inflorescences pomp and variety of colors.

Immediately after the appearance in the Old World, the first batch of flowers sold in private collections and personal greenhouses. Just a few germs have got to Belgium. In this country, in the Middle Ages flourished (in the figurative and literal sense of the word), the city of Ghent. Subsequently, he received an unofficial status of "City of Flowers". Several private farms for centuries cultivated the most unusual, exotic plants in Europe, which are then sold. Business went up the hill, as in vogue large greenhouses and winter gardens, which the rich decorated their mansions. And to this day, every five years, the Flower Festival held in Gent "Ghent Floralia". Grow hydrangea "industrial scale" here began at the beginning of the last century. Flower business was divided between several local families. Although greenhouses grow mainly indoor types, they repeatedly received top awards at various competitions and festivals.
Lush clusters of inflorescences, buried in the green leaves, is really worthy of attention of gardeners. In addition to the luxurious appearance, the flower has a sweet temper and practically does not show whims. The only thing without which hydrangea literally can not live, it's abundant watering. Water plant loves the sun but he developed a complex relationship: it will delight the flowers, brought forth, even in the shadow of the garden area. High bushes may fulfill the role of hedges on the site. The variety of colors and even different shades of inflorescences on the same bush, allow to bring new colors to the palette of the landscape and pick up the tone of the mood.

Species and varieties
The genus Hydrangea brings together several dozen species. Regarding their exact number of botanists no consensus. As usual, the scientific community does not cease debate: some species they want to merge into one, and the other on the contrary - divided on the basis of significant differences between the plants. Hydrangea grows not only in the form of shrubs, but also trees and even vines. Consider the top ten species, which have gained the greatest popularity among gardeners.
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Hydrangea macrophylla or garden
Hydrangea macrophylla or garden -. Shrub that can reach a height of 4 m has broad leaves with pointed tips, generously covering the branches. Pink flowers are collected in inflorescence-whisk. The cultivars also found blue and white color. Unlike other species of the genus Hydrangea, this plant loves the sun and it can be planted in areas with weak penumbra. It is this kind, despite the "garden" title, actively planted in pots and set up on the window sills. It prefers medium and slightly acidic soil. Depending on their acidity can change the color of inflorescences. To maintain the plants, which were planted in alkaline soil, experts recommend watering it with a solution of salt content. It has low resistance to frost, because of which in the open field grows only in the south of Russia. In other regions, it is grown in closed greenhouses and conservatories. Increase the hardiness of plants is possible only with proper care and abundant watering during the summer. Inflorescences are formed on old wood, so keep them - the main task of the gardener. If you still take the risk and put hydrangea in an open ground in the middle lane, then the winter will have to secure the bush cover. You can use the same materials as for the delicate garden roses. It grows fast, well propagated by cuttings.

Hydrangea paniculata
Hydrangea paniculata -. Shrubs and trees, which can grow to a height of 10 m On this form, native to Asia, we have mentioned earlier. The natural habitat paniculate hydrangea - China, Japan and the Far East of Russia. Although the crown from ornamental trees wide enough, their roots lie not deep, only 0.5-1 m in the soil column. It prefers loose forest soils.
Mainly grows on forest edges and clearings. Inflorescence, unlike the garden hydrangea, have the shape of pyramids in diameter and may be up to 25 cm. The leaves of trees elongated, densely cover the branches. White flowers bloom in late June and fade at the end of October. Interestingly, the fruit-bearing buds which are disposed in the middle of the cluster, early fall and sterile framing "pyramid", eventually partly rozoveyut and hold until the first frost. Hydrangea paniculata is very fast in growth, if climatic conditions contribute to this. Well propagated by cuttings. If hydrangea planted with the seed, the first bloom can be seen only in the fourth year of growth.
The plant prefers acidic or neutral soils. Negatively reacts to impurities in the form of ash, chalk and lime. To grow a tree, twice in the summer with hydrangeas remove the buds on side shoots.

Hydrangea Bretschneider or Groundcover
Hydrangea Bretschneider got its name in honor of the Russian botanist and geographer. Bushes may have a crown diameter and 3 m in height and stretched to 4 m as Hydrangea macrophylla. In the middle latitudes Russia may freeze. It blooms throughout the summer and early autumn. It has wide, very large (the largest in the family) leaves a slightly elongated shape with the characteristic "notches" along the contour. The flowers are large, too, are collected in the typical for most types of brushes, but less lush than the hydrangea garden, or paniculate. It has a shallow root system.
Inflorescences in early bloom in white, then darken and become rich-purple. Leaves, originally having a milky-green tint, and subsequently darkens to September become dark brown. It prefers acidic or neutral soils. Like the other members of the species, he loves much water, but not grow in the shade. The plant should be fed the compositions rich in iron and magnesium. Pruning is carried out in the spring before the sap flow. Weak shoots are removed to a well-developed site. If the moment was lost with cutting and sap flow has already begun, then remove weak shoots and podmerzshie possible after discharging leaves. It looks great in mixborders and as a hedge. He gets along well with perennials.
Inflorescence hydrangea Bretschneider well keep their shape after drying, so they are often used as components in dry flowers or decorative compositions.

Hydrangea petiolate scansorial
Hydrangea petiolate scansorial - a unique form of braiding, which does not have a trunk. If we compare the plant with other members of the genus, the flower is very unpretentious. All he needs is abundant watering and space for Wild Growth. Has broad leaves and white blossoms, gathered in the lush brush. Hydrangea Chereshkovaya hardy, but the young shoots of the first couple of years of better shelter for the winter.
Classified into several grades: kordifoliya, petiolaris, Miranda, curly vine. It prefers partial shade. Ideal for the decoration of facades, porches, verandas, gazebos, pergolas and patios. Can easily replace vines, hops, ivy or clematis. Planted in slightly acidic soil. Often becomes a target for pests. It has a poorly developed, shallow root system. It requires systematic feeding (especially in the early years). Well propagated by cuttings and by means of taps. Cuttings are cut off in the middle of spring and bends near a bush just dropwise in advance podkormlennuyu soil.

Hydrangea ashen or gray
Hydrangea Ash got its name from the gray shade of leaves on the reverse side. It has a large white brush inflorescences. Cultivars can be blue or pink. Home to the ashy hydrangea is considered North America. In our country, the plant has not gained wide popularity, although its flowering period takes almost three months (July to September). It prefers slightly acidic and neutral soils. Not tolerate lime impurities or too dense soil, wetlands. She loves much water, partial shade.
Bushes may reach a height of 2 m. They have wide crown. They require regular pruning, without which attain running and well-groomed appearance. During trimming form the strongest branches, which will become "skeleton" of the bush. Subsequently, the shoots are cut immediately after the swelling of the buds, then fed the plants. Young bushes desirable to cover the winter.

Hydrangea tree is widespread in the vast North America. Shrubs grow up to 3 meters in height. broad leaves and buds are collected in a lush white brush. The plant is hardy and can survive short dry season. It prefers moist soil. The weak point of the tree hydrangea - sensitivity to drafts.
In the garden, for it is better to pick a quiet place in the shade, surrounded by natural barriers, which will not allow to roam winds. The flowering period extends from mid-July to October. In the conditions of the Russian climate may freeze. Every year in late spring pruning should be carried out almost at the root shoots. Subsequently they can be used as cuttings. To promote health hydrangea recommended to pour it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate along the barrel.
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oakleaf hydrangea
Oakleaf hydrangea, like Ash, originally from the southern regions of North America. View refers to nezimostoykim, so in our latitudes is not grown in the open field, but perfect for a closed greenhouse. It has the luxury pyramid "clusters" of inflorescences and large leaves with serrated blades, similar to grapes. By the fall foliage becomes crimson and purple.
Inflorescence initially white, towards the end of the period of flowering turn pink. It prefers slightly acidic soil. Allowed landing in alkali, but with the introduction of proper acidic dressing. It can not tolerate even short periods of drought. It requires regular, copious irrigation. It prefers partial shade with a light, diffused light. Oakleaf hydrangea is necessary to fertilize twice a year: in early spring and just before flowering. In winter, the bushes need to cover.
You can use the spruce branches. Shrubs in height more than 1 m must be tied up to supports to the snow with their weight is not broke branches.

Hydrangea radiata
This species is also native to North America. It has low resistance to frost, so in central Russia is not grown in the open field. Shrub reaches 2 m in height. It has lush brush inflorescences, painted in white. The leaves are large, with the characteristic small serrated and elongated tip. Cover the branches evenly. The flowering period is quite short (July-August). Compared to other members of the species, Hydrangea radiata boasts the fastest growth rates.
In Russia, it survives only in the southern regions. In winter, it is sure to harbor not only the ground part of the plant, but also the delicate root system. The process of growing seed hydrangea radiant very laborious. The soil is prepared since autumn. Young shoots are subsequently have to regularly feed, shelter from the freezing nights. Planting seedlings is much easier: they are sufficient promulchirovat, sprinkle generously defended water and feed. He loves partial shade and slightly acidic soil.

Hydrangea serrate
Hydrangea serrate - lush bush, which reaches a height of 1.5 m Leaves small, spindle-shaped with a sharp tip.. At the beginning of flowering are saturated, dense green color. Inflorescences collected in loose brush. Can change color depending on the acidity of the soil. In slightly acidic ground fruit-bearing core flowers are a deep shade of blue, and the barren edges - blue with white border. Also found a beautiful purple color. Before flowering sterile flowers turn pink at the edges of the brush. The flowering period lasts from July to September. If the climate is not suitable to the plant or it did not receive proper care, this period is reduced to August. The most popular variety is considered serrated hydrangea Blue Bird. Inflorescence "Blue Birds" have an unusual blue-violet-purple color. Like most members of the genus, serrated hydrangea prefers slightly acidic soils, a place with ambient light and abundant watering.
When growing in the open field in central Russia, the plant is necessary to cover for the winter. In the southern regions of the additional insulation is not required, but in the absence of extreme temperatures. In addition to grafting, Hydrangea serrate well propagated by division. The bush is completely dug out from the ground and separated into two parts, with the proviso that the resumption of the kidney remain on each.

Hydrangea Sargent
Sargent hydrangea - luxurious, tall shrub native to China. It was named in honor of the eminent American botanist who was the first director of the botanical garden at Harvard University. The bush can reach a height of 4 m. Has rigid branches coated fibers. The leaves are large, velvety slightly elongated shape. Inflorescence flowers are collected in the form of flat umbrellas. Are fruit-bearing saturated magenta, and sterile at the edges - white color. For a species characterized by a short flowering period from early July until early August.
In central Russia fruit boxes do not have time to ripen. Independently hydrangea grow from seed it is practically impossible, so it propagated vegetatively (cuttings and slips). In the winter shrubs carefully sheltering. The ground part of the plant is very often freezes, but with proper care quickly restored. It prefers acidic and slightly acidic soil. It requires abundant watering, as well as other kinds of hydrangeas.

Features of cultivation and care of hydrangea in the open field
As we mentioned earlier, this plant can not be assigned to a category capricious. For example, if you compare it with the queen of flowers - rose, which is sensitive to any change in climate or to schedule maintenance, the hydrangea gentle and unpretentious lady. Irregular watering - the only thing with which she will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Several varieties of hydrangeas can withstand short-term drought, but it is rather an exception to the rule. As for any other flower garden, caring for it should be implemented according to certain rules, which we met on.

The choice of location, soil preparation and planting bush
Planted hydrangea recommend spring. The soil can be prepared in the fall, carefully loosen it and adding fertilizer. Since all kinds of hydrangeas (even trees) surface root system, that is, processes do not penetrate deeply into the soil, preferring to stretch apart sufficiently pit depth of 0.7 m. The location must be reliably protected against wind. Direct sunlight will force the bush to dry, so it is best to choose a penumbra. Possibly it is growing near a tall tree with a broad crown. The scattered light that is absorbed through the leaves - the best option for hydrangeas.
The plant prefers loose, acidic or slightly acidic soil. you need to fill up the peat and fertilizers in the excavated hole. Its width should be twice the size of the root system of seedlings. It is removed from the pot a good shake and fall asleep soil mixed with compost. Clod with a seedling should slightly rise above the ground. Ram soil, watering and mulching.

Watering, fertilizing and mulching
In adults bushes at a time was poured to 50 l of water. If the soil around the hydrangea zamulchirovat, the volume can be reduced. During the summer, the ground around the bush need to loosen (to a depth of 5 cm) for at least three or four times. During flowering shoots withered must be promptly removed. Fertilizing the bush is carried out twice a year: in spring and after flowering period. For these purposes, buy special compositions which are balanced specifically for hydrangeas. Mulch the ground better than the fir needles or shredded bark.

cutting rules
During the first four years (up to the first flowering) hydrangea does not undercut. For the fifth year in early spring, immediately after the swelling of the buds, twigs are cut by about a third. You need to leave from three to six buds. general it is impossible for oakleaf hydrangea pruning, because it blooms on old wood.

What should I do to change the color of the inflorescence
Color hydrangea inflorescences can change himself. On this particular flower, we have already mentioned: the plant reacts to changes in the acidity of the soil, resulting in a change of petal colors. To temporarily repainted in blue, hydrangea enough to pour a weak solution of manganese. Inflorescence return to white color immediately after the termination of irrigation. To obtain blue tint bush watered with a weak solution of alum or aluminum sulfate. A solution with lower concentration of ferrous sulfate will change color to violet.
In fact, the color change is not the petals themselves, and their veins, that is, the tint is not a uniform.

Preparing for winter
The soil around the bushes need to hill and zamulchirovat. Then cut off the faded shoots and lower leaves. Pruning promotes stem lignification of the last, that is, the formation of natural protection from frost. Paniculata and Hydrangea ground cover can not cover for the winter. These two types are the most hardy. The rest will have to additionally insulate. You can use the spruce branches, or non-woven fabric. If the bush is high, its tie to the support that the branch did not break under the weight of snow. The procedure was carried out covering in early October, just after the first frost timid. Very young shrubs just poured a mixture of soil and fallen leaves.
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Fighting against diseases and pests of hydrangeas
Hortense fairly resistant to disease, but at the wrong care or unsuitable conditions can begin to wither. The two main dangers for the flower - chlorosis and fungal diseases (white and gray mold). The first disease develops when the iron is too low. If shoots wither, the leaves turn yellow and curl, and inflorescences are deformed, it's time to energize the bush with a solution containing iron. White rot and gray mold are fungus diseases, which first hit the root system. The first sign of infection - a characteristic fuzz on the trunk and branches. Special treat diseases with fungicides. Damaged branches pruned.
Less commonly affects hydrangea septoria spot. The first sign of the disease - the appearance of black spots on the leaves. As they advanced stage hit and twigs. If time does not stop the progression of the disease, the plant lishivsheesya foliage dies. Septoria spot treated with drugs containing copper in the composition. Powdery Mildew also appears in the spots on the leaves, but light gray. If the bush will be struck by the disease, it can not survive the winter. Treat mildew fungicides special.

breeding Methods
There are four ways of reproduction of hydrangea:
- Cuttings.
- The division of the bush.
- Slips.
- Seeds.
The last option is the most time-consuming and is only suitable for professional gardeners, who are "the dog ate" in this craft. Newcomer had better pay attention to the first three methods. The division of the bush, which we have already mentioned above, is simple: the plant carefully dig and divide into two parts. On each side the roots must remain the resumption of the kidney. They were then put in two different holes. Cuttings - the most popular method of plant propagation. The adult bush pinch off process. The highest quality obtained cuttings from lateral branches. The cut should be done under the node or a kidney. Cuttings tied into bundles, cut off unwanted leaves, leaving each one with two kidneys.

Bottom beam treated with a growth factor. They are planted in the ground at an angle drained. Rooted cuttings are usually for a month at a temperature of 15-25 degrees. Cuttings carried out in mid-summer. Cuttings for propagation, lateral branches of the parent bush bends to the ground and prishpilivayut, prikopalis in shallow wells. Pre on the branches need to make cuts, which are inserted in the match. Such tissue damage to promote accelerated formation of roots. Pinned shoots sprinkled with a mixture of peat and soil. They need to be watered regularly. After the formation of a full root system of plants can be separated from the mother and transplanted to another location.
What to plant next to hydrangea - select partners and associates
Hydrangeas perfectly with lilac bushes. Large plant buds in harmony with each other, emphasizing the pomp and solemnity, even slight clearance. Small flowers spiraea and chubushnika - another supplement option for brushes hydrangeas. Since all species are moisture-loving bushes can be planted near the pond. In this zone, they are combined with thickets of Bergenia and Astilbe. Another option group planting - a combination with other shrubs as part of the hedge (boxwood, cotoneaster, juniper). You can experiment and sit next to hydrangea flowers "royal blood": lilies or roses. For trudging species as a neighbor approach clematis or ivy.

Hydrangea in the landscaped garden and a suburban area
Hydrangea, thanks to its ruggedness, the wealth of shapes and colors became popular in landscape design. And of another flower is still possible to change the color of your own mood or a palette registration site? It often occurs as part of mixborders, rock gardens, decorative compositions and as a hedge. Hortense is suitable for groups and for individual plants. Versatility, beauty, long flowering period, easy care - these are the very qualities for which the landscape designers appreciate this flower.

Hydrangea and styles
Hydrangea universal. It can be integrated into any stylistic decision. Spoil the plot colors can be used only if they have a slovenly, unkempt appearance. Hydrangea is perfect for the Japanese ethnic style. The minimalist design of it was always a welcome guest. Lush blossoms complement the diversity of the garden, country-style, modern, naturgarden, ethnics. The last group of areas worthy of special attention. Hydrangea organically poured in chaotic, lush plantings Moorish style, and the restrained, strict English composite ensembles.

Creating flower beds with hydrangea
Low, neatly trimmed shrubs hydrangeas suitable for neat flower beds near the house and along the tracks. High plantings become free composition center ridges, mixborders or live fencing tape. Since hydrangea - perennial flowerbed flowering continuous need to protect low-growing conifers, which set off the brilliance of "core" of the composition. The place for a flower garden is cleaned of weeds, dig and fertilize. Combine the components of the composition need for shade and height. If the bed is adjacent to a fence or other barrier, that is a one-way, first planted tall plants, moving gradually to the fact that below. If the flower is located at the center (for example, between the garden path), the highest in the center of a flower.

Hydrangea - amazing flower with a long history. Although we have long ceased to be considered as it is exotic, the plant continues to conquer the hearts of gardeners combination of simplicity and sophistication. If you are just starting out in the garden, you have little experience in the cultivation of green spaces, the unpretentious hydrangea will be a good option for the first experiment.