Children's plaid with the hare: the scheme for knitting different options

Every mother wants the best baby mother. Of course, bed linen, where the child, deserves attention will sleep. It is necessary to choose high-quality material, attractive color, to check the fabric wash fastness.

Beautiful crib for baby

Beautiful baby cot for a cozy little bed and unusual blanket

Complement the decor of the bed soft, comfortable, pleasant blanket. Undecided in choosing a model shop - tie blanket alone. Thing made with their own hands - better than purchased.

Baby Soft for baby

Baby Soft baby to "bunny" with individual ears and tail

The most popular version suitable kids - children's blanket with the hare. Product scheme is quite simple, it is easy to be able to understand a beginner needlewoman.

Driving Bunny

Scheme Bunny for knitting plaid

Bunny ears

Scheme for knitting lugs Bunny

white hare

White hare on a light green rug on the diagram


  • 1 Materials for knitting
  • 2 Creating a "merino" Children's plaid wool
    • 2.1 options covered
  • 3 Video: Plaid with the hare: as I was knitting. Express master class.
  • 4 50 beautiful and original blankets with bunnies for the kids:

Materials for knitting

  • Spokes. You must select a convenient spokes that comfortable to work long term. For example, conventional metal needles, circular. There are dimensions of the tool.
    A variety of spokes

    A variety of knitting needles

  • Yarn. You need to decide what the seasonal period the product will be used? The response will be the starting point. There are many different brands of yarn. The main thing to pay attention to the tactile sensation, the effect of washing on the yarn. Please note, specialty shops have the yarn brand, intended for children's textiles.
    Yarn for knitting

    Yarn for knitting blankets and children's clothes

    merino wool

    Merino wool - perfect yarn for knitting warm blanket

  • Scheme. We need to find on the Internet, choose the right scheme. After reading the reviews, recommendations needlewomen - to finalize the draft by making individual adjustments.
    Scheme cute rabbits

    Driving a cute bunny knitting children's products

    Another hare scheme

    Another scheme, suitable for crocheting or embroidery bunny

  • Picture. Create a rough drawing of the finished product. It is important to register the salient points that need attention. For example, places of transition from one color to another, the type of knit fineness, number of loops, outline, passes. Select color.
Scheme small bunny

The circuit for the small light spot from separate fragments plaid

Plaid, knitted crocheted

Plaid, knitted crochet pattern with an interesting "Bunny"

Squares with Bunny

Scheme knitting squares with bunny

Fancy Bunny

Unusual bunnies on the lawn

Scheme for knitting plaid with bunny

Scheme for knitting plaid bunny with carrot, which is knitted separately

Bunny with carrot

The original motifs from Baby Soft "Bunny with carrot"

Motives for plaid

Scheme knitting individual motifs with hares for plaid

Ready kids plaid bunny

Ready bunny plaid children associated with their hands

Creating a "merino" Children's plaid wool

Interactive plaid wool

Interactive plaid merino wool with zveryata best suited for delicate baby skin

This blanket will love your child. There is an opportunity to touch, scratch with a finger, hares chew. It has a relatively smooth structure comprises not too convex, three-dimensional parts. Be sure - the child nothing can tear off and swallow. On the child's body does not remain clear print bedspreads, appearing when the child was lying on it. Touching it, you feel a pleasant sensation. It absorbs moisture and is breathable. Child comfortably underneath.


Children's plaid wool merinos "bunny" suit for boy and girl

options covered

  • Plaid toy. To warm the child and at the same time lure toy, you must associate the veil containing these components. The main part of the relief patterns formed appliances having facial and purl loops. Separately, knitted toy, having a head and forelegs favorite animal. Parts are connected.
    Children plaid Komforter-Bunny

    Children plaid Komforter-Bunny promotes tactile stimulation of the baby

  • Plaid with back hare. Attractive presence convex parts - ears, tail rabbit. Complemented by satin ribbons, buttons, badges, interesting details.
    Plaid children with back bunnies

    Plaid Bunny kids with back and tactile ears and tail

  • Plaid with cleft muzzle. Obverse contain animal muzzle lying under a blanket. Suitable needle women who knows various knitting techniques. It requires painstaking, hard work.
    Plaid Bunny with a muzzle

    The original pink plaid with a muzzle Bunny

  • Bilateral plaid. Decorate the nursery bed, it will be a long warm child. It fits in a few contrasting colors. Hare occupies the lower right corner. You can change its location, supplement it with new accessories.
Double-sided blanket with bunny

Double-sided blanket with bunny made of a special children's yarn

Knitted plaid hooded "Bunny"

Knitted plaid hooded "Bunny" will love kiddies older

The important point is to determine the size of the finished product. Little knit faster, but it will last a little time - the kids are growing rapidly. It should focus on the average size - 90 x 90 cm.

"Bunny with a bow

Blanket-blanket knitted "bunny with a bow"

It is better to create a product having a size of blankets - 100 x 140 cm. The veil will be used for a long time without losing the main qualities.

Video: Plaid with the hare: as I was knitting. Express master class.

50 beautiful and original blankets with bunnies for the kids:

Blue plaid crochet with Bunny
Pink Plaid bunny for girls
A blanket with a checkerboard pattern and each small box bunny
Cheerful plaid squares with fragments-bunnies
Delicate pink plaid for a little girl
Delicate Baby Soft hare neutral gray
Plaid "Bunny-Scops Owl" handmade
Monochrome Set - blanket and pillow with bunnies
Unusual bunnies for baby plaid with their hands
Yellow knitted plaid zaychonku
Secure cotton plaid bunny
Knitted plaid Baby "Eared dreamer"
Children's blanket from merino gentle, light and warm
Blanket for the baby in the stroller, crib, for photo shoots
Green and white plaid with a clearing Zaikov
Kids crochet blanket with Bunny
Plaid crochet motifs patterned "Bunnies"
Beige plaid teddy bunny
Coral plaid knitted pattern "Bunny"
The original set of knitted - plaid and sweater
Large pink plaid fluffy Bunny
Plaid "Bunny" and pinetochki for little princess
Children plaid "bunny" for a peaceful and healthy babies sleep
The original knitted blanket of wool applique with cute bunny in the form
Small blanket in the stroller and lots of cute bunnies
Knitted plaid applique in the form of a hare with ears and a tail
Yellow plaid knitted hares
Beautiful blanket with a hare on a green background
Delicate pink plaid bunny for a little girl
Knitted blanket with a hare of yarn in two colors
White delicate gray plaid Bunny
Two-way knitted blanket for the baby or the baby
Beautiful blanket with a pair of rabbits
Gray rug hook for cots
Bunny with bulky legs and ears
Chic plaid bunny associated with love
Children plaid coffee color with Zaikov
Big plaid bunny on a path
Baby Soft fluffy soft for the baby with Bunny
Bunny for cute baby plaid
Blue knitted blanket for the baby
Plaid for the girls and a boy with a bunny
Blanket on a cot with bunny-Smeshariki
Blue plaid long-eared hare
Square pink plaid crochet motifs with "Bunny"
Plaid blanket with a beautiful bunny
Exclusive children's knitted plaid bunnies
Unusual handmade children's plaid