Laser engraving on glasses: glasses inscribed with the words, species

There is no limit to perfection. Here already and just the glasses, even from high-quality glass and beautiful form does not attract the attention of the majority. I want something new and unusual. Well, the glasses with the words - this is what you need.

Made engraving on glasses enables give festive look and capture ceremonial moments of a particular event.


  • 1 The history of engraving
  • 2 species
    • 2.1 Manual processing
    • 2.2 mechanical
    • 2.3 Laser
  • 3 Engraved with their hands
  • 4 VIDEO: Engraved wine glasses with their hands.
  • 5 50 photos of glasses with the original laser engraving:

The history of engraving

According to some reports, this unusual design objects more than three thousand years. It all started with the application drawings and inscriptions on the stones. Over time, as the base metal has been used, preferably copper.

engraving technique allows to put on a glass goblet label, picture or draw a small thumbnail.

Inscriptions made metal objects unique and beautiful, and in some cases served as protection against evil forces. Over time, the drawings appeared on glass surfaces.

Decoration on glass can be made for a gift for a wedding anniversary celebration.

Previously, to create the engraving it required a lot of time and effort. Today, this process is quite affordable and fast. Images are performed on the glass of different thicknesses and shapes. A range of offers drawings and inscriptions simply amazing.

In modern weddings is no longer relevant to break glasses. Usually the couple is stored on the memory glasses.

Modern items with engraving - is a great way to make a memorable gift exclusive (for example, personal glasses the wedding), to create a "personal" set of dishes for cafes and restaurants, or simply treat yourself interesting things with the family coat of arms.

Engraved on the glass allows to put festive pattern or inscription, which persist for a long time.

Particularly impressive look walled cups to engravings resembling frost. They are often used as candleholders.

This accessory will make any home comfortable.


Previously, this design was carried out by hand using very "modest" set of tools. It is worth noting that the image is not always a work of art.

To perform engraving on wedding glasses selected pattern, inscription, making wine glass with wedding a work of art.

Today the situation has changed radically. Thanks to modern technology, there are several ways to decorate glass objects. A picture obtained in this way, truly beautiful and unique.

For engraving on wine glasses of thin glass using laser deposition.

Manual processing

For such use engraving diamond burs, by which and is patterned on the glass surface. Before you get started, the wizard creates a thumbnail image of the future in full size. After this sketch is applied to the surface and accurately pattern thereon is transferred to the glass.

If glasses gala event selected massive, thicker material, it is possible to use mechanical and manual form of application of the ornament.

Simply put, a diamond bur surface "scratched", but such "damage" are applied in a specific order. The resulting "image" can not be erased or washed off, so the work requires painstaking attitude and attention.

Finished drawing is performed at a greater depth.

While doing the work manually, repeating pattern or inscription is not exactly succeed. Each glass is obtained unique in its kind. A timing performance is usually longer than in other methods of treatment.

By themselves, any object can be boring, but different decor transforms things, giving them originality and uniqueness.


This method of treatment is considered to be "relative" hand engraving or her worthy replacement. To carry out the work required mikrofrezy, engravers, diamond scraper.

In the process of drawing, the tool in contact directly with the glass surface.


This is the "safe" glass technology. Even glasses of thin glass decorated by laser engraving method for applying images. The picture is created within 20 minutes.

It is the undisputed leader in the speed of all the other ways.

Through the use of special equipment, it turns to put an inscription to make it circular, draw a glass the inscription on the edge, put the photo on the center of the glass, and even make the popular 2D and 3D today Images.

Engraved and its species of humanity acquainted more than 3000 years BC.

For drawing pictures used special matrix. Thanks to technological tricks maximum clarity. So, the heroes of the occasion to see exactly reflected in the glasses of registered, do not have to guess!

Sparkling champagne glasses decorated with inscriptions beautifully decorates celebration.

engraving coating has a different color and texture, depending on the materials used: from white flat surface with asperities to gray.

Time wine glasses engraved, generally considered to be a solemn event, the wedding.

The advantages of the laser method is considered to be the speed of operation, the ability to create exactly the same image and affordable price.

You can buy ready-made products made under a cliché, but you can order the masters and give the newlyweds original, expensive and very memorable gift.

Engraved with their hands

If desired, an exclusive souvenir can be done with their own hands, without resorting to a specialist. You will need:

  • Hand engraver;
  • glasses;
  • Paper;
  • Pencil;
  • Scotch.

Registered glasses will definitely find a place in the house and will decorate any feast.

To further prepare the dressing crystals, beads, rhinestones.

Frequently, in addition to a mechanical engraving, wedding decorate glasses crystals that are fixed after the primary operation.

Important! Observe safety rules. During operation, be sure to wear a mask and safety goggles.

First plot the path of the future picture on the glass. To do this, fasten the figure on the inside of wine glass on a tape. If you do not have the artistic ability to paint something, the drawing can be found on the Internet and print.

Endows will appreciate the full depth of generosity and care of the person who has presented.

Device for engraving draw out a line drawing of the contour, not missing a single detail. Professionals advise to start from the inside of the pattern and gradually move toward the edge. Removing the pattern to get a clear "fingerprint" of the surface.

Some models have a double-walled cookware, and the laser will not only make an inscription, but also to put the images in depth.

A little trick: professionals usually dim your desktop with a dark cloth. It allows you to engrave lines more visible. If you can draw, the image can be simply applied to the surface of the glass marker. And after the marker lines outlined drill, carefully wipe the surface with alcohol, not to leave traces of the marker.

When using equipment, including special computer programs can be applied to images of any complexity, even including the smallest details.

In the next step we remove the paper from the glass and paint circuit, where it is needed. For this work, used nozzle side edge. At the conclusion of the drawing is framed.

To products in harmony with the whole holiday oriented, often decorated with engravings and other items, for example, witnesses glasses guests.

And a glass leg contour decorate crystals and crystals if desired.

Additionally, ceremonial accessories decorated with rhinestones at the end of the process.

Using the engraving on the glass, the usual everyday accessory can be turned into a work of art. Registered glasses - the perfect gift for newlyweds on their wedding day, beer mug with the image of the logo and the name of your favorite team - Present favorite, well, a family cafe or restaurant will not go unnoticed glasses and glasses with family crest and luxurious monograms.

The modern way of working glass is able to bring a festive mood in the gray days.

VIDEO: Engraved wine glasses with their hands.

50 photos of glasses with the original laser engraving: