Set of glasses for whiskey: characteristics which glasses to choose whether to buy a gift set with glasses of whiskey, glasses brands

Whiskey - expensive and elite drink. To fully enjoy its taste, it is necessary to choose the right glass. But before you choose, it is necessary to sort out all the variety intended for this type of dishes alcohol.

Alcohol has long ceased to be a cheap way to break away from reality.


  • 1 Features glasses of whiskey
  • 2 What glasses for whiskey to choose for yourself or as a gift
  • 3 Should I buy a gift set with glasses of whiskey
    • 3.1 How to choose a set of glasses for whiskey?
  • 4 Famous brands and manufacturers glasses of whiskey
  • 5 How to care for glasses
  • 6 VIDEO: How to choose the right glasses for whiskey.
  • 7 50 photos of designer glasses and glasses of whiskey:

Features glasses of whiskey

Material best - crystal or glass. Crystal is more expensive, but unlike glass, has a thermal conductivity and transparency - important factors in assessing the elite alcohol, thinner wall of it, but to take care of more complex: it is necessary to wash manually. Glass is not so beautiful, but less expensive and many manufacturers create his special techniques to smooth defects of the material.

Today, people prefer to savor alcohol, acutely aware of every touch of the drink.

Types of glasses differ in shape and thickness.

It is said that for each type of whiskey needs its own glass and all kinds of glasses for whiskey - a minimum of 9!

The following are the most popular.

  • Shot glass (Glass shot) - has a thick bottom and the straight walls, accommodates approximately 50 ml. Not suitable for those who like to enjoy the aroma of the beverage, as the smell evaporates; but those who drink of whiskey just for the sake of taste, fit just right.

Shot or shot glass - a small glass, which is very similar to glass.

  • Tumbler (tumbler) or Highball (hayboll) - domed cup has a thick bottom and straight walls. It accommodates between 150 and 300 ml. Not used for tasting, because the form does not capture the smell, but it is often used in bars because of the strength. Suitable for whiskey with ice.

Glass tumbler similar to the Rocks and old fashioned, but it has thicker walls and more weight.

  • Rocks (Rocks) - similar to the tumbler, but its bottom is thinner, and the walls are expanded upwards. It holds up to 320 mL of alcohol. Also used in the bars not for tasting.

Rox has an elongated conical shape with smooth walls inside.

  • Tulip (Tulip) - is shaped like a tulip flower buds, holds about 100 ml, has a long slender stalk. Suitable for wine thanks to tapered edges.

The main advantage of this glass is a thin glass, which allows you to heat the chilled cocktail warm palms.

  • Nosing (nouzing) - tulip glass thick stalk up to 100 ml. Its walls taper upward. Used for tasting.

Nouzing - this is one of the varieties of tulip-shaped glasses with a small volume.

  • Snifter (snifter) - spherical glass as nouzing suitable for tasting due tulip shape. It has a high capacity - up to 600ml. Reveals the fullness of taste and the bouquet of flavors.

Externally similar to the snifter glasses, tulips, but has a smooth shape.

What glasses for whiskey to choose for yourself or as a gift

A true connoisseur of elite alcohol does not limit itself, and has a set of glasses, because each glass is designed for a certain kind of whiskey.

Give a set of glasses for whiskey - not so banal and hackneyed solution.

Thus, a grain alcohol has a strong odor. It is necessary to dissipate, to enjoy the taste. For this purpose, tumblers and shot Glass.

Rate this gift can only a true connoisseur of the drink.

Malt and malt have a delicate flavor, so these types served in tulip glasses sniftere, Tulip or nouzinge to capture all the nuances of smell.

Manufacturers of dishes for a long time began to cooperate with alcoholic enterprises and create the branded crockery.

Blended Whiskey - a blend of malt and grain, so depending on what type of prevails, must choose from the dish with thin walls (e.g., shot Glass) or tapered upwardly (Snifter).

Grade drink directly affects the glasses from which to drink whiskey to best reveal the taste and aroma.

Elite endurance whiskey for more than 10 years - a complex drink with a rich taste and a bouquet of smells. It is intended for drinking from a cup tasting tulip shape with thin walls.

For the disclosure of all the flavor palette require tulip, snifter or nouzing.

Bourbon is worth drinking in straight glasses, which include the shot-glass and a tumbler, or in the Rocks.

Utensils should dispel the pungent smell of whiskey and devote all his attention to the taste, the optimal choice - and a stack switch.

Glasses should be chosen depending on your taste and preferences. For the gift is better suited dishes, made of crystal. It is more quality and allows you to enjoy a drink, stretching pleasure.

Independently choose glasses, place them in the desired packaging - certainly more labor-intensive, but also more carefully in relation to bestow.

Should I buy a gift set with glasses of whiskey

Each say thank you for a set of glasses with gift for whiskey. This purchase will give pleasure. But not always come across good quality glasses and check their ability rare due to careful packing. Number gift ware limited usually ranges from 1 to 3.

We'll have to study the history, the types of utensils for the drink to the glass in a gift not be inappropriate.

There are also pluses: the manufacturer selects the glasses are suitable for this type of alcohol, the purchase will be cheaper than buying individual glasses and drink.

Alcohol producers are very sensitive to their products, reputation and all that is their trademark.

How to choose a set of glasses for whiskey?

There are a few tips to help you choose a good set.

  1. The design of all glasses in the set should be the same. Thickness, height and shape - the same.
  2. On the case there should be no scuffs, cracks, chips or scratches. Glass is required to have a perfect view.
  3. If you really got down to business and buy products of famous brands, so as not to drop a clanger, ask for a certificate of quality.

Elite glasses for whiskey often made of crystal or crystal glass.

Famous brands and manufacturers glasses of whiskey

Of course, you can give an ordinary gift set: inexpensive and convenient. But it is always better to choose the representatives of well-known brands products.

Included with the glasses often have a set and decanters.

Elite whiskey glasses are much more expensive (about 15,000 for the 2 pieces and decanter), but they are made of crystal, contained inserts of silver, a unique thread and are figurchatymi.

If glasses of whiskey - the elite - they will necessarily contain inserts of silver paste or thread.

Among the other companies involved in the production of glasses, should pay attention to Piegelau (company makes glasses more than 500 years) Prohotel (the cheapest), Glencairn (a recognized authority in Scotland), as well as brands such as Riedel, Wilson & Morgan, Villeroy & Boch and Union Victors.

The cost of such gift glasses for whiskey can start from 20 000 rubles per set, which includes a carafe and 4 glasses.

How to care for glasses

Very simple. They should be washed in time, the material is not tarnished and discolored. This can be done either by special detergents or using improvised. Cleaning agents, better to take the free bases, and if a part of a lot of chemical components, you should not abuse them. Own funds can be made from vinegar, baking soda and water. Mix it all well, rinse the glass, and then rinse with clean water.

Cool the glass before use is not necessary.

Important! To wash, do not use a dishwasher, especially for crystal and glassware elite.

Serve with whiskey can be meats or seafood.

There is a huge variety of glasses for whiskey of different rates, forms and materials. Before you buy them, you need to sort out their features. Which is better? There is already a matter of taste and whiskey.

The main thing - is to enjoy a drink.

VIDEO: How to choose the right glasses for whiskey.

50 photos of designer glasses and glasses of whiskey: