- How to paint white cloth with green and other dyes?
- The process of painting tulles and white T-shirts
- Recommendations for the coloring of clothing and tulle:
- Tips for coloring fabric items in the automatic machine
You are tired of the shade of your curtains and tulle, the white T-shirt has ceased to please you, because it tasted its shade, but to buy a new oneyou do not want? There is a way out - painting things at home. In this article, we will tell you how to paint the fabric with greenery and other natural dyes, and how to properly care for the colored thing.
to the contents ↑How to paint white cloth with greenery and other dyes?
Tulle and curtains are accessories that people who enter your room notice. Fabric curtains can decorate, and hopelessly spoil your entire interior.
Painting curtains in a different color quickly, and also without any special effort - this is one of the acceptable options for transforming the appearance of the room. By changing the color range of clothes for windows, and also picking up cute little things, you can get a new solution for your home or work environment.
Painting tulles and curtains with your own hands will be able to help you, if you do not have the means, as well as the time for renewing the interior and repair, but the soul asks for something new. The painting process is very economical in all senses, because:
- does not require significant cash costs for the purchase of dyes;
- does not necessarily waste your time waiting, but also listen to the designer's recommendations;
- there is no need to long walk from the store to the store in search of new materials;
- has the possibility of re-staining.
Home conditions are suitable to independently impart a new look to the window wardrobe. Let's look at the process step by step how to paint the fabric with greenery and other, no less interesting improvised tools. And this fabric can be both the basis of the interior decor, and your clothes.
to content ↑The process of painting tulles and white T-shirts
Preparing the fabrics for painting is a prerequisite when choosing any of the various dyes. By painting only a clean cloth, you can get the desired result. Be sure to wait for the complete drying of the fabric after the end of washing, a little wet tulle or t-shirt will quickly absorb all the pigmentation in itself.
Important! The intensity of the color of the fabric product depends on how concentrated the colorant is, and also on the time. Therefore, think about how bright the result you want to get before you dye the fabric green.
Aniline dyes
If you chose this method of staining, do not experiment in any way. Color tulle in a different shade is effective only by strictly following the instructions. The following options are possible:
- The dye is diluted in a small container until the colorant is finally dissolved, and then pour into the main volume of water, and then place the tulle there.
- The coloring material is immediately added to the pelvis or to another container in which you have already poured warm water. In the resulting solution, put the product you are painting.
Important! Quite often manufacturers of dyes advise to obtain a stable color of salt water with sodium chloride. The proportions of salt, water, and dye must be indicated in the instructions.
The old kind green
The dyeing of the green fabric follows those housewives who want to see window curtains or t-shirts in a greenish shade. The method of application is extremely simple:
- Dissolve a small amount of green medicine liquid in warm water. The desired volume of medrazole is determined independently, based on the desired brightness of the final shade. On average, about 5 ml of water is taken about 10 ml of a diamond solution( 1 bottle).
- Stir the contents of the container evenly.
- After that, place a damp cloth or a T-shirt there.
- soak for 20-30 minutes.
Important! You can paint the clothes of the green house smoothly, without divorce, as well as stains, only if you periodically turn the product in a container. The same rule is observed in the case when you decide to change the tint of curtains, curtains, nylon mesh and any other textiles.
You need to paint garments with greenery in case you want to get a green color. Here everything is logical. And if you want to give the fabric a soft pink shade, then safely take a similar medical solution with the name "Fukortzin".It is popularly called "pink zelenka", because in its properties it is similar, but has a distinctive color.
The whole coloring procedure takes quite a bit of time, and the result will definitely please you. The principle of staining is exactly the same as during the use of green.
Important! If you have powdered potassium permanganate in your home bins, it is an excellent analogue of "Fukortsin" to color the fabric. Feel free to use it.
Fragrant coffee and tea
In order to give your window curtains a beige or cream shade, you can use tea brew or ground coffee. Coloring the fabric with tea at home is just as easy as using other natural dyes - 2 tsp.tea brewing or the coffee is enough to prepare a coloring solution:
- Dip in 1 liter of boiling water 2 tsp.tea brewing or ground coffee.
- Wait for complete dissolution, and then strain.
- After this, put the colored fabric product in the broth you cooked.
Important! If the tulle is too big, then the proportion of tea or coffee and water increase.
Beet - natural dye
This product has excellent dyeing properties, and is also able to paint curtains and T-shirts in a different color.
To color the tulle at home:
- Cut the beets and fill it with alcohol or vodka in the proportion of one bottle per 1 kg of beets.
- Cook the beet until completely softened with the lid closed.
- Strain the juice, and into this strained juice dip your product.
- The "bathing time" depends on how saturated you want the shade.
Recommendations for the coloring of clothing and curtains:
- The most important and main advice. Before you proceed to the direct painting of clothes, weigh all the pros and cons. Amateur painting is always a risk.
- Know the composition of the fabric, because it depends on the composition of the canvas and the entire result of the painting depends:
- if the fabric is natural, for example: a cotton, linen, jeans, then the painting is excellent;
- if the fabric is mixed, the color will come out a little paler, for example, it will not be blue, but light blue.
- if the fabric is 100% synthetics, there is a very high risk that the fabric will not stain at all, because with synthetic fabrics, the ink drains away from the cellophane and the product remains exactly the same shade as before painting.
Important! Please note that unfortunately, at the moment there are more cases when the composition that is written on the label does not coincide with reality.
- Decide on the color. It is recommended to paint in colors that are slightly darker than the original shade of the fabric. For example, blue is best painted in blue or dark blue. Also do not forget to take into account the initial shade of the thing. Ideal if it's close colors. But if you white jeans paint in black, eventually you will get gray or dark gray, but not black.
- Evaluate the final shade only on a carefully dried colored thing, because wet things are always darker.
- If color is very important to you, paint a test piece of fabric that is the same in composition, dry and look at the result.
- If you do not like the color of the paint you have prepared, do not risk it. In industrial conditions, the shades of paints are tested a large number of times, achieving the required color. At home, you only have 1 attempt.
- Only use gloves. Wear gloves before opening the package with paint, if you decided not to use the options offered by us, but industrial solution. In the case of working with medical solutions, do not ignore the gloves either, so as not to think about how to wipe green or manganese from the skin.
- Painting things according to the instruction that is written on the package on the packaging when using industrial dyes.
Tips for the coloring of fabric products in the
machine. Staining with a washing machine makes the entire painting process much easier, but it has its own peculiarities:
- In the drum, and only into it, pour in the diluted paint.
- Choose a temperature of 60-80 degrees, according to the type of fabric, as well as the longest cycle, without using pre-soaking.
- After painting, rinse the item separately in a solution of table vinegar.
- After painting the empty washing machine, turn it back on the rinse mode to completely clean it from the paint.
- Immediately after painting is finished, do not wash white things in the automatic machine.
Proper care of the product after painting:
- Do not dry clothes under direct sunlight, otherwise the paint will burn out.
- Wash the first 2-3 washings separately from other things.
- During the next wash of clothing, after wearing, rinse add a small amount of vinegar.
- Use powder for colored fabrics, because for white linen powders in their composition contain bleaching agents.
In this article, we tried to collect all the necessary information that would help you safely and qualitatively paint any thing at home. We hope that you will be able to use these recommendations competently and color the fabric with a green or any other suitable color to get the desired shade of your decorative textiles or your favorite thing.