Water heaters now stand in many apartments, the owners are faced with the question, what is the heater for a water heater, which you need to watch him. This is a serious topic that should be explored, so that your device smoothly delivering hot water. Overview of all the necessary information - in this material from HouseChief edition.

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Read article
- 1 The hot water tank - irreplaceable thing in the house and apartment
- 2 What is a heater for a water heater, which you need to know
- 3 Types heater, how they differ
- 3.1 Wet PETN and their features
- 3.2 Closed or dry PETN
- 4 How to monitor the status of TEN
- 5 Basic information about replacement TAN procedure
- 6 How to clean heater
- 7 Why it is important to monitor the condition of TEN
The hot water tank - irreplaceable thing in the house and apartment
It is no secret that the centralized water supply has its drawbacks. Hot water is turned off frequently and always at the wrong time. Be independent of public utilities may be except that the happy owners vodogreek. That is why the demand for such equipment is stable, and the choice of instruments is fairly wide. Sales, even devices that have built-in batteries that will not fail you, if, in addition to hot water, turn off the electricity, and more.
What is a heater for a water heater, which you need to know
The heart of the hot water tank - heating element, which is called PETN. Is an abbreviation that stands for a tubular electric heater.

PHOTO: infoelectrik.ru
The casing prevents the wire in direct contact with water, but by itself is heated and raises the temperature of the liquid. In fact - this is the infamous boiler, which is still our grandmothers used to heat water.

PHOTO: dekormyhome.ru
Even at the maximum level of protection, the design is potentially dangerous, as there are in the vicinity of the electric current and its perfect conductor - water. That is why the control of the state of the heating element - a vital issue.
Types heater, how they differ
The heating elements are different. If there is a question about their scheduled replacement, it is important to make the right choice.
Heater may be closed (dry) and open (wet).
Wet PETN and their features
Wet heaters are in direct contact with the liquid in the tank, and similar in appearance to those spirals that we often see in the electric kettle. In case of failure of such parts to replace it is not complicated.
For your information! Inside the tube-shell, except for the metallic spiral is sand or magnesium oxide, they perform the task of heat conductor to the sheath from a nichrome wire, which is heated by current passing.
Wet heater have different principle mounting: flanged or wrench. Flange, in turn, are divided into forging and casting. Not all components have an anode socket, pay attention to it. Most often it is not in the parts with nut fastening.

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Upcoming good wet-type elements that are very rapidly heated water. Sami details are relatively inexpensive, so their replacement will not inflict damage to your family budget. To further protect the heating element from corrosion, manufacturers are often coated with a vitreous enamel on its basis. This prevents the enamel and the formation of the scale layer.
If we talk about the shortcomings of the open heater, they are considered less safe than dry and more susceptible to outgrowth of scale. Coat of sludge does not allow the water to heat up quickly and, as a result, the device begins to consume excess electricity.
Closed or dry PETN
This type of heater is disposed within a ceramic vessel and excludes direct contact with water. Therefore, the heater is called dry. The vessel itself is made of steatite silicate or magnesium based.

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They are very easy to be replaced and work for a long time, consuming electricity economically and without forming a scum on the surface of the coat. And that is important - such details are maintainable.
But there is a dry heater and disadvantages. Chief among them - they are not universal. For each specific model of the hot water tank is only suitable brand heater.
How to monitor the status of TEN
To timely monitor the status of your hot water tank, it is necessary to adhere to these guidelines:
- Pay attention to how fast the water is heated. If the velocity has changed, this may be a sign of the imminent release of the heater system;
- follow the consumption of electricity by heating water. If the flow is increased - a bad sign.
If you have any suspicions, invite a specialist or try to independently determine the possible fault.

PHOTO: dzagigrow.ru
In general, manufacturers are advised to change the anode in the heater every 12 months. If the scale is not, it is difficult to visually determine the presence of faults. This will require a special device - tester.
Basic information about replacement TAN procedure
Any manipulation of the water-heating devices produce only when completely disconnected from its power source. Before replacing carefully decanted from the tank water. Very hot water tank is removed from the fixture on a wall, and put on the table or on the floor, it was convenient to work with.
In boiler spun basic lower the bar for access to the TEN. Not to be mistaken with the installation of a new part, it is better to make a couple of pictures of how old was located.
After you must turn off the wires connected to the heating element and remove it from the tank.
Tip! It is not always necessary to change detail, sometimes to restore its properties simply clean off the scale.
The procedure for replacing the heating element in this small video course:
How to clean heater
In many regions, the water is too hard, so rather quickly formed a scum on all the heating elements. If from time to time to clean off the coat, the heater will last longer. In addition, you do not spend money on unnecessary electricity.
There are two variants of cleaning: mechanical and chemical. Mechanical - it's just scraping coats using a stiff brush and sandpaper.

PHOTO: technosova.ru
Chemical treatment option involves the use of specific products, which are sold in household stores. There are special facilities for vodogreek, but you can use and composition for electric kettles. Its operating principle is the same. The composition is diluted with water and the heating element is soaked in it for several hours, after which the scale is easily removed from the surface.

PHOTO: freelancehack.ru
Important! Chemical agents can damage the rubber seal on the details, so that should be avoided direct contact with the acid.
Why it is important to monitor the condition of TEN
Thus, the heating element - it is something without which your hot water tank will not be able to do their job. The failure of this part threatens not only a waste of electricity, but the immediate danger to life, as an element in contact with water. It is necessary to periodically analyze the operation of the device and check the condition of TEN. The resulting scale is removed, and if it does not exist, but the unit does not operate correctly, the item must be replaced by a suitable design.
What heater do you consider the most effective? If you can recommend any specific model, write about it in the comments!