Types of glasses in the bar and inventory and their names, how to care for utensils

Every institution shall have all the necessary equipment items for a successful business. Workplace bartender should be well equipped technologically convenient materials not amenable to rapid deformation.

Choosing cookware can cause a lot of difficulties because of its diversity and the appointment of a very extensive and we know not all. Inventory - it is one of the main attributes, which is required in the work. He also attracts the attention of visitors and looks very stylish, perfectly fitting into the interior.


  • 1 Glasses for bars
    • 1.1 Maderna glass
    • 1.2 Irish coffee
    • 1.3 Cobbler
    • 1.4 Kordial
    • 1.5 Lafitnaya glass
    • 1.6 Margaret
    • 1.7 Pouce Cafe
    • 1.8 Rhine wine glass
    • 1.9 The Rocks
    • 1.10 Snifter
    • 1.11 Tulip
    • 1.12 toggle switch
    • 1.13 Flyute
    • 1.14 Glass of water
    • 1.15 highball
    • 1.16 Hurricane
    • 1.17 champagne saucer
    • 1.18 shot
  • 2 How to care for utensils and equipment for bartender
  • 3 VIDEO: Bar stock - a detailed description and types.
  • 4 50 variants of the original design breakfast dishes:

Glasses for bars

Currently, there are a wide variety of all kinds of glasses, which are usually used only during the drinking of a beverage. They differ in their size and shape.

Everyone has its own history and culture. Also, the use of a particular ware depends on the public prefers a more specific beverage. In all institutions there are different kinds of glasses in the bar, and the names sound very elegant.

Maderna glass

The use of the glasses made while drinking sweet or fortified wines. They can be found in any china department or specialty store for the bartender. It is believed that this glass is able to reflect the diversity and flavor of the wine.

Glass for dessert wines or "Maderna glass."

Drinking glasses of this dessert wine will bring great pleasure and enjoyment. People will be able to enjoy not only the taste and aroma, but also a beautiful color, at the expense of transparency. A long stem is made in view of the fact that the wine is not heated by human hands.

Irish coffee

The classical model of the variety of dishes involves a glass cup with a handle on a short stalk.

Irish glass has gained popularity in the forties of the 19th century.

The use of this glass is not limited to the coffee with the addition of whiskey. Modern Irish coffee is famous for the variety of forms that depend only on the wealth of fantasy producer.

The volume of the glass depends on what kind of drink will be served.

Irish glass with a drink.

For the manufacture of the utensils used a special heat-resistant glass, which must withstand temperature changes depending on the cocktail.


Cobbler - a classic form of the shaker used for mixing cocktails. Its components are a glass flask, sieve cover.

It is used to make some kinds of sports food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails in the bars.

Cobbler is the most common among all the others, because it is the most convenient and easy to use.

Create different cocktails resembles a special magic ritual that looks very impressive and unusual. Therefore, no special equipment here can not do.

It is used to feed and some classic cocktails dezhistivov.

Also, the name of the cobbler is glass, which is used to supply classic cocktails.


This glass is created in the form of a bowl with a thin stalk. The approximate volume of houseware articles 50 ml.

Kordial also called for a glass of liquor.

Most often, in all countries made use Kordial supply of very cold alcoholic beverages.

Lafitnaya glass

Lafitnaya glass - elegant crystal products, in the shape of a tulip on a thin stalk. Such glasses are grace and table decoration.

Elegant wineglass on a thin stalk familiar to many fans of feasts.

Incredible beauty brings the greatest pleasure when using this cookware.

Lafitnik - is an alternative name of the wineglass, which has been used by many writers in their works.


The name of this type of houseware products derived from the famous eponymous cocktail. Displacement of the glasses is about 200 ml.

Margarita glass - a glass with a long stem, which is great for a variety of refreshing cocktails.

Such glasses made used to provide a variety of cocktails to great effect. Due to this drink is even more attractive and makes you want to explore the taste quality.

Pouce Cafe

This is a special kind of houseware products, which is designed to feed the cocktails made layers.

Glasses pus cafe for cocktails.

The bowl has a standard shape of a tulip. A manufacturing material is a solid transparent glass. According to the bartenders, it is a form of glass allows you to create such drinks.

The taste of these masterpieces are very unusual and interesting.

Rhine wine glass

These glasses have a special mission for the supply of dry and semi-dry wines. This glass has no specific volume, so it may vary from 100 to 150 ml.

Feature that gives the appeal, is the color of the glass.

Special green-golden color emphasizes the natural color of the wine, adding piquancy.

Some products may be transparent, but their little legs will have a greenish tint.

The Rocks

This glass bar is the most famous and popular. It can be found in almost any establishment.

Rocks glass of whiskey.

Rocks form a cone-shaped. This is common to use a glass cleaner for alcoholic beverages such as whiskey, rum, gin. But also use it as a vessel for the cocktails is not a crime.

Some institutions do this in order that the visitor did not break fragile glass items.


This is a special glass, which was made for the use of brandy. That it helps to feel real pleasure when drinking this drink.

The shape resembles a glass barrel, tapered top.

Snifter helps to feel the aroma, which is one of the main aspects in the use of brandy.

No wonder the alternative name of houseware products is cognac glass.


The name of this cup for the bar comes from the word tulip. Using Tulipa most preferably while drinking sparkling wine, as well as for the supply of champagne.

The standard volume is the quantity of 150 ml.

Such a wine glass on a thin stalk will experience the rich taste of your drink and make it even more attractive.

toggle switch

The peculiarity of this glass is that its bottom is thicker, which greatly affects the weight.

The use whiskey neat or ice from this glass will deliver special pleasure.

Standardized forms have no toggle switch. It can be both convex and square walls.


Name Flyute went for an interesting shape, reminiscent of the flute. This is common to use glass to rasprobovat all the wealth of sparkling wine.

Glasses of sparkling wine flyute.

Flyute has a thin elongated stem, which allows the drink to stay cold due to the fact that a person does not touch the thin walls of the goblet. Before serving the drink is most preferable to cool not only the drink itself, but also glass.

Glass of water

This wine glass is not any intricate shape and special purpose. It is used for water supply and various other non-alcoholic beverages.

A glass of water on the stem.

Displacement of the goblet varies from 250 to 300 ml.


Highball - a glass cylindrical shape, which is most common today. It is designed to deliver a variety of cocktails.

This glass is made to use in each institution. In addition to its main purpose it is universal. It can be served and soft drinks, as well as a variety of refreshing.


Hurricane - a popular cocktail glass on a low leg. On the surface it looks very elegant and quickly attracted attention.

As a rule, this dish is usually served exotic drinks with an intricate composition.

The volume of glass can vary from 230 to 440 ml.

champagne saucer

Name of houseware products speaks for itself. beverage supply is carried with the addition of cream.

Glass of champagne kremanki.

Currently a saucer gradually begins to lose its popularity. This glass is customary to use for the construction of various pyramids and other formulations due to its flat shape.


This type of cookware is used to supply alcoholic drinks: rum, vodka, tequila. The classical form is considered to be a straight cylindrical pile with a thick bottom.

Availability of shots is assumed in any institution.

Many are advised to keep these piles twice as much as any other glasses.

How to care for utensils and equipment for bartender

Inventory bartender requires special careful attention to clean. Proper use can help extend the life of your cookware. The appearance of the glasses - is one of the main aspects.

Wash these glasses, and the glasses must manually without the use of technology and dishwashers. Also, carefully select detergents.

One indicator of the level cafe or restaurant is a bar ware, which is used in the institution.

To carry out washing dishes must be using a soft sponge. And in order to avoid unnecessary traces, spots and stains it is important to wipe the glasses dry towel.

At care utensils must comply with all instructions since the material of the equipment can be made very brittle.

It is recommended to store the dishes in a dark place, and odor-free.

original wine glasses

Bar utensils manufactured from glass and crystal, to be performed in the same style.

Proper care and compliance with all rules guarantee you a long service life. Your dishes will look as perfect as when buying.

Use of alcoholic beverages - is an art, which requires special attention. This ritual can not do without special equipment. In decent schools try to comply with all these details, so that the client was able to feel the real pleasure and comfort.

Bar culture of our day involves a huge amount of glasses, glasses, wine glasses of various shapes and destination.

Many people approach the issue very seriously and responsibly, since it was invented not only for beauty, but for the special surroundings and convenience. Drinking alcohol, do it beautifully and correctly.

The institution should not skimp on the dishes, because it is sure to bear fruit and will be appreciated by customers. Stylish design any drink just makes you want to try it again. A variety of dishes makes the institution more presentable.

VIDEO: Bar stock - a detailed description and types.

50 variants of the original design breakfast dishes: