Beer glasses: with the separation of the ice, how to choose a present to the man, a classification for different kinds of beer, especially inscribed glasses

Pub culture is rooted in the depths of centuries. Tradition suggests except institutions with the appropriate atmosphere and of course the beer, even the dishes in which it must be applied correctly. Glasses for crafting beers - delicious and made by all the canons - an important part of intoxicating feast.

Beer - the favorite drink for many people.

You can buy them in sets or individually, have different amounts and types, and different material of manufacture. Rules serving suggest to take into account all these details, because true connoisseurs know that the taste of one sort or another depends, including the type of vessel in which it is served to the table. Modern technologies allow to create real creatures that do not pass the contents of the heat from the hands and from the outside does not appear and a drop of moisture. Beer glasses choose, taking into account all criteria and nuances.

It is believed that the first beer dishes were already in the 7th millennium BC.


  • 1 What should be a correspondence between the type of glass and beers
  • 2 Types of beer glasses
    • 2.1 Glass "Teku" from "Rastal"
    • 2.2 A glass of "Pinta"
    • 2.3 Beer glasses "Sheffield"
    • 2.4 Beer glass "Nostalgia"
    • 2.5 Beer glass "Boots"
    • 2.6 Soviet beer glass
    • 2.7 A glass of "Tulip"
    • 2.8 Innovative glasses with the department for ice
  • 3 What materials to produce beer glasses
    • 3.1 glass
    • 3.2 ceramic
  • 4 Set of glasses for different beers in the collection of the "birgika"
  • 5 How to care for beer glasses
  • 6 Famous brands of beer glasses
  • 7 Output
  • 8 VIDEO: Types of beer glasses in scope and purpose.

What should be a correspondence between the type of glass and beers

True lovers of intoxicating drink is known, that the dishes produced in a variety of forms, not only in order to earn more. As soon as the drink hits the glass, there is a change:

  • palatability;
  • odor;
  • colors.

A desire to be quick to make the first throat aggravates receptors, allowing to distinguish the individual flavors, color play and get the most enjoyment from your favorite drink.

foam and the shape of the glass are in direct proportion. A itself does not allow froth to evaporate volatile substances from the liquid surface. These components are the hop oils, fermentation byproducts, spices and specific additives depending on the variety. Glass forming dense foam, retains the taste and aroma. A froth at the different varieties their own. Consequently, the dishes are designed for the special.

Even people Sumerians started manufacture of intoxicating drink, creating more than 70 varieties.

Types of beer glasses

Glass "Teku" from "Rastal"

Date of birth - 2010. Italians have tried working in, Restal, in its local unit. The first letters of the names of the creators of the glass in a single merged its historical name. Basis dishes - wine glass that puts beer brand Birra Baladin on par with wine. It has developed several embodiments that are tested on the basis of the rich tasting experience one of the founders. First place went to a beautiful and functional copy.

He is able to present in a favorable light many varieties, making it versatile and the perfect tool for beer sommeliers.

Glass Features:

  • ideal for quality glass;
  • excellent design solution with a stem and bud opens in a bowl;
  • preventing heat content through walls density and ease of legs;
  • perfect transmission of taste and color palette with correction foam.

In the market represented a fairly wide range of beer glasses.

A glass of "Pinta"

Name from the Anglo-Saxon measure the volume of the beverage. Moreover, the British Isles it is 570 ml, and 470 ml of American accommodates. Manufactured in several forms of embodiments:

  • glass mug with handle thick;
  • conical shape;
  • tulip.

The name comes from the glass unit.

Lucky collector who will get the "pint" with the royal stamp. There is no longer produced. And they were made to control the integrity of sellers. With the same purpose in modern circles put line indicating a proper level of the spill.

English pint is 16 ounces - so much spilled beer pub visitors.

The canonical glasses with smooth glass walls may be poured and cocktails (it has thicker walls). The version beer is usually served moderately strong varieties. Design feature nonik-pint - thickening in the upper part. Thanks to him, the bartenders work comfortably with glasses and visitors to keep them in their hands.

Perfect for ale, lager, stout - varieties with an average alcohol content level.

"Villebeher" or a pint in the German version. It characterized by a narrowed bottom and at the top is expanding a little, and again narrowed in the region of the neck. Volumes different - 200-500 ml.

Initially, the glasses poured German camp, but it is also suitable for ales.

Additional information: Mass production "villibehera" began not from a good life after the Second World War. So we conserve resources and streamline production. This tableware traditional German beer mugs have been replaced.

Beer glasses "Sheffield"

British company with a rich past is famous for its metal utensils. Sheffield glasses are extremely collectible character. They are made of tin and silver rich trim knobs, lids and engravings on the walls.

Drink from glasses made of only the highest quality beers.

Beer glass "Nostalgia"

Option beer mugs, having come to us from the already distant Soviet times. But they still have in production and in some big shopping malls to buy them. Since Soviet times, there was a strict visitor and to this production, but in a large country at different glassworks products are somewhat different.

The shape and the massive glass pen were unchanged.

Modern manufacturers make something similar, although experts say that new products are lighter than their historical predecessors. Strip at the bottom of the glass used for bottling vodka "for three" (as claimed by not a joke, not serious history researchers).

Thick glass wall allows to preserve the freshness and coolness hop beverage.

Beer glass "Boots"

The original representative of the world of beer glassware. Origin is connected with the legendary army epics. Won the battle, General kept his promise and used my boot as a beer container. Capacity different - maximum capacity of 2 liters. The product is more souvenir, walking in use at the German and Austrian beer lovers.

All the beers are good in the glass, but usually "Boots" is filled with classic German lager.

Soviet beer glass

Beer mugs for Russia and the former Soviet Union for a long time was the most common utensils for popular intoxicating drink. With crafting innovations innovations have appeared in relation to containers, but also the "classics" will not be discounted. Due to the thick glass and a sturdy handle Soviet beer glass holds the initial temperature long enough to hand the body can not affect his status.

High-quality drink requires a corresponding attitude.

Dishes can be in the form of cylinder outer surfaces smooth or rounded walls having a recess around the perimeter. Drink their glasses of Czech and German lagers, and no strong English ale. Similar shape were British clubs. They were rounded depressions and were the main reservoirs for intoxicating drinks before the pint glass.

From bottles to drink - bad taste, so you need to pick up a glass under a certain sort of drink.

A glass of "Tulip"

Tulip, or tulip - has the shape of a flower bud of a plant of the same name. Convex bowl, tapering upward and closer to the neck slightly flared, set up on the leg. Designed for lambic, Geza, strong ales and Pale-Ales. It is very popular in Belgium. "Thistle" is a modified version of the container. It is designed for Scottish ales, V-hevov.

Unusual form - a rounded base and extending up high neck - remotely similar to the features of the Scottish National flower.

Innovative glasses with the department for ice

In order not to spoil the taste of intoxicating drink direct addition of ice in it, modern manufacturers to bring to market a special glassware mugs with ice-compartment. Plastic versions have the department in the form of a hollow column in the middle, or compartment attached to the inner side in the handle area.

Beer is cold during the whole period of its use.

Additional Information. Traditionally, beer is served cold, thirst-quenching during the heat of summer. But one of claims treatises XVII century that a cold amber beverage deteriorates digestive processes describing the benefits of its use in the form of heat.

What materials to produce beer glasses

Beers in the world a lot, as well as forms of dishes for him. It remains to deal with the materials of which are made mugs and glasses. And they have for brewing history, from the ancient Sumerians were very different.

Convenience is the absence of superfluous elements, which makes it possible to cover completely the glass with his hand and hold it securely.


Modern pubs filled the glass, regardless of the shape, thickness, year of manufacture and manufacturer. Tradition appeared long ago, but the reasons for it are simple and understandable. Utensils made of this material is simple and easy to care for and store. It is inexpensive, so the battle to replace it is not difficult and does not require significant financial costs.

In the era of artisanal blowing such containers were valued much more expensive, but the technological revolution has set a glass bowl on a stream and it can not surprise anyone.

And the glass glass caught by offering customers beer advantages that other materials are not able to boast of. Transparent glasses show the whole beauty bubbly foamy liquid. And what about the sound of glass at Ciocanu - a constant attribute of beer gatherings male company. Strikes and a variety of shapes and sizes of glassware from the impressive full-length thin-walled glasses to women's options.

Yet a large glass goblet holds primacy in the pubs.


Clay as a natural material is ideally suited for the production of terracotta beer. Tactile such unusual dishes combined with its particularly well and long to keep the temperature of the malt beverage. Dishes on the market are well represented version of beer glasses from ceramic prepared by sublimation deposition pattern. Their main advantage - the ability to put a unique pattern that make a great gift mug. The other side of such an opportunity - to issue crafting bar exclusive dishes. A delicious cold beer in an unusually beautiful containers.

In ancient Rus they drank intoxicating drink from wooden cups, because they are well retain the taste of beer.

Additional Information! The tree has positive and negative sides. But the material was used by our ancestors is very widely used for the production of cups for intoxicating drinks. Be prepared for a change of taste qualities of beer as a result react with natural material. It is expressed in the appearance of a little sour. Authenticity associated with domestic history - yet another reason why the wooden glasses must be present in the collection.

Set of glasses for different beers in the collection of the "birgika"

Should start collecting from standard glasses, which will become the backbone of the exhibition. Speech on the German and Irish nonikah, canonical versions, toggle switch. Half the volume of conventional glasses are convenient for savoring the bottles for two. Useful glasses with dual purpose of which except beer you can drink champagne, cognac, wine. Then go to the tulips, snifteram Cups.

This vessel can accommodate a lot of intoxicating drink.

Separately look growler - American name beer siphon with varying capacity (1 liter). T-bar mechanism, the rubber seal and the ceramic tube perfectly sealed contents of the vessel, which was used for the purchase of home crafting beer. And put on the table, it is not a shame.

How to care for beer glasses

Maintain glasses in decent condition using the dishwasher will not work. The detergent must be removed from the wall otherwise hurt the taste and firmness of beer foam. Adversely affect operation of the machine and the state of logos. Wash must manually using means which do not contain odors. Sponge should be separate, brush need to clean the floor. washing process continues until the free flow of water droplets and without stains on the glass.

Dishes do not rub, letting it dry on their own.

Famous brands of beer glasses

There are many companies that produce beer glasses for men present. They can be a wonderful decoration of the home collection.

Rastal - a family business with a hundred years of experience, to become an international group with 30 companies. One of the market leaders in glassware.

Spiegelau - the company works from the XVI century. Bavarian glass connects the centuries-old traditions and modern technology. Prestige and quality is maintained thanks to the blow to the method of production.

Luminarc - brand of excellent French dishes, producing, including glass beer glasses.

There are shops where you will be offered a glass for each brand of beverage.


The taste of beer depends not only from the manufacturer, but also by the glass in which it is served. The point features a form that holds the foam cap and the materials from which made dishes. Their diversity may serve as a pretext to create unique collections of home and is a great gift to man.

VIDEO: Types of beer glasses in scope and purpose.