Blood stains on the mattress: what tools should I use?

Even the smallest stain on upholstered furniture, mattresses are the despair of housewives. Especially blood stains. They are considered difficult deduced are often not amenable to modern stain removers. Any blood contains a huge amount of protein. She immediately eat into the fiber, leaving ugly marks.

Stubborn bloodstain

One of the most stubborn substances, particularly in the dimensional things is blood

Mattresses can not be washed, when cleaning is forbidden to use a lot of water, which is another difficulty. For this reason, housewives often wonder: how to withdraw blood from the mattress with minimal impact? Most Effective Tips for removing this type of pollution are discussed in detail in this publication.


  • 1 Effective means in the fight with blood stains
  • 2 We derive fresh stains from the mattress
  • 3 Funds from the old stains on the mattress
  • 4 Features of the application of domestic detergent formulations, stain removers
  • 5 Benefits of professional cleaning
  • 6 Video: Hydrogen peroxide remove blood stains

Effective means in the fight with blood stains

Before removing the traces of blood is necessary to prepare the mattress. This will require a clean cloth dampened with cold water. It is necessary to go over the entire surface.

Wipe with cold water

Take a cloth or towel moistened with cold water and carry on the surface of the mattress

Hot, even slightly warm water use is prohibited. Using high temperature stains may absorb deeply into the tissue fibers.

Cover with a clean cloth

Cover with a clean cloth to dry the mattress

After wiping the problem area you need to cover with cloth for a short period of time. Then you can proceed directly to action.

impregnate means

Impregnate stained spot cleaner

Apply remover or means

Then carefully added stain remover or improvised means on the spot itself, slightly forward and remove unnecessary

The most effective means against blood spots are:

  • soap solution (water + soap);

    Soap solution of soap

  • hydrogen peroxide;
    Hydrogen peroxide

    A solution of hydrogen peroxide exists in any medical kit

  • detergents for kitchen utensils;

    Detergent for washing dishes can be taken from any manufacturer

  • salt;
    Rock salt

    Ordinary rock salt always find in the kitchen

  • ammonia;
    ammonia solution

    A solution for topical use - ammonia

  • softener for the meat;
    Softener for the meat

    Softener for the meat, you can also try to apply for stain removal

  • soda;
    Baking soda

    Soda can find in the kitchen of every housewife

  • lemon acid;
    Lemon acid

    Citric acid in diluted form applicable for old stains

  • various chemical agents.
Wipe the stain with a brush

Wipe stain applied with brush means can be old tooth

blotted means

Blood blotted the remaining traces of the cleaning cloth and means soaked in cold water

dried with a towel

Dried cleaned the place a clean towel

We derive fresh stains from the mattress

means available

We derive fresh stain home remedies

Fresh blood should be removed from the mattress much easier old. To do this, use one of the methods discussed in the table.

Means How to apply
table salt A small amount of salt is mixed with a drop of lemon juice. The mixture was applied to a fabric, left for about an hour. Further, the surface can be wiped with a damp sponge.
Gel for washing dishes You can use any gel. Need only two tablespoons gel, half a liter of cold water. This mixture should be carefully treat contaminated area using a conventional toothbrush.
suds The cheapest, affordable way to remove blood from the mattress. The solution will help only if the traces of blood had barely dried. Problematic portion needs to be wetted with cold water, the top cause liquid soap. To enhance the effect of the solution can be rubbed into the fiber using an old toothbrush.
Baking soda Return the mattress original appearance will help ordinary baking soda. It needs to pour on the stain soaked in plain water. Happens liquid slurry. She should be given time to dry. After drying, baking soda can remove the brush mattress - wipe with a damp sponge. For small dirt residues can be further apply soap with water.

Funds from the old stains on the mattress

inveterate stains

Remove ingrained stains one of the following ways

Remove the old blood stains from the surface of the hard tissue, sometimes in the home it can be done. Effective ways to impact on the deep-rooted traces of blood are considered in the table.

Means How to apply
Hydrogen peroxide Peroxide saves us in the preparation of a variety of injuries, scratches. She is an indispensable tool in the house. Peroxide can easily cope with a small spot on the furniture. A small amount of peroxide should be applied to the area, wait a few days. If at first all was not possible to eliminate, an attempt can be repeated many times.
Ammonia If peroxide is a long time does not give the desired effect, you can buy ammonia. Means should be diluted with water, carefully spray on the mattress. After the disappearance of spots, the surface should be cleaned with warm water. Ammonia is forbidden to use on delicate fabrics. It can damage them.
Softener for the meat It is relatively inexpensive, easy way to clean the furniture. A softener perfectly dissolves protein. It must simply be mixed with water, applied to the tissue. The mass must be rubbed into the surface, then it will work better. After cleansing, mass balances must be removed from the furniture. Typically this is done using warm water.
Lemon acid Need two small sachet of citric acid. This budget funds. Acid is mere penny. The powder should be diluted to twenty milliliters of water. A concentrated solution. It should be applied to the contaminated area, leave on for fifteen minutes.
Clean the stain Nuno first at the edges

Clean the stain should first at the edges, gradually approaching the center, so the stain will not spread to the sides

Features of the application of domestic detergent formulations, stain removers

If you remove the blood stains a simple salt, baking soda, peroxide does not go, then you should think about buying a good detergent, stain remover. Stain removers come in different destinations, price category. The first step is to try the easiest option - a stain remover that is used in your household when washing things. Some use powder paint thinners, others - liquid. Fit both.

different stain removers

Stain removers in various forms of release

Stain remover should be applied to the surface according to instructions, then rinse with water. It is important not to overdo the mixture. For a long time it can damage the fibers. In case of failure with conventional stain removers, you can buy special furniture. They can be ordered on the Internet, look in furniture hypermarkets. Apply solutions need to strictly according to instructions.

Stain removers Dr. Beckmann

Stain removers Dr. German firm Beckmann help of different types of stains of any complexity

Instead, you can try the stain remover ordinary dishwashing detergent. It must be of good quality. However, this option is suitable only for fresh stains. Stuffy it is unlikely to eliminate.

When using household detergents for dishes, stain removers need to follow certain rules.

  • Hands should be sure to protect the gloves. Suitable ordinary household rubber gloves. They must be integers.
    Latex gloves

    Rubber gloves will save your pen from the media and stain removers

  • Means you need to keep for long. With long-term exposure to these agents can cause substantial damage to the product. The dwell time is usually indicated on the packaging.
  • On colored textile stain remover to use is not necessary. It can spoil the picture, vyest color. However, there are special stain removers for the color. But their best pre-check a small area, hidden from the eyes.

Benefits of professional cleaning

Spot was unable to bring

If education is not possible to completely eliminate, should turn to professionals

Affordable home remedies are not always able to cope with blood stains. it is difficult, especially when it was a long time after the contamination of the mattress. In such a case will only professional dry cleaning furniture. Its advantages are obvious.

  1. Professionals will be able to cope with any problems. Having tried many home remedies, a person may decide to just throw the mattress, buy a new one. However it is impossible in such a hurry. Professional master can cope with pollution of any complexity.
    Dry Cleaning mattress

    Select a good cleaning company that will shape your mattress

  2. Deep cleansing of the mattress. None home solution prepared from the salt, citric acid, soda, can not produce a deep cleaning. Such mixtures cope only with surface layers. In the dry cleaning product will be perfectly clean. When cleaning, be removed parasites, dirt, crumbs, mold.
  3. Exclusivity detergents. A good dry-cleaner operates using expensive, effective detergents. Usually they are made abroad. Find them at hardware stores is impossible. The composition of such detergents aimed at combating any protein contamination. With blood stained he copes in a few minutes.
  4. Preservation of the integrity of the furniture. In our time, buy a good, high quality mattresses to bed can not be cheap. For this reason, it is important to take care of the product as much as possible. Home agents used for cleansing can harm. The dry cleaning is guaranteed full safety. Before processing masters carried out a thorough diagnosis. They study the product, its composition, blood stains. On the basis of diagnostic data is selected detergent, method of application, the time of waiting. This approach provides an ideal result.
Mattress before and after

Mattress before and after the dry cleaning at home

Video: Hydrogen peroxide remove blood stains