How to make a bed with his hands. Step by step instructions with photos.

In the season of holidays and gardens I want to spend more time in the open air near your favorite garden beds, firs and river. But we have to take the time to return to the apartment under the roof of the city high-rise buildings, because in the garden house is not convenient bedAnd your living room without a bedroom and a bed night stands right next to the dining table. Do not despair!

Cottage bed

You will save the skillful hands and recommendations how to make a bed with his hands.


  • 1 How to comfortably accommodate a bed in the interior
  • 2 Select the material and decide the price
  • 3 How to make the bed from a tree with his hands
    • 3.1 Bed initial level
    • 3.2 Bed-lorry
    • 3.3 How to make a double bed made of wood
  • 4 VIDEO: Double bed of wood with their hands.
  • 5 Beds made of wood in the interior - 50 photo-ideas:

How to comfortably accommodate a bed in the interior

It all depends on how and where you want it to use. For your teenage child enough single bed. If you have a large body, the comfortable sleep only comes to "lorry".

bed of wood

Are you married? So you need a double bed made of solid wood.

If there is enough space, then equip the podium under the pull-out bed, and on top place a cozy seating area with a coffee table, to which steps lead. In a small room, where every square meter of roads, erecting bed on the podium.

bed podium

Build drawers for storage of bedding, clothes and other things.

For bed linen put at the head of a tall, narrow box with a hinged top lid. It is convenient to store pillows and blankets during the day and at night - robe. Collect beautiful decorative back and nailed to the wall above the headboard. Put on her night lights.

Cottage bed

This will give your bed an aristocratic glamor and comfort.

Select the material and decide the price

The metal is too expensive, requires a specially equipped workshop, welding machine, has a large specific gravity and bad retains heat. Good furniture can be assembled at home from readily available at a cost of lumber, not overpaying for well-known brand.

bed cottages

Construction of a wooden bed with their own hands will be cheaper buying a ready-made at the store.

How to make the bed from a tree with his hands

Best suited for bed secondary timber (550 to 760 kg / m³) and high density - over 760 kg / m³. She wears less, but harder to process.

bed made of solid wood

Optimum strength and ease of processing is pine.

IMPORTANT! Spruce is not suitable for load-bearing elements and bed legs. It is quickly destroyed by loads.

To pick up the supporting frame boards or a bar of solid wood - larch, birch. The legs can be made from bars, and the rails under the mattress from cheap pine boards 2 cm thick. Suitable for decorative thin boards fir 0.5 cm. Carefully check the material for the presence of knots, uneven and rough.

bed of wood

The smaller of these defects, the easier it is to process-grinding machine.

Check curvature preforms uncomplicated and efficient manner.

  1. Lift it up at one of the ends at eye level.
  2. The ribs extending from the proximal to the distal end, in the long term should represent a straight line - their curvature will be immediately noticeable.

ATTENTION! Be sure to make a drawing. Consider the size of your mattress. They may not match the steps below. The inner space of the frame bed It should be a little more. Permitted allowance within 30 mm.

bedroom wood

Immediately determine the presence and height of the legs.

Bed Solid wood can be done without them, gluing fabric trim angles to protect the floor from scratches. For light single and "polutorok" optimum height is 35-40 cm - it is possible to vacuum and clean the floor or to build a drawer for storage and clothes.

TIP! Try to strengthen the connection seating area where possible.

bedroom wood

To make their own hands a bed of wood - can not be the easiest solution, but the most profitable.

Bed initial level

Under the mattress or the dimensions 90x200 cm 80h190 Construct simple single bed handmade from wood. It will suit an adult or a teenager. needed for the manufacture of:

  • BRussian for four legs 50h50mm section;
  • DThe piece of lumber 25h245 mm lateral upstands and the foot, 25h100 mm - for manufacturing overlapping slats, 25h200 mm to the head wall;
  • Brus section 50h25mm for manufacturing support beams for overlapping slats;
bed with his hands

Materials for making the bed.

But good lumber purchase:

  • Seating area or our bed screed.
  • TOFastening screws 60 mm;
  • Wchants length 80 and the cross-sectional diameter of 8 mm;
  • FROMtolyarny glue;
  • Morilka or impregnation of wood;
  • BUTkrilovy aqueous lacquer.
materials for bed

Necessary materials for work.

During the assembly of this and other options bed Use tools:

  • DRel screwdriver;
  • HA bit of portable planer;
  • Rcombines scientific circular saw or hacksaw furniture;
  • WLeaf machine or grinder;
  • Hultiple clamps;
  • TOistochki for applying glue, paint and stain;
  • Razdvizhnoy carpenter square;
  • FROMtroitelny level;
  • MAlka - a device for quick marking corners cut away;
  • FROMtuslo - a tool for quick and accurate cutting of workpieces at 45 and than 90 °;
  • ANDKSR Control roulette.

The tools that will be useful in their work.

First collect the headboard. From a bar section 50x50 mm drank two feet in height and 80 cm. In their upper part with the inner sides 4-6 drill holes 8 mm in diameter and 30 mm deep. From boards 25h200 mm drank two billets 950 mm in width. With the ends of the hole make a depth of 50 mm, the same as those that you have done on the legs.

bed with his hands

Lubricate parts joiner's glue in the joints and fasten shkantami, carefully scoring mallet.

Footboard is made of boards 25h240h950 mm and two segments timber 400 mm high.

bed with his hands

Fasten them in the same way.

The backrest is bonded to the side walls 25h250h1900 mm seating area or ties by aligning the outer edge legs.

NOTE! Ties allow easy disassembly when moving furniture.

Along the lower edge of the left and right walls using wood glue and clamps mounted support beams 25x50 mm length 190-200 cm. After drying before removing the clamp beams is further screwed with screws.

the side wall of the bed

Assembling bed side wall.

From boards 25h100 fabricate 12-14 mm transverse rails length 95 cm. On the left and right end of the drilled-through holes 3 mm in diameter at a distance of 12 mm from the edge. Place them across the support beams in the region of 35-50 mm and tighten screws.

Single with their hands

The final assembly of the bed.

IMPORTANT! All items must be sanded prior to assembly. Sliding gon check the "straightness" angles between the side walls and headboards bed. Building level monitor the horizontal arrangement of the elements of the frame structure.

Treat rough surface grinding-machine. Since the outer edges backrests and other parts to prevent chipping wood and improve the appearance can be chamfered. To extend the lifetime treatwood stain and dry. Coat with acrylic lacquer.

ready bed

As you can see, make a wooden single bed is not difficult.

NOTE! to the ends legs when moving does not scratch the floor, you can stick to the lining of felt it.


There are differences in the backrest structure, and its longitudinal axis is reinforced with a jumper leg, preventing sagging mattress.

Bed 140 200

Done under the mattress with the dimensions 140x200 cm.

Headboard lorry consists of two walls and legs. Wall boards do 2-3 length 1400 mm, and 25 mm thick, getting to the desired height (30-40 cm). The legs are made of timber 50h50h800 mm. Stapling wall elements and legs made tongue 8h80 mm, joiner's glue and reinforced with long screws from the 65mm.

backrest and headboard

It is going to the foot in the same way.

side bumpers bed-polutorki should be placed on the same level with the lower backrest boards and have the same height. For a change, change the design of backs bed. Central board walls can be replaced by short vertical inserts from the same dosochek fastened by dowels.

bed with his hands

At the outer edge of the top boards can cut corners.

To do this with a special tool - bevel - make pencil markings. Malka consists of a handle is pressed against the edge boards, Narrow metal plate having a longitudinal slot and the fastening screw, which allows to fix the plate by setting the desired angle and the cutoff length. In this simple way you can quickly draw a symmetrical cutting line on the left and right end. To hacksaw not descended from the line, press along the stake wooden clamps the guide bar.

ready bed

To give an interesting type of bed before varnishing is possible to limit the application of stains only on the surface of the legs and backs.

How to make a double bed made of wood

Two adults - this is a serious weight, which requires a more thorough approach to the choice of material and the method of assembly. Make a bunk bed of solid wood.

double bed

The basis of a standard double mattress size of 200 x 160 cm.

You will need the following materials:

  • Brusok 50x50 mm legs and frames bed 3x3 cm - to the supporting beams under the mattress slats;
  • DOski 20h100 mm transverse planks under the mattress;
  • Metallichesky furniture with corner shelf width of 50 mm;
  • FROMamorezy length 40 and 65 mm.

Of the tools you will need an electric jig saw, sawing equipped with large and widely divorced teeth.

First, to assemble the frame bed with internal dimensions 210h170 cm and a height of at least 15-20 cm. To do this, we glue three or four pieces of lumber, contract the clamps. After drying sawn so as to receive two pieces of side upstands length 220 cm and for two backrests - 180 cm.

bed frame

In the same way the jumper collect longitudinal height of 10 cm and a length of 210 cm.

apply the "lock" type of connection during assembly. To do this on short workpieces using Jig Saw a notch by removing from the middle segment length 5 cm. On long workpieces sidewalls bedLeave "spike", sawed off the top and bottom 5 cm.

double bed

Spread adhesive recesses and pins and connect them at right angles, a sliding check "gon".

Longitudinal jumper attach an additional support in the middle by a metal bracket with a flange width of 50 mm by aligning the lower edge of the frame. The corners of the legs attach the timber to a height of 40 cm. Fixing is effected by means of glue and screws.

bed with his hands

To secure the strength clamps compound.

For greater reliability fabricate legs bed thicker bar. To give them a graceful look chamfer on the inside at an angle of 45 ° using a miter box. Do not overdo it - bearing area should be sufficient to withstand a lot of weight. When mounting the legs using the long bolts with heads in secret with washers and carpenter's glue.

bed manufacturing

At the bottom of each corner of the triangular insertion position, serving to prevent deformation of the structure.

Along the long side walls of the glue timber beams 3h3h210 cm.

bed with his hands

Their upper bound must be coplanar with the upper face of the bridge.

Of boards do 20h100 mm rail length 170 cm. They are placed across and fixed bridges and longitudinal supporting beams at intervals of 3 cm.

bed slats

The first and last rail must be adjacent to the front and back of the frame, the other - equally distributed between them.

IMPORTANT! To slats do not creak, make them shorter than the inside width of the frame 1 cm.

After assembly is complete carefully treat the surface-grinding machine or a drill with a special nozzle with medium- and fine-grained sandpaper. Cover the stain, and after drying - Water acrylic paint in several layers.

to double bed you can make the head wall of 2-3 boards length 25h100h1800 mm and 10-12 mm 25h100h450 boards. First row, which will be in contact with the back will go short boards. On the wrong side should be equipped with hidden fasteners. At corresponding places the head screws to fasten the metal plates, the free lower edge of which is inserted when attaching grooves in tires.

ready to double bed

The most reliable solution is to fix the dowels on the wall of the tire for the wall cabinets - the number of short boards.

If you do not like the hard headboard, bring it to the upholstery of the following layers:

  • DSP 1 cm or plywood;
  • Porolon of 3 cm;
  • ATAtin;
  • ABOUTbivochnaya fabric with an interesting pattern;

Saw basis 45h180 cm piece of plywood or particle board.


Bevel edges with sandpaper and carefully handled to avoid tearing the upholstery and batting.

Of expanded polystyrene or foam cut coinciding in size and shape the workpiece. Attach it to the DSP, and make a couple of holes symmetrical decorative buttons. Measure and cutting batting and fabric upholstery shaped blank with an allowance equal to the sum of thicknesses of workpieces, multiplied by two.

marking holes

Be careful with the holes symmetrically.

With special adhesive or glue spray foam to the substrate. Carefully, spread the batting on the floor. Place it preform of chipboard.

mounting foam

Fold the edges of poached, starting from the bottom, and the furniture stapler nailed to the CPD.

Repeat this step with the upholstery. The fabric is not wrinkled, iron the iron it and how to pull, using clamps, bolted to the middle of the workpiece.

IMPORTANT! Do not skimp on the brackets stapler. They still no one sees.

In conclusion, "sew" sofa buttons. On the reverse side pillow pierce the upholstery big "shoe" and drag the needle thick coarse thread, insert it in the tab buttons and output back through the same hole.


Secure the ends of the thread on the wrong side of the stapler back.

Upholstered headboard hanging on the wall with the help of make tires for wall cabinets.


Wooden bed with their hands, made on a personal project, the cheaper purchase.

Remember, no extra money and the lack of living space are not an obstacle to the implementation of the desire to sleep comfortably.

VIDEO: Double bed of wood with their hands.

Beds made of wood in the interior - 50 photo-ideas:

wooden bed with his hands
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