Wiping the dust from the wooden furniture, it's hard not to notice the cracks, scratches, abrasions. All satellites are integral time appearing in the use of the furniture. Even a small error on the surface are clearly visible. They spoil the perfect kind of lacquer ware, leave an unpleasant aftertaste.

Scratches and chips on wooden furniture or doors - a common problem faced by almost every home
If cracks in hidden areas can be left unattended, in prominent - should be removed. After reading this article, you will learn how to remove scratches from furniture with simple improvised means.

Furniture can be treated with a mixture of vinegar and olive oil, using it as a polish and then wipe dry
- 1 How do I remove scratches?
- 2 Wax
- 3 Shoe polish
- 4 Tea leaves of black tea
- 5 "Hatch"
- 6 Iodine or lube
- 7 Masking deep cracks
- 8 The process of putty
- 9 Video: How to close up (remove) chipped chipboard, furniture
How do I remove scratches?

Special furniture marker can help disguise chips and scratches
No matter how careful was not leaving scratches on the furniture during the long operation can not be avoided. Tables, cabinets, sideboards damaged household items, shall be cleaned. Such damage is significantly spoil the appearance of products, deteriorating the entire interior of the room.

To remove the masking and light-colored furniture defects perfect wax from conventional candle
Avoid scherbinok difficult. But there are real ways to help get rid of them in minutes. All of these methods can be divided into two groups: professional and folk. In the table, consider the pros, cons of each.
Professional practices | Folk remedies |
· Have a high cost; | · Safe, non-toxic; |
· Sufficiently effective; | · Require little or no cost; |
· Cause difficulties in the selection of the necessary shade. | · Do not always cope with the deep marks. |

Small white scratches on the furniture items, you can use the raw walnut

Crayons to eliminate scratches on the furniture
Is a professional tool. Special wax can be found in some furniture stores, household stores.

Special wax to disguise scratches on the polished furniture, which is sold in stores and can be of different types
Wax is universal. It can be applied to any surface: laminated, wood, varnish, etc.

The wax is applied to a felt or soft woolen cloth and gently rubbed in a circular motion into the surface
The wax is sold in two different variations:
- Soft. Easy to use. This wax is simply rubbed into the desired location. Severe damage to need a lot of material. The wooden furniture with large cracks wax easier to apply with a knife, spatula construction. Before removing the surplus should wait fifteen minutes.
The soft wax is used to seal chips, scratches and cracks in wood and laminate surfaces
- Solid. This is an expensive, efficient means. Apply it should not be without certain skills. Hard wax to melt, put on a thick layer of scratch, smooth rough spots.

Super-hard wax for restoration of furniture surfaces, which are in constant use

Melted wax is applied to the damaged area with an excess of cool, remove the excess, repair place sanded
Shoe polish

Furniture color "Wenge", or black, will help retouch shoe polish
Some scratches on the furniture can be cleaned with a normal shoe polish. Shoe polish should be of high quality. Better to choose a well-known brand product, time-tested. The most difficult thing in choosing - the selection of colors. cream color should completely match the color of furniture products. Close up large cracks, chips using this method will not work. It would be too much. Shoe cream to cope with only a barely noticeable scratches. For the restoration of the site is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface, apply the cream gently to support five minutes, remove the remnants. This restoration perfectly hides minor scratches, but only for a while. A few wet cleanings they will again be visible to the naked eye. Therefore, this procedure should be performed with a certain periodicity.

A small amount of cream on the scratch and leave for 30 minutes, remove the excess and rub scratch woolen cloth
Tea leaves of black tea

Infusion of ordinary black tea can also eliminate the scratch on the polished wooden surface
Another proven way to improvised restoration of wooden furniture - tea leaves. It is suitable only for shallow, small damage. Camouflage welding using a large crack will not work. To work should be chosen strong black tea without additives. Teabag need to brew with boiling water. The liquid should infuse for twenty minutes, in order to acquire full color. Then it should be put on a cotton pad, then - on the furniture itself. This method is suitable for dark designs. However, you can try to restore the product bright colors, adjusts the color of the liquid at the draw.

In 30 ml of boiling water to brew a tea bag, let it brew, moisten the cotton wool and rub the scratch

The simplest and most accessible means of a furniture bar
This tool is a professional. You can find it in stores that sell modern furniture. "Barcode" is suitable for masking only small cracks. With deep he can not cope. Such a device is relatively inexpensive. It is intended for laminated, wooden surfaces. The most basic thing when choosing a stroke - the selection of the necessary shade. And to use such a device is simple.

Bar for a fairly quick seal small cracks and scratches
Consider the process of its implementation steps:
- surface preparation. The coating must be cleaned of dirt;
- applying the solution. "Barcode" must be thoroughly shaken, applied to the surface. Layers must be multiple;
- coating alignment. Fifteen minutes after the application of the surface should be wiped with a damp cloth.

Furniture tip pen sold in virtually every major supermarkets for the construction and repair
Iodine or lube

Iodine is used in the sealing of scratches on the furniture, which is made of dark wood
Eliminate small scratches on the furniture will help the most simple means of pharmacy - iodine. It is suitable for products made from walnut, oak, mahogany. When working with iodine can not forget about hand protection. The drug is very beautiful. You need to use conventional medical gloves, a cotton swab. Dissolve a few drops of the drug in water and then put on a scratch stick. The same method can eliminate coating defects using the engine oil.
Masking deep cracks

It can help to stain for wood, which is the best tool for removing scratches on the furniture
If minor damage to household ways fairly easy to clean, then masking the deep flaws requires the use only professional equipment. In particular, the putty. Puttying will allow to achieve a uniform, clean, smooth surface.

Caulking is performed in two stages - first core is embedded cleavage, and after drying topcoat is applied, with a slight excess
The process of putty
- Preparation of the site. With skin, protect the blade surface. Remove dirt, degreasing.
With the sanding clean by covering a damaged portion
- Apply the material. Preference should be given high-quality putty. It should be a material intended only for the tree. At this stage, strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations on the preparation of building materials.
Acrylic plaster is more suitable for deeper dents, by the non-colored stain, you can touch up marker or felt-tip pen
- Rub clean surface. We use sandpaper with fine grains.
The easiest way to apply the putty with a spatula, and the need to remove excess sandpaper
- Paint. Putty color does not always coincide with a touch of furniture products. If the color difference is obvious, we use the stain. After it dries article to be coated with varnish.

Removal of damage to the furniture using a putty