How to tie owl rug in the bathroom and toilet, and a description of the scheme?

The range of rugs for the bathroom and the bathroom is large, but it is often difficult to choose something that will appeal to, or the size of the proposed options do not fit into a modest parameters restroom. In order not to waste time searching and frustration, it is best to link the mat with his hands.

The desire to transform all the rooms in the house of those who know how to knit, occurs regularly.


  • 1 Options rugs in the bathroom
    • 1.1 Knitted round rug
    • 1.2 Plastic mat oval
    • 1.3 Textile mat assembled from circles
  • 2 Learning the basics of knitting
  • 3 Carpet "Owl" hook their own hands
    • 3.1 Owl Oval basis
    • 3.2 Owl with a basis of "pineapple"
  • 4 Recommendations for care
  • 5 VIDEO: Master class on knitting mat-owls.
  • 6 Placemats "Owl" - 50 original options:

Options rugs in the bathroom

Knitted round rug

Before you take up knitting, you need to prepare a "yarn." To do this, take unnecessary knitted things - shirts, shirts, tights - and cut them lengthwise, to receive as much as possible segments of length. segments are then linked to each other, trying, if possible, to do small nodules. Clew.

"Owls around us" - so I want to say, looking at the man-made product masters.

Important! The wider the strip of knitted fabrics, the greater should be the hook.

and finished knitting yarn suitable for the job. The advantage of such a carpet yarn that will not leaf nodes and will be more uniform.

These rugs is full on the Internet.

Thus, the yarn is ready, start to create. When knitting a rug knitwear is not necessary to start with a ring of air loops - get rough. It is better to use a "sliding loop."

The colors are so diverse that you can get lost.

It is recommended in the first row knit 10 columns. Then continue knitting, increasing the number of loops to canvas was flat. If the "yarn" is made up of multi-colored pieces, even the most simple pattern would look interesting.

The phenomenon of this nature resident in that it is easy to knit, and it is recognizable regardless of the colors used.

If desired, use the scheme for knitting napkins. Virtually any model can be recreated from unusual material such as knitting yarn.

The advantage of such crafts in quick result. All just such a creative model can be linked in a single evening.

Here you can roam imagination on naturalness and authenticity of colors no one claims.

Plastic mat oval

For polyethylene mat required packages. Fold them neatly stacked and cut off the bottom and handles (if the packet-shirt). Then transversely cut into identical strips. If these strips to straighten, you get a ring. Connect "yarn" node "ring in the ring", i.e. in double layer of polyethylene.

If you take a multi-colored packages, thing will turn bright and interesting.

Usually work on a model begins with strips of air loops, which is then tied columns with or without sc. The main thing to constantly check that the mat had a flat surface, not going to the folds, or, on the contrary, did not take the form of a bowl with raised edges.

If you want to make an interesting model, take the diagram and description for knitting oval napkin.

Textile mat assembled from circles

Not every interior "get along" with the symmetry and clean lines. In some cases, asymmetry and irregular shapes - the best decoration. This applies to cotton bath mat from fragments.

Create a masterpiece on forces even beginning knitters.

The technology is simple: knitted round pieces of different shapes and colors, and randomly interconnected. It is better if the motives are linked columns, without sc to obtain more dense fabric.

If desired, the finished accessory tied monotonous piping.

Learning the basics of knitting

To knit under the scheme, you need to master the basic elements: air loop column without sc and bar with sc.

In order to make a rug, you need to master patterns.

Important! Pay close attention to your knitting, when using the scheme and description. The error in the previous row will lead to what will have to dissolve the associated segment. The more accurate follow schemes, the faster and better the product will be associated.

Thus, the cornerstone - the air loop. Throw thread on the hook, the hook is pivoted so that it is wound yarn and then carry the thread through the resulting ring.

Difficulties in knitting these loops is not the only thing that you need - is to be trained in their performance before using knitting scheme.

Column without sc. We get hooked into the previous row, engages working thread and dragged her. On the hook turns two loops. Again, we catch the working yarn and draw it through both loops at once.

For rugs complex schemes are not used.

Column with sc. Before introducing the hook in the previous row, sc we do - draw out hook working thread. And only after that we start the hook in the bottom row and again we catch a working thread. In the three loops. Provyazyvaem of two in two.

Simple mat can be done in a couple of evenings.

Carpet "Owl" hook their own hands

Selection of materials:

When choosing colors for the future of the mat can not be limited to the imagination.

To link mat Owl, you need the following tools and materials:

  • Threads of different colors and textures for the main knitting, a little black yarn for the beak and eyes;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Needle to sew the eyes;
  • knitting diagram.

Such a wonderful covushku can lodge in a child's room.

Owl Oval basis

Separately, fit body owls, eyes, head, and at the last stage of the work - legs and beak.

This technique is easier, but will need more time and yarn for her.

Scheme for owl body. If you need to increase the size of the mat, then added a few more rows. The scheme allows to do it without too much difficulty.

Same thing with the eyes. They can tie a little larger.

As a result, a dense mat and "heavier".

If you use the yarn not only different colors but also different texture, it turns out that's so charming sovushka.

Knitting on the oval - a simple technique.

Owl with a basis of "pineapple"

Creation of such a mat will require strict adherence to schemes. And then the result will please you for sure.

The first thing to work out is knitted "pineapple" for the simple scheme.

It is worth noting that the variation "pineapple" scheme - one of the most popular. They are used not only for knitting interior, but also to create air pullovers and shawls. Therefore, the scheme for rug is not the only one of its kind. There are lots of similar variations. Select the one that you like best.

Underlying - mesh stitches that as knitting narrowed.

In this case, the most simple circuit is shown.

Dovyazyvat necessary until the "pineapple" is not fully converge.

By linking the body to begin knitting the eyes and beak. The ready-made accessory for the bathroom looks like.

In addition, the perimeter of the mat, you can tie.

If the bathroom and toilet are connected, it is appropriate to deploy a whole owl family. Coloring mats should be chosen to match the general interior.

Recommendations for care

  • The mat knitted from garbage bags, wash in soapy water. These products dry quickly and for a long time do not lose their original appearance.
  • Tracks for bathroom and toilet should be few, that was what lay before drying or erased previous accessories.
  • Laundered mats must be thoroughly dry, otherwise unpleasant smell will eventually.

a variety of colors can be used in the products.

Obviously, to make the interior of the bathroom creative and unusual, do not need significant financial investment. Interesting shemka for knitting, a couple of free nights, and bathroom items will delight all of your friends.

This love of nocturnal hunter can be explained by the simplicity of implementation of binding.

VIDEO: Master class on knitting mat-owls.

Placemats "Owl" - 50 original options: