How to make massage mat with buttons for children with their own hands?

It's no secret that the health of the baby to take care from birth. And massage mat - the perfect opportunity to do it.

For the health of the child need to buy or make your own hands massage mat for children.


  • 1 Description Massage pad: use
  • 2 How and when to use the massage mat at home
  • 3 Kinds
    • 3.1 shape
    • 3.2 The size
    • 3.3 materials
    • 3.4 Elements for tailoring
    • 3.5 Items that can be glued
    • 3.6 tactile model
    • 3.7 Developing models
  • 4 We do massage mat for children with their own hands
    • 4.1 Basic requirements for rugs made by yourself
    • 4.2 With buttons
    • 4.3 Orthopedic
    • 4.4 Sand
    • 4.5 Railway
    • 4.6 of stones
    • 4.7 Textile mats for massage
    • 4.8 Combined massage mats
  • 5 VIDEO: Massage mats for children with their own hands.
  • 6 50 ideas for making children's Massage pad:

Description Massage pad: use

Massage pad - it's not a toy, but an opportunity in an easy and relaxed form to stimulate the child's body.

Massage increases blood flow stops, trains the muscles of the foot.

Such an arrangement helps to:

  • Speeds up the child's brain;
  • Develop immunity;
  • Stimulate the emotional state;
  • Maintain cardiac activity;
  • Relieve fatigue;
  • Develop the vestibular apparatus.

Massage pad helps to form the ankle joint, relieves fatigue, is the prevention of scoliosis and degenerative disc disease.

Scientists give convincing arguments in favor of the foot massage has a positive effect on the state of internal organs and in the child's emotional health.

That is why it is so important to get hold of the house for your child a massage carpet.

The apartment is very difficult to create the conditions for a sufficient activity of the kid, and a massage mat will help the child to develop properly.

How and when to use the massage mat at home

Parents need to remember that just purchase a rug and put in a prominent place enough. Still, in the first place mat - a serious medical device. In addition, once stood on an uneven (or barbed) surface, the baby does not want more than to touch her.

It is especially necessary if your child is diagnosed with varus or valgus deformity of the foot, walking or asymmetrical flat.

Teach children to this device should be gradually, carefully, and in the form of games. Try to interest the child.

To get started, just put the baby on the mat. Let it will be able to "get acquainted" with the accessory used to it and realize that there is nothing wrong with no irregularities. Give the "friends" with the mat.

Pad works great for the prevention of various diseases.

Then begin to move across the surface. In the first years of life is not more than five minutes, and no more than three times per day. elementary exercise: walking at a different pace or stand still.

Important! If the surface of different types of bumps, it should go in one direction: from small to larger bumps.



The form is chosen based on your personal preferences, conditions and opportunities. Circle, square, rectangle or oval - the choice is yours.

Recommend the use of pad foot massage the child should orthopedist.

More common rectangular or square versions.

The size

It may be different: from small (as a bedside rug), to impressive size. Some parents prefer to lay the mat so the entire space of the nursery. And sometimes doing several separate small fragments with a massage surface, and then placed them close to each other.

In addition to strengthening the legs, massage mat sends signals to the brain, thereby coached his work developing departments that are responsible for memory, thinking, speech.

Remember, if the rug is small, it is inconvenient to do the exercises. It is only at the beginning of the kid just standing there, with age will need to perform certain exercises on it.

Baby foot massage mats have several kinds.


There may be variations. The main thing that you need:

  • dense fabric ( "denim" type);
  • veil, which you no longer use;
  • a piece of rubber or a rubber mat (rug suitable for yoga);
  • laminate.

Mats differ in material from which they are made.

Elements for tailoring

Suitable all there is to sew:

  • buttons;
  • wooden and acrylic beads;
  • cover of plastic bottles;
  • Stands for hot;
  • sponges for dishwashing;
  • Curtain ring;
  • curlers;
  • pencils;
  • ballpoint pen;
  • Lattice for kitchen sinks;
  • thick tape or rope.

They can be soft and elastic, for children in the first years of life, and can be quite tough for older kids.

This list can be supplemented indefinitely.

There are options for mats with stitched elements: small sacs filled with grains or sand.

Choosing an orthopedic pad is necessary, based on the age of the child.

Items that can be glued

As the saying goes, you can not sew, you can paste. And it is absolutely true for the establishment of the massage surface.

Themselves can make a rug out of chestnuts, pebbles, bottle caps, and various cables.

Glue, you can:

  • Pebbles (natural or artificial marine aquarium);
  • coffee beans;
  • beans or peas;
  • shells of walnuts;
  • wooden elements: cubes, sticks, disks.

tactile model

For the manufacture of tactile models it is important to use as many different "touch" items. Therefore, the above details add Velcro, zippers, different in texture fabric.

For children from 1 year to 3 years of age must choose a soft cover with small irregularities.

Developing models

Manufactured with the use of different objects and fragments and distinguished by the presence of numbers or letters, geometric shapes, or different elements of the world (flowers, butterflies, river, bridge, and so on. D.)

Children perceive them as toys and activities on such a rug does not cause aggression in them.

We do massage mat for children with their own hands

Basic requirements for rugs made by yourself

Mat with his hands - a budget option than store-bought. If we consider a number of recommendations, it will not yield and functionality.

Pillow mat must not emit unpleasant odors should dry quickly.

  • Eliminate elements with sharp corners. It is important that the child did not appear uncomfortable at the sight of the accessory.
  • If the model is composed of several pieces with different elements, consider the so-called relaxation area, that is, soft areas, to leg rest.
  • The size depends not only on the area of ​​the apartment, but also the child's age. For remains enough small square. But the child is older obviously bored on a small rug. For him, the model should consider a bigger size and with different coating.

When using the foot pad must be clean, and he should be treated periodically with a soap solution.

To make it possible subsequently to add or remove fragments, the edges of the base web and separate sections sew "Velcro". Then the accessory will be the "new" every day.

With buttons

For this model, cook button (as you can in large quantities), thick fabric for the base, a thin fabric and a needle and thread.

For base sheet can use a hard felt or other dense material.

Buttons at random, alternating large and small, are sewn onto the fabric durable thread. Then the fabric with buttons combined with a dense core. Ready-made fabric trim border.

If desired, the buttons are arranged in the form of various figures. For example one can lay out buttons sun, cloud and butterflies.

You can put inside a plastic box, and sheathe it any matter.


To make an orthopedic model with your hands, it takes a lot of different elements: stoppers, lids, bulk tapes, cleansers, and all that is at hand.

The more diverse the texture elements, the greater the effect can be achieved.


For the manufacture of the mat at home need a dense fabric (linen, rough cotton, denim), of which sewed large flat pockets. Their size and the number of arbitrary. On the pockets created application in a different style.

This will make the model more positive and pleasant to work with.

The pockets are filled with different cereals, but in such a way as to leave a free space. Then pockets and sutured interconnected.


This attribute massage your little son certainly appreciate. Because exercises on such a carpet is not only good for health, but also very entertaining.

Also, sew on buttons, bulk cable and pieces of textured fabrics. Then the fragments are joined.

For its production into separate fragments of thick fabric sewn different elements, including parallel mounted two wide rubber bands, which are then invested in the "sleepers" - wooden cylinder.

of stones

Perhaps the easiest option: on heavy foundation stones are glued. Pre-need to check the surface of the stones, to avoid sharp corners and protruding. Shape and pattern mat selected based on your preferences and available materials.

Contents mat can be different, what your imagination will suffice, but the fun is mat, the easier it is to attract a child to engage in it.

Textile mats for massage

There may be variations. For example, a massage attribute assembled from a plurality of small "bags" with a filler.

Usually, children are happy to engage on these rugs.

You can assemble the model in the form of a game of "classics." Make fragments of textiles and fill them and arranged in a certain order.

Combined massage mats

The name speaks for itself. In these rugs combines even the most incongruous. They are made of all that turned up under the arm buttons, rings for curtains in the bathroom, "lightning" fasteners, decorative elements of different shapes, sponges for dishwashing, ribbons and more.

Catching up with the child from an early age on the massage mat, you can avoid many health problems.

Having made such an accessory with your hands, you are preparing is not just a health trainer, but also create a space for play and development.

VIDEO: Massage mats for children with their own hands.

50 ideas for making children's Massage pad: