Who does not like cats? Fluffy soft tummy and paws-Scratchy able pricked anyone. Unfortunately, each cat can be "Darth Vader-with the dark side of the Death Star": animals spoil furniture, scratching the sofas and chairs. How to deal with the fact that the cat sharpening its claws and tears up furniture, we describe below.

To wean the cat to tear up the furniture need patience, calmness and creativity
- 1 Cat scratching claws on the furniture?
- 2 Wean cat tear up furniture
- 3 It is necessary to use a scratching post
- 4 We use cheholchike for claws
- 5 apply spray
- 6 Video: How to wean cat tear the couch and wallpaper??? | Raising cats |
Cat scratching claws on the furniture?

Scrape - innate need in felines
Viewed "In the world of animals"? We have seen that not only cats but also tigers, and lions love to sharpen its claws on some baobab. So animals mark territory possessions, sharing the smell and signaling to other individuals: "I feared and formidable run in fear!" Scratching his claws on the furniture, cat care about hygiene.

Scraping upholstery, cat leaves her dead scales claws
Cats claws peel - it is a known fact. Vacuuming carpets in the house ever found a cat's claws. No! No need to worry about torn cat's claws and to think that poor pussy hurt. This is quite a natural process and sharpening claws on the furniture in the house, cats help exfoliate scales on the legs.

If the cat claws peel and fall off by themselves, without causing inconvenience to the animal while it is quite normal

Often a cat, doing such a useful procedure - like stitching claws spoils favorite sofa, chair or bed owner
A number of cats get rid of the feelings, sharpening his claws on the furniture. You'd better not upset the cat, the animal will not take long, and revenge on the nearest couch.

Cats do not do not care about that sharpen claws: one like a rigid surface, others - soft
SEALs are trained well. Animals fleece chair, practicing vydviganii claws of the legs: it is an essential thing needed for hunting and getting food. Your cat is always in a bowl Whiskas, and he did not have to worry about food. But evolution is evolution. If put the cat hunts for mice - he will do it, coaching skills on furniture.

Cats use their claws like agile tools
Wean cat tear up furniture

Trim the nails to be very careful not to damage the soft tissues
The animal can be removed claws: tear wean cat furniture-impossible. Manipulation onychectomy called, and it is made at any Veterinarians. We call the method the most popular way to save the sofas from the attack of the cat's feet. But this operation, and not every cat owner will go to such measures, when between the favorite and the owner of the damaged stands a sofa. Cat need to enter anesthesia - it does not pass in vain for the body.

Metal wire cutters to trim the cat's claw
Stripped cat claws - a defective animal that can be considered a real invalid. He can not play scratch, fully jump.

Cutting claw of a cat in the right, wrong and dangerous locations
The cat may fall from the eaves balcony if he likes these trips: the animal is not caught on the edge of the claws. This method will hurt the cat posture, the animal will live in constant stress.

Location finger cats inside of the foot when walking
It is necessary to use a scratching post

Such kittens performs 2 functions at once - indispensable accessories for cat and luxurious decorative floor vases
The most humane way to save a sofa against the encroachments of the cat, buy a scratching post.

Foldable kogtetochke unusual shape with an inclined surface
Devices are available as:
- columns;
Scratching posts for cats Fox - bar with teaser
- tablets, with wound on them hemp;
Corner scratching of plates, wrapped in natural rope
- shelves with a mahram.

Kittens with shelves made with their own hands

Scratching post can be positioned wherever the animal spends most of its time
You should not rejoice too soon: buy a scratching post, but the animal will ignore it. It is better to teach a cat, so he scratched kogotochki on this device. Easier it will be to teach the kittens than adult animals.

Universal folding cat house with a hammock and kittens
To do this, take the animal for a leg and slide along the surface of scratching posts that the cat caught on her claws. With these lessons you will quickly achieve the desired result: the cat understands what is needed scratching.

Kittens on patterned rug - a harmonious interior design complement
Scratching with their hands
Hemp | reel |
tablet | Nail to the wall |

Homemade scratching with minimal cost

Most kittens out of a plastic tube with his hands
We use cheholchike for claws
Now Aliekspress sold some colorful nasadochki that you can just put on nails. This method is expensive: you need to be changed once a week cheholchiki, not forgetting the cat manicure.

Device "Antitsarapki" - special caps that fit over the claws and prevent scratching and tear the furniture
apply spray

Spray protection against scratching for cats and kittens helps wean your pet to scratch and sharpen claws in unwanted places and objects owners
Pet Grooming Services offer spray repellent on cats sofas. Spray means on the sofa, and the cat will not tear it, - says advertising.

Reliable deterrent spray that will help wean cats from staying in this place Bad
But this statement is far from the truth. In fact, almost all the cats ignore these funds.

Spray with catnip should be applied to those places to which you want to draw the attention of cats
We hope that our material has been useful to you, and the furniture in the house will be saved from tsarapok pussies with legs.