How to spoil your mood, without leaving your home? Very easy, just remember where you put your keys! Particularly disappointing late because of such fines in an important meeting.

Keep your keys in one place to save time and nerves in their quest for the right moment.
If you are tired of wasting time searching for the keys to the apartment, car, office, garage, basement - there is a simple solution that will forget about this problem once and for all. When, in your hallway hangs a housekeeper, house in better order.

Checked: a kind of empty hooks - the best reminder of what to look for should be right now, and not before the exit.
Wall housekeeper will not only become a permanent meeting place for all your keys, but also decorate the hall: there are plenty of options for the design of the necessary things in every home. Not necessarily looking for a housekeeper of your dreams at the store: you can do it yourself! In this article, there are several available workshops in which you'll find ideas for its production.

We'll have to try a little, but the result will meet your expectations.
- 1 Benefits of creating their own hands housekeeper
- 2 We determine the design and construction
- 3 Master-class №1: housekeeper of cut a tree
- 4 Master-class №2: housekeeper of branches
- 5 Master-class №3: housekeeper out of the frame of the picture
- 6 Master class №4: housekeeper of plywood or particle board
- 7 Master class №5: housekeeper leather
- 8 Decorating housekeeper: Ideas and solutions
- 9 VIDEO: Wall housekeeper own hands.
- 10 Wall housekeeper hallway - 50 photo-ideas:
Benefits of creating their own hands housekeeper
- Housekeeper suitable to your interior style, size and color - a rarity. Suffice it once to go to look for her, to be sure. You will save time if you do it yourself.
- Only the housekeeper, created for the house with his own hands, may become the embodiment of your personality and love of family.
- You can be sure that your housekeeper wall is made of durable and quality materials, because you do elect them.
- You will not only enjoy the creativity, but also surprise your guests a beautiful and unusual thing in the hallway.
- Finally, the housekeeper, made with his own hands out of scrap materials, cheaper!

"Keeper of keys" are very diverse. They can choose a varied interior hallway and style.
We determine the design and construction
How to make a housekeeper for a house? Very simple! We picked up the design decisions that make you do not have to spend money on expensive materials: all you need to work, there are in almost every apartment.
Materials and tools:
- Plywood, Particleboard piece of leather, frame;
- Acrylic paint, stain;
- Hooks and hangers;
- A drill, a jigsaw and a pressure roller;
- A screwdriver, a putty knife, an awl and a needle;
- Sandpaper;

In order to realize the most daring ideas, just need a few materials and tools.
Master-class №1: housekeeper of cut a tree
You want to have your housekeeper in the hall looked stylish? In this master class simply and described all that this would require.

A few simple steps - and it can be hung on the wall.
What is needed:
- Spill,
- Alcohol or water stain,
- Abrasive sponges or sandpaper medium and fine grain
- Acrylic lacquer,
- Printing otzerkalennogo image
- Wide synthetic brush
- Pressure roller,
- hooks,
- Suspensions - 2 pieces,
- Drill,
- Crosshead screwdriver.
Housekeeper of the saw cut - a suitable option for those who like to work with wood. You can use cut down the tree of any breed, but it is better if it is a pine.

Its wood is easy to process and has a beautiful pattern.
Will process both sides of the middle saw cut sandpaper and then fine graininess. That on the surface there are no unnecessary scratches, we will do it strictly along the wood fibers. Shaking dust formed, moisten the surface with water to raise the wood fibers. We wait for drying saw cut and the second will treat it with sandpaper.
Do not forget to shake the dust!
Now you can cut down starve. If you are new in this business, it is advisable not to use alcohol, and a water stain: it dries longer, which means you will be able to avoid stains by blotting the excess stain with a dry cloth. Morim general synthetic brush along the wood fibers. To achieve deep and uniform staining promo 2-3. After each layer stain saw cut must be dry.
At the end of a walk through the fibers with fine sandpaper.
Now we are going to implant into the wood pattern. Take a printout of pre-matched and otzerkalennogo image. Clay did not need: we cover saw cut and printing acrylic paint, then put the listing on saw cut face down and carefully smoothed with a squeeze roll, and then leave to dry for 2-3 hours.
If you can not make a mirror image of the image independently in many stores for creativity can be found decoupage card.
- Magic moment! Lightly moisten the paper and begin to roll it. You will see on the surface of the image appears gradually. We roll down the paper until the complete disappearance of whiting.
To housekeeper well adjacent to the wall, are drilled with a drill on the rear side recesses for fasteners and bolt them.
It remains attached to the front of hooks for keys - and the housekeeper wall with his hands ready!
Master-class №2: housekeeper of branches
This workshop is for those who are often on the nature and adores eco-style in the interior! Many materials do not need to find a suitable main branch.

This housekeeper definitely surprise your guests!
What is needed:
- Dry tree branches,
- Stain,
- Acrylic paint (optional)
- jig saw,
- Drill,
- Suspensions.
No two branches, and therefore your housekeeper will certainly be special!

Make a hanger for the keys simply.
- Take your favorite branch of a tree, my, dried, saw off all unnecessary. Now we need to decide if we will keep the crust. Option A: remove the bark, using sandpaper if necessary. Option B: The bark remains, it will only remove the damaged areas.
- With the help of the jigsaw will do cut down on the other side, where there are hangers and drill Drill recesses for screws.
- Broad brush housekeeper put on stain: she not only set off the tree, but also serve as an antiseptic. After that, we leave the branch to dry for about an hour.
- If we have a version without the crust, just cover the branch acrylic lacquer. If you chose to bark, branch, first soaked with lacquer, diluted with water at a ratio of 1: 1, and after drying - undiluted.
- If desired, the surface can walk on dry brush acrylic suitable shade. Result must secure a finishing lacquer layer.
- Hooks for keys serve knots. It left to tie hangers.

You can be proud of your work: housekeeper ready.
Master-class №3: housekeeper out of the frame of the picture
You have an old frame house with the picture or pictures? Do not rush to throw it: housekeeper out of the frame - a great way to decorate the wall and decide on the permanent location for the keys!

In this master class is described not only as a housekeeper to do, but also how to decorate.
What is needed:
- Frame,
- Appropriate size piece of plywood,
- Acrylic primer,
- Acrylic paints,
- Wide synthetic brush
- Sandpaper medium and fine grits or abrasive sponges,
- Decoupage Card
- Transparent file
- Adhesive decoupage (or stationery PVA)
- Acrylic lacquer.
- Hooks for keys and suspensions,
- Drill,
- Crosshead screwdriver,
- Jigsaw.

Materials required for the job.
To get started, we need to know the internal dimensions of the frame. Scrollsaw jigsaw of pieces of plywood rectangle size. Take a thin drill (diameter 1-2 mm smaller than the screws, on which we will mount fittings) and is drilled all the holes. Plywood cover acrylic primer or white paint. When the soil is dry, it oshkurit medium grit sandpaper (№ 600-800) and wipe with a damp cloth.

For the frame using the appropriate color ink.
Now we are going to decorate our product in decoupage technique Place the image file in the office face down and well moistened with water, smoothing out bubbles formed on the surface from the center to the edges. Apply on primed plywood base glue and immediately attach a file with decoupage card. Again smooth out the card from the center to the edges (it is convenient to use a pressure roller). Now you can remove the file.

If somewhere there were small folds, the pattern can be smoothed with wet (!) With your fingers. Leave to dry for 2 hour.
Who can be toned frame diluted acrylic paint. Synthetic Brush apply acrylic lacquer. Paste plywood frame, suspensions and Screw hooks.

If you have a lot of keys, this will allow the housekeeper to keep them in order.
Optionally, hang tags with numbers. And so it was easier to navigate, paste enough for each of the key signs with the words "From the Basement", "to give" and so on. N.
Master class №4: housekeeper of plywood or particle board
Do you have plywood thickness of 6-10 mm or a piece of chipboard? There were shelves of old cabinets? Standing arm jigsaw, and you will have an exclusive wall housekeeper of materials that you will not even hoped to use!

Much more aesthetic, when the hall will be the original thing.
What is needed:
- Pattern,
- jig saw,
- Drill,
- Putty for wood,
- Putty knife,
- Hooks for keys and suspensions.
We find in the Internet the appropriate image, set the desired size and print. Impressive look simple generalized form: fish, key, list, outline of a flying bird, a cat ...

For young designers will be fine to try their hand at creating public keys keepers.
The pentagon is easily converted into a house key. Even normal circumference can beat if adding some parts to erect therefrom, e.g., the similarity of the balloon. Cut out the shape of the contour and draw out the pattern obtained with chalk or a simple pencil.Who need a jigsaw.

Carefully, slowly Scrollsaw along the contour of the selected shape.
It happens that on the plywood when operating in this technique chipped, especially plywood first youth. Make the surface even and smooth the ends of the housekeeper in our power. Arm with a spatula or palette knife and put on trouble spots on wood putty. We wait until completely dry.

SKINS sandpaper first, middle, and then a fine grain, focusing on the ends.
Drill recess for suspension and drill holes for the screws, which will hold the hooks.

Include on the imagination and create full power!
Housekeeper own hands can be framed in the decoupage technique, as described in the preceding master-class (in this case, we will also need glue and a suitable figure).

It remains to fasten fittings and hang it on the wall.
Master class №5: housekeeper leather
How else can you make a housekeeper? If you believe that the best place for keys - this pocket of our master class for you.

Housekeeper made in the described technique does not require much effort.
What is needed:
- Pattern,
- Thick Leather (old bag will come in handy)
- Lining,
- Lightning,
- Strong thread,
- Thick needle,
- Awl,
- buttons,
- Carabiner for keys,
- Scissors.

What materials to use and how to decorate a housekeeper you decide for yourself.
The more you have the keys, the larger the pattern should be. Similarly, on the pattern cut out of leather and suede all the details. Putting parts and the outer part of the liner.

So that the product looks neat, trim the edges with scissors.
Left turn our housekeeper and admire the result. attach carbine - and leather housekeeper in your pocket!

Now, no matter how many keys you may be, they are all in one bundle.
Decorating housekeeper: Ideas and solutions
Your housekeeper is almost ready. It's time to add a little charm! Shabby-chic, or Provence, cyberpunk or country, ethnic style or retro, painting or stamping... Only you can decide what technology and what style will be decorated with the housekeeper.

This can be done with materials at hand, so collect ideas.
If broken old clock, you can use several gears, 5-6, unnecessary keys and a little glue - and your steampunk housekeeper already adorns the hallway! If you enjoy decoupage, perhaps you have krakelyurny varnish and wax patina.

That's enough to give a Type antiques: get the housekeeper in retro style.
Stencil and putty - and the housekeeper is covered with three-dimensional pattern. There are small nails and thread? Take the hammer, draw on the board a few lines, hammer nails and wrap their threads - your housekeeper-panels will be Super stylish! If preserved old fork or spoon, fold them, and nailed to a wooden base - the housekeeper is ready to take its place on the wall.

Ideas everywhere, one has only to look back!
Trimming twine, buttons, chains, beads, casting of gypsum or plastics samozastyvayuschey, cutting from cardboard, from ice cream sticks, pieces of ceramic tile - any little thing that is at home doing nothing, may be the final touch for the things that you proud of.

The time you could spend on the search key, and now find the best use!
VIDEO: Wall housekeeper own hands.
Wall housekeeper hallway - 50 photo-ideas: