Design, producing from plaster, intended to separate the space into several rooms
In the market of materials for construction and repair regularly appear new types of building materials, whose names sound incomprehensible to ordinary citizens in terms of their technical characteristics and practical features use.

Internal partition of the current gypsum boards pazogrebnevyh
- 1 What is plaster and where is it used?
- 2 Manufacturing and design features of plaster
- 3 Choosing a gypsum partitions - on what to look for
- 4 Preparing for installation
- 5 What should be done prior to installation
- 6 Repair of the damaged slab
- 7 Video: Interior walls of Knauf gipsoplit
What is plaster and where is it used?
Relevance and ease of construction of a gypsum partitions when you want to divide the large interior space of the apartment, especially in new buildings, the professionals do not cause questions, but the apartment owners, not so often picks repairs, and even re-planning of their apartments, it is appropriate question is: "a gypsum partitions - what it is and where are used?"

Plaster is frequently used for internal partitions
Gypsum board (in fact - plates, cast in plaster in some form) is not necessary to identify the alabaster slabs and plaster, although the main component in all of these types of units used natural gypsum. These materials differ plates percentage composition components, and accordingly - technical characteristics.

A gypsum blocks for interior partitions
As part of the plaster:
- gypsum - and the main binder component, natural, non-combustible material that does not emit odor, non-allergenic, non-conductive, not moldy and is not destroyed by fungi and insects;
- mineral supplements that increase the density and strength of the structure, workability of the finished product, so as natural gypsum when working with it is easily converted into a powder;
- Hydrophobic additives, the purpose of which keep the internal product structure from exposure to moisture and destruction.

Plaster cam boards made according to the molding technology of gypsum grades G-4 or G-5
Manufacturing and design features of plaster

Single and double construction of partitions of gypsum boards pazogrebnevyh
The technology of manufacture, composition, size, characteristics, control methods and acceptance of a gypsum products are regulated by GOST 6428-83. Products obtained in the prescribed technical documentation standard, allowing fast, easy, inexpensive, structurally safe produce high-quality, eco-friendly repair room wall or alterations to the construction of strong, lightweight, flame-retardant partitions. This standard adopted in 1983. Currently, manufacturers of a gypsum blocks and slabs along with GOST developing specifications, which allow to produce products with improved consumer dimensions and characteristics.
State Standard specifies two plates embodiment of plaster:
- Since grooves on the faces of the two splicing blocks filled solution after compound.
Drawing of slot gypsum boards, which are already out of production
- With the grooves and ridges of rectangular or trapezoidal shape. Such docking connection is defined as a state standard of higher quality product. crest shape does not affect the quality of the connection and the fortress solution.
A gypsum block with a rectangular and a trapezoidal groove / ridge
Standard specifies the tolerances on the precision of the dimensions of grooves and ridges, wherein for the compound of the 2nd embodiment they are more stringent than those for the 1st embodiment. The price for the first category of products is less than the price of the highest category blocks.

If the width of the aperture not exceeding 80 cm and above it will have only one row of gypsum partition boards, the rules allow not use jumper

When the opening width of more than 85 is required to install a steel or wooden beam jumper
The current standard has the following dimensions of the plates, respectively, in length and height:
- 600 x 300 mm;
- 667 x 500 mm;
- 800 x 400 mm;
- 900 x 300 mm.

partitioning schemes of the plates 667 x 500 (h)
Gypsum boards are characterized by:
- According to the structure:
- hollow 80-100 mm thickness having, compared with hollow blocks of a lower weight and better noise insulating properties;
Hollow water-resistant partition wallboards
- Hollow 35-40 mm thick, have higher strength and reliability.
Pazogrebnevye monolithic hollow gypsum board

Hollow and solid blocks of a gypsum versus
- According to the degree of moisture absorption:
- normal (25-33%) - for dry rooms with normal humidity levels;
Conventional gypsum board used for the construction of walls in rooms with normal humidity
- moisture (less than 5%) - indoor humidity over 60% (added in their composition Portland cement, and to distinguish stained in green).
Water-resistant gypsum board used for the construction of walls in rooms with high humidity
Choosing a gypsum partitions - on what to look for

Beautiful baffle of gypsum boards
The practice of using a gypsum blocks has shown that it is necessary to choose:
- for walls in the kitchen and bathroom - water-resistant (hydrophobic) blocks;
- if there is a wooden floor - hollow blocks for the screed can use any kind;
- for interior walls - two types: hollow and empty and, given that the high ceilings, the bottom is better to have a strong, hollow blocks.

Compound rectangular monolithic slabs junction pazogrebnevyh
Preparing for installation

The process of mounting a gypsum blocks
As mentioned above, a gypsum partitions is easy and simple to mount because of the convenient size, the presence of strong connecting joints. Inside and outside the walls, you can conduct an electrical cable through them - thin lines.

grooves and ridges of the system allows you to maintain fast and tight panel
It should also be noted perfect geometry plates, smooth surface does not need to follow the wall plaster (plaster only seams).

Mounting of gypsum boards is carried out with ligation connecting seams with staples
Plaster is easily sawed by hand or electric hacksaw.

Cut blocks with a hacksaw
What should be done prior to installation

Scheme installation of gypsum boards pazogrebnevyh
- Create partitioning scheme and to determine the dimensions (advised not to professionals length septum wall 6 m and 3.5 m in height), considering that to put a rounded or curved design not out.
- Select form blocks of the desired number, mounting adhesive for bonding units.
- Prepare necessary tools for cutting, shtrobleniya, cleaning welds, measuring the floor level as set blocks must necessarily perfectly flat surface, to prepare other measuring adaptations.
- By necessity, to prepare materials such as dry cement mixture for floor leveling, substrate.
- Make markings on the floor to the doorway, if it is planned in the partition.
- Make the room units before installation for several hours to equalize the temperature inside and outside the unit.

Finished wall of gypsum boards
Repair of the damaged slab

Repair of damaged gypsum boards with their own hands
- With the damaged area to remove dirt and dust resulting during cleaning.
- The stripped portion and a zone next to it (a few centimeters) deep penetration primed plaster structure for stabilization.
- To prepare the mixture of plaster and PVA.
- Moisten the damaged area with water, repaired damage plaster solution strengthening - attach to the wet section of nylon mesh and press it to a repair mix, that after drying it does not He stood out.
- After drying to smooth the surface.
- Recover decorative coating.