The materials from which to make furniture, are quite diverse. For a long time the product is made exclusively from natural wood. The wood is stronger, the harder it is to handle, but it is fully compensated by the durability and safety of wooden products.

The layer of natural wood, wood planing obtained.
Now manufacturers are increasingly used in furniture making artificial materials, as they usually are superior to the natural qualities of service. Plastic, metal, glass and other uses, mainly in the manufacture of office chairs and cabinets, and natural - in the manufacture of furniture for living quarters. Each material has its own pros and cons.

Paper, soaked in the resin of melamine and formaldehyde.
- 1 Particleboard
- 2 chipboard
- 3 MDF
- 4 Fibreboard
- 5 Veneer
- 6 PVC
- 7 Laminate
- 8 Melamine
- 9 array
- 10 Rattan
- 11 Glass and metal
- 12 Unusual materials for making things
- 13 VIDEO: How to do it? Furniture without secrets
- 14 50 photos of the ideas that make the furniture
The most common and cheap material. Residues from the wood processing industry has long found application. Sawdust and waste compressing or mixed with glue and then color special enamels okleivayut melamine or laminated film. It is because of this material is most often made cheap cabinet and office furniture.
Particleboard can be divided into 2 types. As part of the second (E2) contain a large amount of formaldehyde resins, which may adversely affect human health. This type of furniture may not be used in children's rooms. It is best to completely abstain from the use of E2 in a residential area. E1 is considered to be environmentally-friendly material, since the proportion of the epoxy resins in it much less than in the previous year. Such furniture is quite possible to use the apartment.
Advantages of chipboard:
- strength, impact resistance and rigidity;
- a large assortment;
- low price;
- the ability to firmly hold the screws and nails;
- absence of irregularities, cracks and hollow spaces inside;
- ease in handling;
- increased moisture resistance.
Disadvantages of chipboard:
- toxicity;
- overly simple design and the inability to study fine details.

The thickness of the shield varies in the range of 2-4 cm.
The same as the DSP, only in a more polished form. It differs from the standard variant of the presence of a special coating. Slabs of chipboard have greater water resistance and reliability, as they are virtually non-toxic.

However, the furniture afford only wealthy people can rattan.
Durable tile material, which is created from the dried wood fibers treated with artificial binding substances. These substances are combined in the form of a carpet and subjected to grinding and pressing, then coated paper of melamine under shade or wood veneering operate. Produce MDF in Russia a few years ago, this material was brought from other countries. It is characterized by environmentally friendly and does not emit toxic fumes. MDF value far exceeds chipboard, but has virtually no drawbacks.

In fact, not so important, what material will be made your furniture - natural or artificial.
Most often made from chipboard constituent elements of furniture, for example, reverse wall cabinets, drawers in a cabinet and sofas.
Fibreboard - producing material by pressing a plurality of wood fibers, which thereafter is attached to form a carpet. The raw materials used wood chips, garbage accumulated in the process of wood, fuelwood. The biggest drawback of fiberboard is, perhaps, the narrow field of application.

The raw materials used wood chips, garbage accumulated in the process of wood, fuelwood.
The layer of natural wood, wood planing obtained. The plate thickness is less than 1 mm. It is used for the treatment of articles made of other materials and giving them good appearance. When veneering wood is carefully selected by the shade and texture.

Creative designers sometimes create cabinets and chairs seemed to be quite unsuitable for this stuff.
Veneering is performed in the following manner: a plate with beautiful structure should be cut with a thin layer, and then glued on a standard basis.

Best of all rattan products look in the cottages and country houses, although increasingly this furniture found in homes.
Increasingly, manufacturers are used in the manufacture of furniture PVC or, more simply, plastic. This material has a number of advantages: it is easy to wash, he quietly tolerate changes in temperature and moisture, and most importantly, inexpensive. In addition, furniture made of PVC is different enviable longevity. However, this material, there are significant disadvantages: it is easy to ignite and may break by the impact of moderate strength. That's why the furniture made of PVC more appropriately be placed in the office, rather than in the apartment.

One of the most expensive and environmentally friendly natural materials.

Everyone knows, the furniture is made of wood, or of its treatment.
The thin film, which is used to cover some products. Laminated boards have the following advantages:
- good rigidity and density;
- resistance to damage;
- high humidity;
- the ability to withstand long-term loading.

Made of solid furniture elite class.
Paper, soaked in the resin of melamine and formaldehyde. Used as decorative coatings for facing plates. Melamine characterized by reliability, durability and excellent wear resistance. That is why they are often treated surfaces, which are contraindicated severe stress.

This material has a number of advantages: it is easy to wash, he quietly tolerate changes in temperature and moisture, and most importantly, inexpensive.

The laminate has a resistance to scratching and to chemical reagents.
One of the most expensive and environmentally friendly natural materials. Is a thick shields formed of solid bars of wood, polished and varnished. The thickness of the shield varies in the range of 2-4 cm. Most often used coniferous wood, cherry, oak, maple, etc.

The laminate has a resistance to scratching and to chemical reagents.
Made of solid furniture elite class. Usually, it needs proper care, as natural wood characterized by high sensitivity to temperature changes.

Melamine characterized by reliability, durability and excellent wear resistance.
It called tropical rattan vine. This method of manufacture of furniture came to Europe from Asia. Best of all rattan products look in the cottages and country houses, although increasingly this furniture found in homes. It is lightweight, does not occupy a lot of space, quite elegant and beautiful. However, the furniture afford only wealthy people can rattan.

We should not forget that it is organic. as well as an array, and requires careful treatment.

Furniture made of veneering of plates does not differ from product from the array.
Glass and metal
This furniture is mainly used, the fans high-tech style, which is typical of a large amount of chrome and glossy surfaces. The use of such materials is expanding the range of products, allowing you to create a new stylistic direction. In the creation of tables and cabinets are often used these types of glass, such as: frosted, tinted, transparent, painted. The main disadvantage of glass furniture is its apparent fragility.

In the creation of tables and cabinets are often used these types of glass, such as: frosted, tinted, transparent, painted.

The main disadvantage of glass furniture is its apparent fragility.
Unusual materials for making things
What makes furnitureIn addition to the materials listed above? Creative designers sometimes create cabinets and chairs seemed to be quite unsuitable for this stuff.
- Furniture made b \ y materials
Designer Jens Praet of Belgium known for its unusual approach to production. Praet chop a bunch of magazines and newspapers and made from a scrap of cabinets, tables, benches, and other products. Specific material obtained by mixing it with the resin scraps, after which produced a light polishing.
- Furniture made of lava
This idea occurred to the Italian designers A. And C. Trimarchi Farresinu that suddenly all decided to conduct a study of lava. After collecting a multitude of small and large samples of volcanic formations, they subjected their melting, pressing, grinding and other processes. As a result, designers have received some interesting pieces of furniture that adorned brass and Murano glass.
- 3D printing

Furniture made of veneering of plates does not differ from product from the array.

The raw material for the production of fiberboards are also waste sawmill and woodworking.
The technology of today is experiencing rapid development, covering new areas. FROM. Lovasova, Slovak designer, was an interesting collection of "puppet" of furniture, called "1: 1". On the scanner, she stamped increase of up tiny tables, sofas and cabinets, and then print them out of styrofoam.

MDF - an abbreviation of three words from the English Medium Density Fiberboard.

The most common material, the best price and quality is chipboard.
In fact, not so important, what material will be made your furniture - natural or artificial. The first thing you really should pay attention to - the quality and price of the product. Now learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of different materials, you will be able to choose and pick up for your home the best option.

DSP was first used since the thirties of the last century in the countries.

Now learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of different materials, you will be able to choose and pick up for your home the best option.
VIDEO: How to do it? Furniture without secrets
50 photos of the ideas that make the furniture