- Choosing a detergent
- Folk remedies
- Preventive measures:
A white, sparkling clean bath is a dream subject of any mistress. Sometimes it is also a source of good mood, because it's so nice to lie down in a bath with fragrant foam. But every year the quality of tap water is getting worse and worse, and we inevitably face the problem of the appearance of yellow spots from lime and rust. On the agenda is the question of how to clean the bath of rust. With minor impurities will cope with almost any cleaning agent, but with an old rusty bloom will have to tinker. Let's see what will be suitable for this and will be really effective.
to the contents ↑Choosing a cleaning agent
How to choose a rust remover for a bath? On the shelves of shops there are many different means, but before you buy a powder or liquid for cleaning, carefully read the instructions. There should be recommendations for removing rust. If they are not, buy a tool is not worth it.
Important! Well-proven tools such as:
In addition:
- It is necessary to take into account the material from which your bath is made: Do not use rust remover from metal surfaces for enamel bath. So you just mess up the cover.
- It is not recommended to constantly use for cleaning the bath means that are intended for other purposes - cleaning the bathrooms, gas stove, etc. They contain oxalic or sulfamic acid, they remove rust well, but can damage the enamel. Such means are not suitable for everyday cleaning. In addition, they are very harmful to the skin of the hands, so when using them, you must always protect your hands with gloves.
The way of using chemical compositions is approximately the same:
- The bath is well wetted with water.
- The selected tool is applied.
- Large spots can be rubbed with a sponge.
- Flushed with running water.
Folk remedies
If you are not a supporter of chemistry, then you can clean the bath from rust and folk remedies, which are practically in any house. What effectively cleans rust from the bath?
Ammonium alcohol and hydrogen peroxide
To remove old rust stains, you will be helped by a solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. It is made as follows:
- In a dry, clean glass container, pour 100 grams of ammonia.
- There also pour a thin stream of 50 g of hydrogen peroxide.
- Mix well the components.
This solution is applied to problem areas with rust and left for 10-15 minutes, then rinsed with running water.
Important! The procedure should be carried out in rubber gloves!
Cooking salt and wine vinegar
In the fight against rust, all means are good, especially when they are in every kitchen. We will come to the rescue of salt and vinegar:
- To prepare the solution, you need to pour 100 ml of vinegar into the dishes and add there also 2 tablespoons of salt.
- This solution needs to be heated to a temperature of 65 degrees.
- Then apply it to the stains and leave for 15-20 minutes.
- Then clean with a sponge and rinse under running water.
Salt or oxalic acid
The procedure for removing stains is as follows:
- First wear rubber gloves and cover all the chrome parts in the bathroom with cellophane so that they are not damaged during the cleaning process.
- Carefully apply acid to rusty areas with a clean cloth.
- Leave it for 15 minutes, then rinse it thoroughly with running water. You can use detergent or detergent.
Important! Do not spray the acid so that it does not get into your eyes.
Other ways to deal with rust stains
What else can I clean the rust from the bath?
- In case of light attack, baking soda can be used. It is moistened and applied to a stain, then rinsed off with water. Instead of food you can use calcined. This method is not suitable for acrylic bathtubs.
- Small spots can be cleaned with citric acid by dissolving the sachet of the substance in a glass of water. The solution should be applied to stains and left for a while, and then washed off with water.
- Acrylic bath well cleans vinegar: fill the bath with warm water to the brim and pour in a half cup of vinegar. Leave for a whole day or for the night. For a better effect, you can add a little alkali.
Prevention measures:
- To prevent rust formation, it is necessary to perform preventive cleaning at least 2 times a month. To do this, any disinfectant for a bath is suitable.
- If a small speck of rust appears, mix a spoonful of baking soda with 2 drops of ammonia and apply to the stain, then rinse with running water.
- After each bath, treat the bath with lumpy soap, wiping the sponge with it.
- Do not forget to ventilate the room so that the air is dry and the steam does not accumulate.
- After use, it is recommended to clean the surface of the bath with a towel dry.
- If the stains do not succumb to any remedies, do a restoration. You can use for this purpose enamel, liquid acrylic or liner.
- Most often rust appears in places where water is for a long time - at the drain hole, at the overflow system. Take this into account and eliminate as soon as possible breakage or water leakage.
- Do not leave metal objects, dishes, etc. on the edge of the bath.
Important! When cleaning, use only soft sponges and brushes to avoid scratching the surface, since dirt collects in scratches, which is then very difficult to remove.
We hope that the described means and methods were enough for you to start an effective fight against rust on the bathroom. Act and bring your bathroom plumbing to perfection, because it directly affects your health!