Plasterboard is used widely in construction and decoration. It represents two sheets of paper sealed between which a special compressed gypsum composition. Often, to increase the strength between the sheets of paper glued also sealing the net. It prevents spillage of the total material during its deformation. Excellent as a lining material for attaching to the wall. It serves as the working partition separating the office space.

A particularly widely used in the design of kitchens.
This material has many advantages - it is flexible, versatile in application, it is lightweight and does not require long preparation work. Is secured in more ways. It can be transported in large quantities, it takes up little space.

Such material is virtually not subjected to deterioration with time.
Drywall is inherent one drawback - it is very fragile and can not withstand severe mechanical loads. This is due to the fragility of the natural gypsum. For the installation of a certain species of kitchen furniture requires a special approach and knowledge of the case.

This article lists all help set the kitchen cabinets to the drywall.
- 1 Materials and tools for installation of drywall to the wall.
- 2 Fasten light items on drywall
- 3 Support structures drywall
- 4 How to install the fixing of heavy objects on the wall of plasterboard?
- 5 VIDEO: Fitting cabinets with mounting strap and universal awnings.
- 6 VIDEO: How to Hang a rack on drywall. Non-standard solution.
Materials and tools for installation of drywall to the wall.
The most important thing - to choose a reliable fastening and suspensions. There are many fixtures suitable for plasterboard. The difference is in the form of furniture, you are going to attach.

It is necessary to accurately calculate and measure the dimensions and weight of the kitchen cabinets.
You will need the following tools.
- Anchor bolts.
- Drawer mounting.
- Domestic technological support.
- Intermediate rail.
- Suspended structures.
- Metal and synthetic ropes.
- Dowels.
- A variety of hooks and loops.
- Roulette.
- Pliers and wire cutters.
- Knife.
- Rubber mallet or hammer.
- Phillips screwdrivers of different sizes.
- Bit.
- Drill with a tip of hard metal (12 mm)
- Drill.
- Putty knife.
- Level or special plummet.

You can use a cutter and screwdriver, but it's not necessary.
If desired, and experienced programmers can not make worse attachment, but time will be much more.
Fasten light items on drywall
Light items considered shelves, paintings, jewelry and pendant watches. Plasterboard - soft material, so it fit screws, which independently doing a groove in a lower surface hardness. For their screw-fit a conventional Phillips screwdriver.

It is best to pre-mark fastener locations the suspended element.
Then just Screw the object or hang it on a hook formed.

Drywall screws need to use phosphated with a large stride thread.
anchor itself must be screwed very slowly and deliberately. It should not sew through the wall or make a smooth groove in which is nothing to catch. Manage your stress is so that the plug gently plunged into the dense gypsum board, without breaking its back wall.

This is very important, especially if the wall is facing, and the partition.
The result is a plastic hole of a certain diameter. Directly screw is screwed into a hole slightly larger diameter. Usually they come with dowels.

Due to the polymer structure and dense coarse thread, the product is kept much stronger.
For cupboard will need a clear layout. It is best to draw in pencil using a ruler and compass. Dowel as umbrella have sliding feet which increase the area and fastening strength. For fastening in this way is necessary to drill a drill hole into which a light stretch to be able to get into the plug in the folded state.

Then you need to screw the screw until such time as the support are against the wall of the hole.
Make sure that the plug is not to slip into the hollow portion of the septum. You can also insert the dowel directly with screws.

In addition to metal anchors, there is a plastic expansible fasteners for gypsum board, which has the designation OLA 10/13, and can withstand the load on the ejection of up to 25 kg.
The exact layout - the key to good design. Do not rely on the massive size of the loops and fabric enclosure. It is better to check all the wall. Start with the fact that the mark a location of one loop. Then, using the degree and roulette direct measure degrees and dostroyte lines to each other.

Only completed and noting the exact mounting position, you can start drilling.
Support structures drywall
Plasterboard resource does not have sufficient strength to withstand heavy construction. Therefore, initially at the design stage should be prepared bearing skeleton.

Very often, the kitchen cabinets are mounted precisely on such technological supports.
Plan, which will be suspended and furniture will look like a common kitchen interior. Mortgages are set for a long time, so in the event of error will be hard to dismantle the back. Better to do it all at once.
Follow these instructions and you will avoid problems.
Obtain wooden bars, the width of which is equal to the width of the gap between the plasterboard and the wall.
Cook them from the beginning, because they - carrying member of the assembly.
The next step - the exact location marking the lockers. It is important that the weight is evenly distributed on all the wooden slats. Determine the exact location of fixture and start to install the mortgagors on the boards.
It's an easy process to cope with it even a beginner in construction.
Prepare the anchor bolts. Such bolt fastens wooden beams with plasterboard. Make sure that the bolts were hidden caps. This is necessary in order to cap bolts are not drowned in the material.
The anchor screw is a metal bolt is threaded into the threaded washer.
This is done by means of metal profiles.
A washer in turn is in metallic cavity. When screwing the bolt cavity expands, exerting pressure on the wall of the hole in the drywall. This method of attachment is perfect for gypsum as compressive he density and hardness increases significantly. This effect is called embedment. In addition, the anchor bolt creates friction, in which it is virtually impossible to break down. Can additionally secure closure bars between them.
If you plan to attach particularly heavy furniture, you can not do without the metal sheets, attached to the beam.
They keep using screws and significantly strengthen the overall structure.
- If you have done all the procedures correctly and consistently, you can be confident in the strength of the structure. It will survive even the most crowded kitchen cabinets.
How to install the fixing of heavy objects on the wall of plasterboard?
If the wall has already been set before you, you must determine the load-bearing structures rack. They are behind the drywall blade, so that the eye does not see them. Use an ordinary magnet.

In those places where it is deflected to the side wall is a metal rail.
The next stage - to choose the method of installation. If the original cabinet hinges are not compatible with the distance profiles, you need to attach an additional rail to the frame, and rail is already secured hanging cupboard. The ideal solution - to reach the bar for the entire length of the furniture. In this case, weight is uniformly distributed and the likelihood of breakage is reduced. When hanging the cabinets main burden will assume the metal stand.

Planck will also be invisible, because it is located behind cupboards and completely hidden by them.
In a particularly heavy loads using anchor bolts. C. Milling is done via the opening in the wall through which the threaded bolt and secured. It is attached directly to the supporting wall.

All cut cutter coated with plaster.
Another interesting and unusual method - hanging cabinets to the ceiling on special ropes. This option is best if you have the opportunity to fix the cables to the joists.

Also, this method can be applied if the ceiling is made of concrete.
To install you must do the following steps.
- Drill, 8 mm in diameter. They need to fix the hook-shaped G. To the sky will podtseplen cable. Mandatory requirement - the hook should fit snugly against the wall. Otherwise, over time, construction will begin to sink in some place that will cause disruption of the construction from the ceiling.
You can contact the experts. With the help of special equipment they shoot hooks are very close to the wall.
The other side of the rope is attached to the fastening point of the kitchen cabinet.
This design is more reliable. It is not shaken, standing firmly, that "toe the line". In the procurement of cables take care of their correct circumcision. The length of each must be greater than 10 cm. This is done to bend the hook of which is attached.
- For especially heavy furniture apply additional bearing profiles. It is best to use a rectangular types. The coefficient of the highest stiffness. These poles set on the entire height of the plasterboard wall. They are mounted in the ceiling and floor bearing. Then to poles attached to the frame rail and gypsum formation.

On top of it in the places, where the metal profiles to fix the furniture.
The whole process is quite feasible as independent forces in his home. Actions do not require special skills, the main thing - strict adherence to the instructions. Despite all the advantages of plasterboard in the building is relatively new material. Its properties are not sufficient and reliability checked, so it is good to consult with building professionals. They will help you in selecting and installing drywall. Remember that this material is afraid of water. Better not to place it near an open water source. He may gradually swell, becoming softer and more pliable.

We hope that helped you in resolving the issue. We wish you a successful renovation!