Beautiful and functional kitchen in a classic design with a large fridge hidden in a corner cabinet
Design kitchen design is more harmonious, win more space in the room as possible, if the build in kitchen refrigerator. Freestanding fridge takes up too much space in the room and is not always suitable to the general design of the kitchen. If the technique to embed in furniture, the room will look much more aesthetic and more spacious.

Built-in refrigerator in the interior of classical kitchen in a studio apartment
- 1 saving space
- 2 Installation embeddable refrigerator in the closet
- 3 How To Embed refrigerator furniture set yourself
- 4 How to build a conventional refrigerator in the closet
- 5 conclusion
- 6 Video: Installation of built-in appliances: System door on door
- 7 50 models of refrigerators built in different cuisines and different interiors:
saving space

Refrigerators small size often placed under the kitchen worktop
Win extra space in the kitchen, you can only use the special built-in refrigerators models. They are more compact, economical, quiet and in comparison with conventional refrigerators are better suited for use in modern kitchen furniture.

Narrow built-in refrigerator in the interior of a small kitchen
If you want to free up more space in the room, then installing a conventional refrigerator in the closet you will not get the expected result. A common technique is the size of more than built. If you add to the volume of a simple refrigerator the size of the cabinet, the space it will occupy even more. If you build a conventional model in the closet, it will perform a decorative function, but not to save additional space.

To embed the refrigerator, you first need to decide on the venue, it is important to consider not only the size but also the type of refrigerator
Installation embeddable refrigerator in the closet

Refrigerators are different from the conventional in that they lack outer decorative panel
A small built-in models, up to 80 cm in height can be efficiently placed under the working area, the desktop. The inner capacity of the equipment designed for about 90-150 liters. If this amount is not enough, you can install a large two-chamber cooling unit or two smaller. Variant with two small, built-in under the sink, freezer, very original and practical.

Small built-in refrigerator and freezer under the worktop
High two-chamber models are usually installed at the edge of furniture design, sometimes they can be a corner of the headset. To assemble and install furniture built-in refrigerator is better to turn to professionals. This will avoid problems and will save your own time. In principle, you can install on their own, most importantly adhere to the correct recommendations.

Convenient sliding-column enable to hide all the techniques
How To Embed refrigerator furniture set yourself

Scheme general type cabinet for recessed refrigerators
To work you will need:
- awnings and furniture handles;
- Chipboard and self-adhesive paper edge;
- fasteners and tools.

The dimensions of the cabinet for built-in refrigerator
Chipboard, of which you are a wardrobe must harmonize with the kitchen furniture. Built-in models feature a convenient pantograph system which allows you to easily connect the door and the refrigerator cabinet together. The place where is located built-in appliances must be smooth, so that the finished design was robust and stable.

The process of embedding a refrigerator cabinet
Future furniture should be equipped with a podium and ventilation holes in the bottom. The top panel is designed with a small space from the wall. The rear wall in the housing, is usually absent. On a pre-shot measurements of cut elements for the future cabinet. Making it easier to use the jigsaw, in which case the cut site will be more smooth and neat. The resulting parts are interconnected by screws. Places slices masked paper edge.

Installation of facades on the built-in refrigerator is produced by two methods of fastening: fittings and fasteners fixed to the hinge system
By installing the cabinet on the prepared area, it is necessary to apply the water level, check that the design was exactly. For cord will need to make a hole in the side wall of the housing, if necessary. After that can install a refrigerator manufactured design. Wiring is best placed behind the headset, or hide under the floor covering wires special threshold for safety.

If the refrigerator door is fixed facade enclosure for mounting using special hinges
At the end should be fixed on the refrigerator door. Built-in models are equipped with a pass door system. With the hinge system to work a little harder than others. It must be considered before choosing a particular refrigeration units.

Bracing for a refrigerator facades
Some manufacturers offer a built-in refrigerators with transparent doors. These models look very original and impressive. These optional mount door of chipboard, and without it, they look amazing.

refrigerator model with a transparent door, built under the worktop of the island
How to build a conventional refrigerator in the closet

Mounting options and built-in conventional models of refrigerators
Make a suitable housing for the conventional refrigerator can in a similar way. The only thing that creates considerable inconvenience is the lack of a system for hinged doors. Also, the cabinet itself will be much greater dimensions than in the case of built-in appliances. For the design does not provide the bottom, as usual model should stand on the floor. As a result, there is a risk that the body can get shaky and unstable. The cabinet door and the refrigerator can be combined construction adhesive. The main thing that the loop could withstand such a load.

Cabinet for a three-chamber of a conventional refrigerator
In general, to install a conventional refrigerator in the closet a lot harder. In this case it is possible to spend a lot of time, effort, nerves and do not get the desired effect. In any case, it is better not to risk it.

To facades opened simultaneously with the doors of the refrigerator can be installed ball bearing slides
Experts recommend that you have in the kitchen or freestanding fridge or build in the kitchen furniture, specially designed for this technique.

Two large refrigerator, installed in a spacious room
The advantages of built-in refrigerators:
- efficiency;
- quiet;
- good capacity;
- ideal microclimate for storing food;
- reasonable price.
Refrigerators are ideal for installation in the kitchen. They work very quietly, no buzzing, no rumble as the usual cold stores. Embedded devices have an innovative zero-camera with optimal temperature and humidity, which allows longer keep food in the most comfortable conditions.

Large refrigerator, tucked away in a cupboard in a niche in the kitchen
Such refrigerators will occupy much less space in the room, but they are designed so that at its compactness have sufficient capacity. Recessed models have the same value as usual, so they are readily available for every buyer.

Miniature refrigerator in the kitchen cabinet for a small studio apartments

Refrigerator Atlant XM 4307-000 - one of the most acceptable options in its price category
Trend to install built-in appliances in the kitchen furniture has come to us with Western countries, where it is accepted rationally dispose of an area of the room. In addition, it is very fashionable and is often seen in modern design projects.

Refrigerator Beko CBI 7771 - the model is fairly reliable, but not too spacious and there is no area for the storage of fruits and vegetables
Manufacturers offer many different built-in appliances, which is suitable for small apartments or large homes.

Model, built under the tabletop Hotpoint Ariston BTSZ 1632 / HA
If you want to create a harmonious interior, add more aesthetics and win the extra space in the kitchen, feel free to purchase built-in refrigerator and make it part of the kitchen units.

Expensive model from the German manufacturer Siemens KI39FP60RU
Video: Installation of built-in appliances: System door on door
50 models of refrigerators built in different cuisines and different interiors: