Furniture — element surrounding the man everywhere: at work, at home, in catering establishments (cafes, restaurants), in government offices and institutions in show business. From the ergonomics and aesthetics of furniture depends labor and human personal efficiency, overall mood, and more.

Its convenience is to be both functional and aesthetic.
Or ergonomic functionality depends on the ease of application, by meeting certain specifications, which can be expressed in terms of - height, width, number of shelves, the maximum load, the ability to change the height, width.

For home office workers bookcases are a mandatory attribute.
Aesthetics can not be expressed in numerical terms, but it is no less important component. The extent to which the proposed solution looks organically on the situation in the room, as far as it complies expectations and preferences of the person, directly affects his mood, a feeling of satisfaction and harmony.

A rational use of space will give you the opportunity to have the books on the shelves so that she was always on hand.
One of the attributes that affect the aesthetic, intellectual, emotional state are the books. For some, it is a status symbol for the other part of the decor, to third — worship element for the fourth — way to diversify their leisure. Consequently, the literature should be stored somewhere. For anyone whose needs are just above the physiological needs and security needs, the important question is not only where, but also how to place books.

One of the best options for solving the problem is to create a bookcase with his hands.
- 1 The advantages of manufacturing their own hands following.
- 2 Drawing
- 3 Tools and equipment
- 4 materials
- 5 VIDEO: How to make a bookcase with his hands.
- 6 Bookcases in the interior - 50 photo-ideas:
The advantages of manufacturing their own hands following.
The bookcase is made in strict accordance with the dimensions of the room, the required size of the enclosure, and features installed in the room of furniture.
Use a roomy, well-designed books storage systems that will beat the interior.
The product will be most appropriate to the design of the existing interior and owner expectations.
Design options for the home library a lot, but one of the most common combination is considered to be it with the Cabinet or the living room.
Wardrobe made with his own hands, will the product hand made, which will be sure of the uniqueness of the product.
Books are still welcome and indispensable attribute of every home.
Making a bookcase with his own hands will improve the self-esteem of the owner and inform the guests: "This cabinet, I created myself."
Book wall though and require enough space, it looks very impressive.
Bookcase will be located in a room with a certain size, to which, most likely, already have furnishings, and the rack is designed to accommodate existing or planned to acquire literature.

Bookcase should be in harmony with the room, furnishings and books.
- Cabinet and furniture.
They must be a single composition. If the furniture is made of MDF, then the cabinet must be made of this material to maintain a single composition.

The materials must be of the same type.
- Design.
Bookcase and conditions to be met in the same style. If the room is formed by a classical interior, the bookcase in the style of Hi-Tech will look unnatural in it.

Books in a room can dramatically transform the interior of the room.
- Closet and bathroom.
Naturally it can not be higher than the room. In addition, the bookcase must be organically "fit" into the room, and not to hinder the movement of the room and give access to other areas and furnishings. Example to understand: put cupboard with doors that open to the outside, near the entrance door will unfortunate decision, because the door in the open position would prevent the entry or exit of room.

Bookcases and shelves filled with books, create a special atmosphere.
- Wardrobe and books.
The number and depth of the shelves is directly dependent on the type of books. If the owner has a real folios, the shelves should be higher and deeper. If the library is represented by the standard volume, it is more expedient to make a niche less.

Books can add as the seriousness and the extent of, for example, in the office and have a relaxing color, filling the atmosphere of tranquility.
When compiling a drawing to draw attention to two nuances. It is with a spirit level to check, as far as the floor in the room is horizontal. If this does not take into account possible shelves will be placed at an angle to the surface. If there is deviation should decide about what is easier - to make the alignment of the surface of the room or inclination to consider in the design and offset at the base of the cabinet?

Drawing bookcase.
It looks as follows: if the slope is 2 mm to 1 m distance, the height of the legs is intended to compensate. If the cabinet 1.5 m long, the first leg should be less than 3 mm in the direction of the second gradient.

The level should be checked both along the wall and perpendicular to it.
Note the presence of a plinth in the room. If it is, should again consider this in a design that will be associated with a large volume of work in the preparation of drawings and manufacturing design.

Or will need to remove the plinth at the site of the proposed location of the bookcase.
Tools and equipment
- Screwdriver.
- Level.
- Milling machine. It is intended for the manufacture of grooves for the shelf, which makes the construction more aesthetic appearance. Requires certain skills work. In absence of these or inability (inappropriate) acquire alternative milling machine It will mount by means of brackets, making it easier to manufacture, but will make the finished product less attractive.
- A drill, a chisel, a hammer.
- Brushes for painting, cloth fabric for removing varnish and stain marks.

Tools for making the bookcase with his hands.
If joinery manufacturing experience with their hands a little, it is appropriate to take as a base material MDF board.

The optimum combination of aesthetic characteristics, reliability, and ease of processing.
You will need:
- DA two sidewalls MDF sheet 198 * 40 * 2 cm; Top 100 * 40 * 2 cm;
- Polki (also MDF) - 7 pcs. 97 * 40 * 2 cm (the back part may be made of chipboard material - 200 * 100);
- TORomka MDF 2 cm wide and 8 mm thick. 2 rack 2 and m 2 to 1 m;
- FROMtolyarny glue for wood (it is advisable to take the glue Moment montage super-strong plus);
- 2 bracket;
- Wcountersunk;
- Morilka;

Materials for the manufacture of a bookcase.
In order not to make the cut on their own, with the purchase of chipboard and MDF advisable to ask for sawing materials in store. Edge, MDF, chipboard stain must be selected in the same color composition.
For those who do not know, how to make a bookcase with his own hands, Offer the simple instructions.
Apply the stain to give a sheet of particleboard and dry sheet.
Impregnation of wood is primarily used to protect wood from the damaging external influences.
On the inner side of the side portions frezeruem grooves 2 cm and a depth of 5 mm. The first slot of 9 cm, and then do another 6 slots at intervals of 25 cm between the groove edges.
The guide can be used as waste MDF.
The glue is applied to the grooves. Put side portion horizontally on the floor grooves upwards therein inserted from above the shelf and a second side portion inserted.
We give the adhesive to dry for 1 hour.
Put the product vertically. Top screws connecting the upper part to the core. To impart stability of the structure 2 is further fastened in the inner corner portion.
The top and bottom of the rack, which are adjacent to the ceiling and the floor can be finished with a wooden plinth.
Rear screws attach chipboard to the bookcase.
Anchoring a rear wall.
Okantovyvayut MDF edge. You can use the screws that reliable, but less attractive. It is possible by means of adhesive that is more aesthetically pleasing.
VIDEO: How to make a bookcase with his hands.
Bookcases in the interior - 50 photo-ideas: