The substrate glasses for beer: shape, size, weight, material

Coasters, it is a fire or birmat - stand for a glass of beer. The name comes from the German Bierdeckel - «beer cap." First coasters really called cap for beer mugs. They needed to beer in the no dust, debris or insects.

Familiar attribute, available in virtually every home and on a mandatory basis at points of public catering, bars - coasters.

Richer people used the cover of silver or tin. Commoners beer was supplied with covers of felt. They also enclosed under glasses in pubs to clubs not heavy scratched wooden tables, and they are not spoiled by drops. But it was uncomfortable, because the stand had to be washed.

This small accessory has many advantages.

Important! He invented the disposable stand Saxon Robert Shput. At the end of the XIX century, he patented the technology for their manufacture. The round shape is cast specially formulated for the night it was dry, and the output is a disposable cardboard coasters. It was from then on coasters finally turned from the cover to the stand.

Stand protects the surface from stains, mechanical damage.


  • 1 Why do we need a substrate under glass
  • 2 What forms are stand
  • 3 Dimensions and weight of the substrates under a beer glass
  • 4 Materials beer coasters
    • 4.1 Wooden coasters
    • 4.2 cardboard substrate
    • 4.3 Coasters from bovine skin
  • 5 VIDEO: supports options for beer mugs.

Why do we need a substrate under glass

Now coasters are mainly used for the following purposes.

  • Cafe tables to protect from excessive moisture and scratches. In place of cardboard mats come from a hygroscopic material, which is designed to prevent excess water or condensation on the table. It absorbs moisture more quickly and gives a softer contact with the glass surface of the table.

Stand - a great element of decor in the interior, table setting.

  • As an element of decor. Support under normal glass of beer can decorate the interior. This is especially true of wood, leather and porcelain wafers that are made at a high level of skill. Rare cardboard coasters can also decorate the room at home or coffee shop.

This thing can become a collectible.

  • As collectibles.

Initially, this device serves as a lid, designed to protect the liquid poured into the container from getting into the garbage, insects and so on.

Note! Collectors coasters called tegestologistami (from the Latin «tegestis» - mat). By the way, "birmat" - one of the names stands for mugs, it translates to English as "mat for beer» (beer mat). And in 1958, the society for collectors of beer paraphernalia, including coasters (IBV) was founded in Germany. In 1960 there was a similar society in the UK.

With the German language "coasters" is literally translated as the beer cap.

What forms are stand

The most common form.

  • Round - historically the first form. Such stand has produced Robert Shput. They repeat the lid form for beer mugs, which gave them a name.
  • Square.
  • With the rounded corners.

The first "cover" appeared in Saxony in the early 19th century.

Less commonly, there are other forms of support.

  • Oval.
  • triangular;
  • Irregularly shaped. For example, a beer mug or a maple leaf. These are usually made to order.
  • In the form of cards or puzzles. These coasters are used in beer to entertain visitors.

They began to put a mug that helps to save time and effort to wipe the table after each client.

Dimensions and weight of the substrates under a beer glass

A first glass mats that produced in the manufacture Shputa were 10.7 cm in diameter and 5 mm thick. Now circular coasters produce diameter from 90 mm to 110 mm. The square can be the size of 9 × 9 cm. But determining is still the size of a beer mug.

At the start of production of cardboard supports them began to apply inscriptions.

Weight varies depending on the material. For example, for wooden racks typically used light wood species (acacia, cork tree). Cardboard holders, usually not exceed 5 g weight and from 0.9 to 1.8 mm thick.

In addition to the official names coasters is slang nicknames: pancake, oladushek, cookies.

In leather rugs thickness varies from 1.8 to 5.5 mm. (Depending on the material and quality of the skin dressing). They may be more severe than cardboard, due to the nature of the material.

In the early 20th century accessory has become not only a functional thing, but also the advertising medium.

Attention! Should not be confused coasters and pilsdekhen (pilsdekhen) - a paper drip tray on the stem of the glass. Pilsdekhen generally round shaped edge and has a leg opening. It is made only of paper.

The main differences from pilsdekhen coasters are less dense paper, artistically designed edge opening for the glass stem and a radial incision for accommodation convenience.

Materials beer coasters

Wooden coasters

Coasters made of wood - the most simple to manufacture. You can make them their own hands, for example, I cut down a tree. But wooden birmaty are much appreciated tegestologistov environment. It depends on the place and time, as well as the quality of their production.

Drawn together or spread out on the table, the substrate, made with their own hands will be a wonderful decoration.

Interesting fact! For the first time in the flow of production of wooden coasters allowed Casimir Katz factory in 1903. The owner of a sawmill in Weisenbach began manufacturing wafers not by pouring into molds and dried, and in a new way. They just cut out of thin sheets of fir wood. This method allowed to produce a large number of supports immediately under beer. Katz Group and now owns two-thirds of world production coasters.

Coasters make a very easy, at the same time is a great way to give new life to old wood.

cardboard substrate

Now they are used for "beer board" is mainly produced in Germany. As stated manufacturers such stands can absorb moisture up to 300% of its own weight. Mats made of cardboard cheapest, and usually disposable. But they may become subject to collection. The reason for this is that since the days of Robert Shputa, they printed pattern.

At the start of production of cardboard supports them began to apply inscriptions.

At first it was just a stamp that was applied to each individual coasters, and printing was monochrome. C 1970 steel pattern printed on the entire sheet from which cut stand. Due to the offset printing technology, images have become multicolored. Now the flow supplied silkscreen on mats.

A variety of pubs and great gadgets capable plunge astonished even seasoned beer drinkers.

Honor for the collector - to get to his collection with a stamp pad, which says that the coasters released at the beginning of the last century. Some collect the substrate with drawings or birmaty artists from around the world.

Among the classic coasters have a lot of interesting decisions.

Note! It is necessary to distinguish between the names "coasters" and "fire." It is not synonymous. Koster called a reusable stand, usually made of leather, wood or porcelain. Thus, the fire - a kind of coasters, but not every coasters - fire.

"Fire" is more suitable for the name stands not for a mug of beer and a cup.

Coasters from bovine skin

Leather coasters, unlike cardboard, reusable and can be almost eternal. Their spetssostavom treated with water-repellent properties, so they do not absorb water, and thus do not deteriorate by moisture.

These stand - the product of the premium segment.

In a typical beer they do not see, because of the high cost of such a fire. Some of them - piece goods, and are true works of art because of the level of tanning and stamping on them.

Rare backing from bovine skin - the subject of hunting collectors around the world.

Birmaty may be made of other materials.

  • Porcelain - rare porcelain pedestal is now valued tegestologistami.
  • Fabric - usually dense, but such similarity vintage fedoras rugs found little.
  • Plastic, which is used now because of its cheapness, et al.

For manufacturers it is important to select the optimum material.

Some collectors collect only coasters of a certain material, such as wood or porcelain.

In terms of design coasters rules are almost nonexistent.

Interesting fact! The world's largest collection of substrates under the stemware belongs Viennese Leo Pisakeru. Record collection includes more than 140 thousand stands of 150 countries.

Modern coasters under glasses, mugs, cups made of any material.

Thus, coasters has gone from ordinary cover glasses for beer to collectibles, and sometimes almost a work of art.

With careful maintenance and storage of such accessory able to last long.

VIDEO: supports options for beer mugs.