How to remove the ink from the paper: school and home remedies, other effective methods

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How to erase without a trace of a pen to paperMany of us are faced with an issue like the removal of ink from the paper. And, as a rule, often the question arises in school age. That's when a deuce in the diary was considered undeserved and threatened proceedings with their parents.

But not by much less such a situation arises in adulthood - can not always be an error in the paper, just a "cover up" corrector.


  1. school ways
  2. homemade methods
  3. other facilities

school ways

Sometimes it is impossible to copy or reprint the text compels us to look for ways to undetectable removing traces of ballpoint penFor subsequent correction. As it turned out, such a great variety of ways. And many of them are quite simple and not costly for everyone. With simple improvised means you can erase pen to paper without a trace:

  • From school we all remember the so-called Eraser (eraser)Which was used to remove traces of pencil. But, apart from the usual erasers, there is also bilateral, one half of which were light and soft, and the other darker and more rigid - that's it it was used to remove the twos from diaries and unwanted inscriptions in notebook. It was enough just to rub the right place, and the inscription disappeared. Of course, do not forget that you must be very careful, otherwise you can very quickly turn into an unwanted mark unwanted hole in the diary.
  • Another "tool" to clean it - this is a common mechanical razor. It is popularly referred to as the blade. Razor should be used with greater caution, otherwise you can cut the paper, and then no correction will not help. Must be carefully "scrape" ink periodically sweeping away paper dust, and act strictly on the lines of the inscription.

homemade methods

Such methods are not much more difficult and costly school, because the means used in this case can be found in every home - in the kitchen, in the bathroom or in the medicine cabinet.

  • How do I remove a pen from the paperWith the help of the usual vinegar (70%) and of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) quite simply withdraw traces of a ballpoint pen to paper. To this mixture of half tablespoon of vinegar and a few crystals of potassium permanganate to be accurately applied to the ink residue and then remove stains cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide.
  • Table 9 percent vinegar too bad to cope with this problem. Apply a drop of acid to the desired position and let it sit for a while. 10-15 minutes later take a cloth soaked with soapy water, and gently pat. Incidentally, the vinegar can also be used to remove traces of the handle with tissue.
  • Citric acid and oxalic Dissolve in a small amount of water until complete dissolution. Next, a cotton swab dipped in the liquid, gently wipe the place from which you want to remove the ink.
  • A mixture of salt and baking soda It is also used to remove the ink from the paper. But in this case, a more citric acid and glass to cut a hole. A mixture of salt and soda poured on a flat surface face down on her superimposed sheet, and the top is pressed against the glass. The hole in the glass must be above the error location and match it in size. Citric acid dissolve in a small amount of water until complete dissolution of crystals enter the syringe and slowly drip into the hole of the error location. The principle of this method is that the citric acid is slowly corrodes the ink and flows into the mixture of salt and soda, which absorbs the excess solution from the paper.
  • Nail polish remover It is not only used for its intended purpose, but also help to remove the ink from the paper. Accurately enough to drip it on the place where you want to display an error and wet cotton ball.
  • Sandpaper - the fine-grained, in common called "nulevkoy" also copes with the problem of removing the ink.

other facilities

If none of these methods for some reason do not fit, you can use the funds from the bathroom.

  • How can I remove the handle bezslednoWho today does not enjoy shaving cream? So why not use it for another purpose, in our case - to bring the ink to the paper. Do not use the gel and colored foam. These funds do not help, and quite possibly, remove handle the problem is not only allowed, but also will drive all efforts to naught.
  • usual white too, can become an assistant in the correction of errors. The method of application is the same as when using other means: apply a small amount to the right place, and dry sweep white coating.
  • To display the ink to the paper, if it is very thick, you can use toothpaste. But it should be plain white and without additives, which have stained. To enhance the effect in a toothpaste can be added citric acid. Apply the mixture to a toothbrush and gently rub contamination place, trying not to damage the upper layer. After that, remove the remains with a damp cloth is sufficient.

But the most effective and easiest way is: do not have to delete the error, just enough of them to do.