How to remove silicone sealant tile in the bathroom and clothes

How to remove germertik with tiles or other surfacesAfter repairs in the apartment is ended, there is a problem such as spots on the sealant. Over time they tend to be covered with dust, and to give the newly renovated premises sloppy appearance. In addition, it is necessary to remove the sealant and apply it again, because it begins to break down and leak after a few years. And here there is a need to remove the old silicone sealant tile in the bathroom.


  1. Choosing an effective method for removing
  2. The use of special funds
  3. How to remove silicone tile
  4. Methods to remove the plastic sealant
  5. clothing cleansing
  6. Handling Precautions

Choosing an effective method for removing

Perfect tool that would be able to fully dissolve and remove silicone, not yet invented. And consequently it is necessary to temporarily use the combined methods:

  • cutting;
  • scraping;
  • dissolution;
  • money laundering;
  • scrubbing.

For mechanical removal of silicone or scraping you need metal scraper, Putty knife or a sharp knife. You can use abrasives or sandpaper.

To remove the sealant will need a sharp knife or spatulaThe best option to purify silicon from the surfaces become sharp knife shoe. And as an abrasive composition it is necessary to use a conventional table salt. Using this method should start with the fact that the knife cut the thick layer of sealant, and then apply an abrasive, which will need to be scraped off with a scraper. But on some surfaces it is advisable to use silicone solventAllowing completely remove sealant residue and just wipe the surface.

The use of special funds

In the DIY stores are a lot of sealant remover. But here the question arises, what to scrub sealant most sparing and efficient. The first step is to determine the kind of sealant that was used during repair. It can be a single-component or two-component. Recent most commonly used in the industry, so their removal from the surfaces should not be viewed in the home. In general, the seals are divided into neutral and acidic.

Before removing the need to soften the sealant with solventAcidic silicone can be easily removed with an ordinary vinegar. Only it is not necessary to dissolve in water. Neutral silicones can be removed using mineral spirits or other alcoholic agents. In addition, these tools help to cope well with silicone of any origin, and if will have to deal with the unknown seal, the ideal would be the purchase of special tools "Penta-840."

How to remove silicone tile

With painted surfaces remove the silicone should be very careful, minimally resorting to physical pressure and abrasive action. To cope with this problem, do the following:

  1. Carefully remove the thick layer of the sealant or the influx of a sharp knife, without touching the surface.
  2. The remainder of the silicone apply a little solvent and leave for some time, preferably overnight.
  3. When the silicone the consistency becomes like a gel, it is necessary to very carefully pry the knife and remove from tiles and bathtubs.
  4. Dry cloth to scrub the remains of silicone.

It often happens that the sealant is not removed a single strip. This can happen for several reasons: poor quality sealant means for softening matched incorrectly. Then the surface should be cleaned process re-solvent or other means. Doing this requires up until the silicone begins to slide into pellets. And after that wipe the entire surface with a dry cloth.

Often it is difficult to remove the silicone from the surface, which has a porous structure. This is because the coupling at the most durable materials. It will require some effort to removing putty. You can use a pumice stone, pre-treating soiled place solvent.

It is worth remembering that the solvent can be used only after it tested in a small area tiles. Otherwise, the tile may break.

Methods to remove the plastic sealant

Clean the silicone with plastic easiest, because there are clutch materials weakest. Bathroom again is clean, if the plastic parts previously clean solventAnd then simply remove the silicone. But this method is optimal only if the substrate was not used silicone primer that enhances the bonding of the sealant and surface.

There are special tools to remove the silicone sealantBefore clear silicone sealant plastic surfaces, choose the right tool. One of them - Dow Corning OS-2. This tool does not damage plastic and even allows you to remove old stale silicone. It also helps to remove fine silicone sealant between tiles and bath. BUT Acrylic bath can cleanse Only by this means.

clothing cleansing

If you want to remove the silicone sealant clothing should heed the advice. Once the silicone gets on your clothing, you need to immediately wash it at very high temperature. While silicone is not cured, it is quite easy to remove with a things. If you later noticed the presence of polymer on their things, you have to be patient and try to apply the following methods. With work clothes silicone sealant is easily removed with solvents. But it should not do other things, the fabric may suffer.

To begin with stretch fabric and fix it. Now, the silicone can be gently removed with a metal scraper or brush. Any remaining stains need wipe with a suitable solvent and the thing immediately wash. This is to ensure that the thing has not lost its original appearance.

Handling Precautions

If you close up the seams between the tiles and the sealant accidentally fell on the tile, then it easier to remove once. Soft seal easily removed from any surface. And even a few days to clean it will be much easier than in a week or month.

Remove stains from silicone sealant until it frozeNo less useful is pre-recorded, any sealant used to seal joints. This will require at the moment, when you think about it, how to remove the sealant when replacing and blackening.

Do not be afraid to experiment with different solvents, it will help you choose the right tool for the remove the seal, even if you do not remember what kind of used to seal seams. Just remember that you need to test the solvent on a small surface, otherwise you may spoil the tub or tile. And let your repair will always be as soon as finished.