Leather gloves are an integral part of the wardrobe is not only women but also men. A variety of materials, colors and styles to mod allows anyone to get a pair of gloves for any occasions and in accordance with the weather conditions.
However, just buy a beautiful, modern and high-quality accessory is not enough, since leather, just like any other thing, require specific care. Only in this case, stylish gloves will last for many, many years.
- methods of cleaning
- Folk remedies
- inveterate stains
- lining Processing
methods of cleaning
Dust and dirt have a negative impact on the leather material. Therefore, many are wondering how properly clean leather gloves at home.
Products red well cleaned with dipped in milk crumb. In this case, the fat part of the milk and gives the skin radiance and shine.
Dirty spots on the dark leather products remove gasoline. However, it should be very careful, since gloves made of a very thin skin, can seriously affected.
To clean leather gloves from dirt, to achieve the maximum effect with the instructions should be read carefully and strictly follow them. Only in this case, the gloves do not lose their color, shape and integrity of the cover.
Dilute with water to alcohol ratio of 1: 4.
- The resulting solution was spread evenly over the entire surface of the glove, using a cotton pad. At the same products are raw, but it is necessary to strictly monitor that the liquid with gloves is not dripping.
- The procedure is repeated as long as the cotton balls will not stop getting dirty.
- Upon completion of the cleaning glove wipe cloth soaked in cool water.
- To maintain the shape of the product must be put on the hands until dry.
Hydrogen peroxide and detergent:
The components mixed in equal proportions. If the resulting mixture has turned out too thick, you can dilute it with ammonia or water.
- Using a cotton ball, apply the mixture on the product and leave for 5 minutes. This time will be enough to dirty solution.
- Remove the remains of the cleaning agent with a cotton pad or tissue.
Light or off-white product it is not recommended to clean in this way, since the material of which the things are much softer than darker skin.
Soap solution:
Mix grated grated soap with a little water;
- in the resulting solution drop leather gloves and quickly rubbing them against each other;
- if the product strongly dirty, you can leave them in soapy water for 1-2 minutes, but you need to ensure that the moisture soaked skin thoroughly;
- rinse the gloves under running cold water and rub them well;
- to preserve the shape of the product is recommended to wear on your hands until dry, otherwise they will have to stretch further.
In this manner you can clean and bright thingsBut the soap when it should be white only. Otherwise on the product may appear ugly divorces.
How to clean white leather gloves? White leather require a special, gentle care. Stubborn stains can be cleaned using bulbsWhich must be carefully rub the product, after which the glove to process a mixture of milk protein and chicken. After the procedure, you just do not know his favorite thing - it will look like new.
Folk remedies
Popular wisdom holds many different recipes just for all occasions. Do not remain without attention and cleaning of leather products, including gloves. Tools made by popular recipes, easy to use, cost-effective and are quite effective.
In addition, components of the cleaning composition is in almost every home.
- Egg. The very effective method of cleaning articles of light skin. It is necessary to separate the protein and using it to mixer Whip foam state. The composition applied to the contaminated surface and leave for a few minutes. Thereafter, the protein must be removed and wipe dry gloves.
- Milk. You must wipe the leather with a cotton swab dipped in milk. The procedure was carried out as long as the pieces of cotton wool will not cease to darken. After cleaning wipe dry product and wear on the hands to dry.
- Lemon juice. Wipe the product with a cotton pad soaked in lemon juice. This will help get rid of the accumulated dirt, grease and dust. Because lemon juice has a bleaching effect, do not be afraid to use this method for cleaning white gloves.
- Vinegar. Mix 9% vinegar (3 tbsp. l.) and water (1 l.). The resulting solution was carefully wipe the product and place it on a paper towel to dry completely. After the procedure, there may be some rough skin, so to restore the original softness and novelty gloves smeared with castor oil. This will make the skin shiny, supple and pleasant to the touch.
inveterate stains
Genuine leather - a very delicate material, which does not tolerate contact with water. Therefore, washing is possible only as a last resort, when there was no other option remains. Old dirt can be cleaned in the following manner:
- Prepare a soap solution and moisten it soft sponge.
- Gently rub the product.
- Lather gently wash, again by means of the sponge. Avoid direct contact with water, leather gloves.
lining Processing
Leather products should be cleaned, not only outside but also inside. To clean the pads, do the following:
gently twist item inside out;
- gently rinsed with a little water;
- slightly squeeze the product (not twist!);
- blot dry with a soft cloth.
Drying the product should be inside-out, Away from heaters. Whatever method of cleaning leather is chosen, it should be remembered that the leather can not tolerate large amounts of moisture.
Things should be washed immediately after the contamination, not leading up to the moment when to clean them from adhering dust and dirt will be impossible.
If you need to stretch leather gloves at home, the best way - to put them on wet and wait for the complete drying.
And also need to take care of moistening leather products. For this purpose, you can use castor oil or moisturizer for hands. Leather things have always been, are and will be in trend, so it is necessary to monitor their condition and not deprive their fashion accessories proper care.