A thermometer to measure body temperature is a device that accompanies any person from the moment of his birth and throughout life. People are used to it and, unfortunately, in most cases, treat them carelessly, without knowing that the thermometer can carry a greater threat if it is broken down.
Many who at least once in their life certainly broke the thermometer does not know how many grams of mercury in a thermometer, and how much time is vaporized mercury from a broken thermometer. But how dangerous a broken thermometer, and whether to really worry if this device somehow crashed into an apartment?
- source of danger
- Number of toxic substances in the thermometer
- How much mercury is evaporated from a broken thermometer
- What in contact with the surface of the liquid metal
- Checking trace mercury in the apartment
source of danger
Of course, the temperature measuring device is not at risk to man, but on condition that it is an integer, and it does not have any damage. However, the thermometer still better keep away from children, Regardless of their age. There are cases when small children thrust the instrument for measuring the temperature itself in the nose or ear. Older children may decide to carry out an experiment, especially breaking the thermometer and look at the balls of mercury and all of the thermometer device.
The greatest danger is the thermometer is broken. Threat to human health can carry not only the broken glass, but also the contents of the device - mercury. If the broken glass can be collected, then the mercury things are much more complicated. Even a small amount of this substance in the apartment is hazardous to the health of all its residents.
Number of toxic substances in the thermometer
First we need to understand what exactly dangerous mercuryIf you break the thermometer. Vapors of the liquid metal in contact with the human body become a cause of ill health and serious toxicity from which these consequences may arise:
- nausea;
- weakness;
- stomach upset;
- stomach ache;
- fever and chills;
- disturbances in consciousness, including hallucinations.
The probability of such effects is increased if the apartment break several thermometers.
If speak about The amount of mercury in the device to measure the temperature, it can be different, because it all depends on the manufacturer of the thermometer. For example, in the domestic thermometer of this substance in the order of magnitude greater than the import. If the thermometer which is produced in the Netherlands, the molten metal 1 gram, then the one that is manufactured in Russia - 3 grams.
When the thermometer is broken, the metal begins to fold into spheres which take the form of different diameters. With accuracy can not say exactly how much will these balls after the device is broken. The softer surface of which broke a thermometer, the greater the diameter of the balls and the number of them, on the contrary, lower.
How much mercury is evaporated from a broken thermometer
It is impossible to say exactly how long the vaporized mercury from a broken thermometer. The evaporation process can take from several weeks to several years. This may depend on several factors:
- The amount of mercuryThat emerged from the apparatus. The smaller the substance remained on the surface, the evaporation of the mercury will take place faster.
- Air temperature in the apartment where the thermometer was broken. The evaporation process will be more rapid if the room air temperature high rate. To avoid rapid air pollution, it is necessary to open windows at once, if the device is broken.
Surface, On which was broken thermometer. If it does not have any cracks, it will be much easier to collect all the remains of the liquid metal. After contact with the mercury on the furniture or carpet to collect very difficult, so in this case the substance evaporation process will take place over a long period of time.
Before proceeding to clean mercury, should take into account that during this process family members should not go from one room to another in order to prevent sticking of material to the legs and spread it throughout the apartment. If mercury is spread throughout the room, its evaporation will be very long, which can adversely affect the health of all family members.
If the room air conditioner is turned on, it must be immediately shut down to substance beads are not spread by air flow and were not included in human clothes. After contact with the mercury on clothes her balls are very difficult to notice. In this case, things will have to throw out, because the metal is virtually impossible to remove from fabrics.
All visible matter on the surface of the balls must be collected immediately. It's worth noting that it is strictly forbidden to do with a vacuum cleaner, because only in this way the mercury will spread throughout the room. It is better use a brush or adhesive tape. To better see the balls of matter, you can use a flashlight or lamp. Reflecting rays, toxic metal starts to shine, which increases the chance of making it completely.
After surface cleaning it is necessary to process a special solution, which is made of potassium permanganate, and any medium containing bleach. If these funds were not at home, you can prepare a soap solution of 30 grams of sodium, 40 grams of grated soap and 1 gallon of water.
Checking trace mercury in the apartment
Currently, there are special services that will help get rid of toxic residues after breaking the thermometer. The employees of these companies, there are special devices that help determine the amount of noxious fumes in the air.
This can also be done independently, but for this we need a special factory rapid tests that detect the presence of mercury in the air space.
The procedure is preferably carried out not after the thermometer has broken in the apartment, and immediately after the purchase of housing on the secondary market. After all, no one boss does not tell customers how many in the room was broken thermometers.