Good hair always makes a man stylish and represents his image. Hair Care is carried out with a comb. This item should only be made of quality material and always kept clean. Therefore, the accessory is always subject to periodic cleaning of the dirt and dust accumulation. I do not always want to change to a new habitual thing, so it is not out of place to learn how to self-clean the brush of hair and dirt, and how to wash correctly.
- variety of combs
- Simple methods of purification
- Wooden crafts
- Brush made of plastic
- massage comb
- metal accessories
- Brush circular shape
- General recommendations for care
variety of combs
Accessories come in two varieties: Massage brushes and combs. In addition, they also have a different structure. scallops may have a handle or be without a handle, with teeth of different frequencies and sizes.
massage brush made flat, comprise natural bristles may be rounded style brushing with metal teeth or natural bristles. May have the shape of a semicircle and rare teeth.
In the production of hair accessories involved both natural and synthetic polymeric materials. Brushes can be made of wood, bone, and metal bristles. Cheaper options are made of plastic, silicone, nylon and carbon fiber.
Simple methods of purification
The basic rule for any care comb is its daily relief from hair after use. Methods for cleaning the object of dirt can be carried out dry or wet assume cleansing. The dry cleaning method combs from dirt well applicable for wooden brush with natural bristles. Water can often damage the surface and cause it unsuitable for further use.
Cleaning starts with the removal of hair and coarse dirt with a cotton swab, impregnated with alcohol. You can also use a vacuum cleaner for this procedure.
Brush with natural bristle and rubber pads are not recommended to treat alcohol. This may harm the material. Excellent cope with the task of purification rubber surfaces old brush for cleaning the teeth which need to wet the soap solution to remove contamination and gradually. Accessories made of synthetic materials, can be cleaned by wet cleaning. Wash brushes regularly need.
Wooden crafts
Always thought that combs made of natural materials rather than artificial. For example, an accessory of the tree should be cleaned very carefully, so as not to damage the coating. It is known that tree tend to delaminateLose strength when moisture. This will help the following recommendations:
- removes excess accumulation of hair;
- a cotton swab impregnated with an alcoholic solution;
- made teeth comb wiping dirt and dust accumulation.
Wet cleaning of wooden accessories unacceptable. So that these surfaces are subject only to dry cleaning, they do not wash.
Brush made of plastic
Brush with a plastic coating can be washed by any means. This surface can be perfectly cleaned with any aqueous solutions. She did not tend to deteriorate, which is convenient to clean, and while it remains in the same state. A practical advice on how to clean hair brush, will only accelerate the cleaning process and make the brush almost new:
made hair removal;
- purification of dirt between the teeth is carried out with a toothpick, a needle or other small sharp object;
- brush is soaked in a solution of soap and water for half an hour, which is prepared by mixing 1: 1 of ammonia, water and shampoo.
- brush to clean under running water.
massage comb
Cleaning Massage Comb of plaque and dirt produced in the usual flat crestWhich combs the teeth. This approach frees the hair and sticky dirt. Then comb should be soaked in the solution for removing plaque and sebum. Means prepared as follows:
- in 1 liter of heated water is added 3 tbsp. vinegar with 2 Art. l. shampoo;
- Soaking massage brush is made for a short time;
- brush to clean under running stream and dried with a towel.
Metal massazhka accessory is not for everyday use. Sometimes it is used to create volume hairstyles or styling the strands. Therefore, such a thing also requires cleaning, as also contaminated in the same manner as the others. you can do the following procedure to cleanse it:
- baking soda is taken and poured into a container;
- wet comb placed in the soda;
- Comb then cleaned using a toothbrush with a mixture of soda;
- made washing combs flowing stream.
After cleaning the metal object to be subjected to thoroughly dry to prevent rusting object.
Brush circular shape
circular shape of the brush to clean is not easy. Commonly used approaches such treatment:
performed hair removal brush teeth with toothpick;
- preparing content for distribution and washing of the object;
- soluble 1: 1 hydrogen peroxide, ammonia solution and shampoo;
- object placed in for an hour, and the resulting mixture was washed therein;
- made washing and drying of the instrument.
General recommendations for care
Cleaning and washing combs important right after use, it will not dirt stick to the subject. Periodically, it is necessary to replace the hair brushes. Use accessories are best made from natural raw materials.
Taking advantage of the recommendations and the correct brushing comb at home, you can not only improve the quality of care for hair, but also contain the accessory in a perfect cleanliness. In addition, the care of the hair has always been important for women of any age, because to maintain the hair in perfect condition gives a sense of youth and confidence.