tatting art originated in the Ancient East, where fishermen used to create networks of different knots. Over time, the secrets of the art of lace using a needle and thread spread throughout Europe. Today, this method of lace has become a popular kind of needlework.

- Tools and materials
- basic elements
- secrets excellence
Tools and materials
In ancient times as the raw materials for lace applied thread, made of gold and silver. Of them were made collars and cuffs for finishing dresses royal nobility and courtiers beauties.
At present the basis for tatting can serve cotton and flax yarn. To lace turned out elegant, it is necessary to choose correctly. There are several important points that deserve attention:

- Strength. Lace involves performing rings, arcs, half-arches and other elements. If you use enough strong material, it will be torn in the process of tightening the knots.
- Smoothness. It is necessary to choose the most smooth yarn free cloth. Even the smallest lint will hinder the free movement of nodes.
- Uniform staining. Only when using threads with flat color, you can get a beautiful product. Spaces will give the finished lace sloppy appearance.
These characteristics correspond to the yarn called iris, is often used to crochet. It is quite possible to choose and ruching.
In addition to the material need a special set of needles and hooks. It can be bought in any store for needlework. Use regular sewing needles is not recommendedBecause they are very short and sharp. Today, commercially available needle from bamboo. However, in comparison with metal, their service is not enough long term.
basic elements
The process of creating lace using a needle fairly quickly. Experienced masters for the manufacture of a necklace or bracelet spend on average less than one hour. Novice needle women need more time. For a start they will have to learn such basic elements as:

- Forward and backward. Together they form a double flat knot.
- Herculean knot. It serves to connect a ragged strands or multicolor weaving.
- Pico. With this elegant element can be connected by several motives.
- Ring. It makes the product filigree and refined.
Apart from the usual ring, in the technique of tatting there are incomplete, called arcs. Most often, they serve as the final elements. During execution nodes it is very important to ensure that they have the same size. In this case, the lace will have a neat and attractive appearance.
secrets excellence
A particular level of skill in the art of tatting is considered to be the ability to progress to add new thread and correctly hide the junction. To learn it, you need to know some nuances:

- The thread that needs to be put into operation, it should be pulled through the last double knot.
- When the long end will remain no more than 2 cm, make a knot close to double.
- Continue braiding, leaving little free skin.
To disguise appeared end of the thread, it should be vdet a needle, stretch a few knots and neatly trimmed.