Ebola: Causes and Symptoms

Ebola - is the name of an RNA virus that is responsible for the installation gomorragicheskoy virus Ebola, a rare disease affecting humans and primates. Symptoms begin abruptly with fever, muscle pain, headache and sore throat after virus incubation period of between 2 to 21 days.

Ebola: Causes and Symptoms

The disease is not transmitted through the air, but only by direct contact with infected bodily fluids of another person. While there is no specific treatment for Ebola, patients receive medical care in order to prevent potentially fatal complications. mortality among those infected is 90%. This disease is very contagious and can easily take Epidemiological character. Learn more about what the epidemic, and how it takes place, is available here: https://medaboutme.ru/zdorove/spravochnik/slovar-medicinskih-terminov/epidemiya/.

The Ebola virus has been found in African monkeys, chimpanzees and other primates, scientists believed that the pathogen was transmitted to humans through infected body fluids in two main ways: Blood. Battling or ingestion of infected animals can lead to the spread of the Ebola virus.

Researchers who analyzed laboratory animals in a laboratory associated with the pathogenicity. - residual products. Tourists who visited certain caves in Africa and other employees of the mine related to the virus in the urine and feces of infected bats.

There are five types of Ebola virus, four of which can cause disease in humans. The first epidemic of the disease have been reported in Africa in 1976. virus name comes from the Ebola River, near the villages of the Congo, where the disease was first discovered.

Ebola virus transmission is also possible from one patient to another. Patients become infectious only when they have symptoms. Members of the family of the sick person can be associated with the disease, curing the patient or preparing the body for burial.

Medical staff can also transmit Ebola hemorrhagic fever, if you do not use protective gloves, surgical masks and other medical equipment of this type. In many medical centers in Africa, needles and syringes are re-used, so the worst Ebola epidemics have occurred because of unsterilized instruments. There is no evidence that the virus can be transmitted by insect bites.

Ebola virus is also transmitted by direct contact with saliva and urine of infected humans or unprotected sexual contact with a recovering patient.