During the design of a stand-alone real estate for a living, one of the points is its heating. The same question arises when buying already finished construction. In a private house set single-circuit or multiple loop heating system. Others choose multiloop. It all depends on the size of the house, the type of system and the needs of the owner. Most often used the first option, since it is easy to install and requires fewer components. For heating boiler is used, and as the heat carrier - water.

The operating principle of a single-loop system
single-circuit heating scheme installed in a private house, consists of the following components:
- boiler;
- radiators;
- pipes;
- expansion tank.
In fact the system is a serial connection of the aforementioned equipment. The central node is the boiler. He stirs up the water, which is then later fed through pipes to radiators. Going through all the elements, the heating medium cools down. It completed the cycle, when the liquid enters the boiler again.
During the design it is important to remember that the first radiator will receive the maximum heating. The water entering the next one will be cool. On average, the latest battery coolant temperature ranges from 40 to 50 degrees, which does not fully warm a room.
You can handle this in two ways:
- increase the heat radiators past, increasing the heat capacity;
- deliver more heating temperature on the boiler.
Important! These methods, though seem a simple solution, however, lead to an increase in operating expenses and cost in general.
Also, the desired effect can be achieved by installing a circulation pump, which increases the rate of water movement. These components are powered by electricity. Though they seem to be an excellent solution, while in areas where current interruption occur frequently, are not a good option.
Another excellent yield - overclocking manifold which represents a high straight pipe. Heat transfer fluid coming out of it is dispersed, which allows to overcome the battery faster. The height of the component with respect to the upper point of the first radiator must exceed 2.2 meters. Otherwise it is meaningless setting. Therefore thus better equip the heating system in a two-story house. The higher the pipe - the more effective will work.
Mounted on manifold top expansion tank, through which the coolant control. When heated fluid increases in volume. And once just falls into the tank. After cooling system - back to her.
The specificity of the system is that it does not have the return - it acts as the second half of the entire structure. That is what is the main difference between multi-circuit heating system from a single-in a private home.
types of wiring
To establish a single-room system in two ways:
- horizontal;
- vertical.
Thus, horizontal cabling involves the use of a minimum number of pipes. Connecting components is performed sequentially. Thus there may be air pockets. In addition, there is no possibility to adjust the heat flow.
vertical layout means for laying a central line loft space, which depart from each pipe to a radiator. This method allows to deliver water to the same temperature battery. The main feature is a common sprue for radiators, regardless of the number of storeys building.
Single-loop heating system has many advantages over multi-loop:
- The only pipe passes around the room.
- This system makes it possible to lay pipes under the doorway, which reduces costs.
- It is possible to install multiple boilers in the event of a problem with one of them.
- Ability to specify the direction of coolant flow, which will be more beneficial owner of the house.
However, some drawbacks can be identified:
- In case of prolonged system downtime - the long run.
- During a two-story private home heating hot water is supplied first to the top. Falling down she already has a temperature much lower. To increase the heat transfer can be set larger radiators - system cost will increase, and thus will not have an aesthetic appearance.
- There is no way to turn off one floor up from the system, but because at the time of repair have to completely give up the heating.
- High heat loss.
Special features
Installation of single-loop heating system has its own characteristics. For example, the first appliance is installed. It can be located in the basement and on the first floor. The best is placing it on the floor. Furthermore, it is desirable equipment oblitsevat tiles. This option is a reliable and aesthetically pleasing.
Then discharged flue connected corrugated pipe. There definitely need to pick up the perfect diameter. Otherwise, the inside of the room can get substances formed during combustion, which is injurious to health.
Then, at selected locations installed radiators. Most often these are the spans of the windows. The batteries are mounted either on the bracket or on a metal stand.
Only then prokidyval all pipes and there is a connection. In this case, it is sure to put Majewski valve to bleed air and off valve. Pipes are fixed to the rest of the heating system by means of threaded adapters.
You also can not forget about the expansion tank. It should be located in the highest point of the system. The optimum height of 3 meters.
Important! It is necessary to make the project so that the branches of additional highways were just straight. Otherwise, it will greatly affect the heating efficiency.
Only after that the boiler is connected to the water supply and connect the drain pipe.
Many experts also recommend to the place where the water falls from the general system in the heating circuit is set in a private house, to put filters. It will be easier to change the component than to restore the system as a whole.
The entire line must be small slope - not less than 5 mm per 1 meter. If this is not done in a good location the air will be collected, which would prevent the normal flow of the coolant.
Before each appliance is desirable to set stopcock. If necessary repairs will not need to drain the excess water from the entire system. In addition, this item allows you to adjust the temperature of the system.
drain valve located at the bottom structure.

Another important element is to synchronize the electric boiler and pump. If one does not work - the second must also be switched off.
Well, it can be understood that the installation of a single-heating system in the house has a lot of nuances. If all of them into account and properly connect each element - you will enjoy every heating season. If some points are not taken into account - may appear serious problems.