For the construction of the chimney in a private house used a variety of materials, but often the owners do not care about insulation of the structure. With wood-heated it was not absolutely necessary, but modern boilers leave gases with very different characteristics.
Why do I need to insulate the chimney?
Through a vertically disposed chimneys outwardly appear harmful combustion products. Channels under the influence of air and passing them over time the gases are destroyed. This contributes to the temperature difference between inside and outside, causing condensation accumulates. To increase the service life, ensure the optimal functioning of the construction, insulated chimney made of any material with his own hands.

The channels are not protected by insulation, shifting the dew point, ie the place where it picks up moisture. The temperature of the flue gases from a gas boiler or the pyrolysis rarely exceeds 200 °, whereas for wood stoves it is within 600 °. This means that the place of formation of the dew point is lower than the lower warmed exhaust gases. To pick it up, insulated pipe.
In the cold chimney moisture settles on the walls, if used brick, absorbed into it. In winter it expands and begins destruction. To the crude black surface adheres well on which the volatile products are collected from the fuel. Among them are very aggressive acids that can destroy even the metal products.
Insulated design does not require constant cleaning of soot. It is not piled in, fade. Accelerated warming of the channel, there is a good stable traction, even after a long break. As a consequence, increases the efficiency of heating systems.

Especially in need of pipe insulation, adjoined to the outer wall of a building. Yet, regardless of the location, the best option - insulation of the entire length, even if the majority of the vent is located under the roof of the house.
The warm chimney outside?
For thermal insulation are advantageously used:
- tiled lining materials;
- erection of a wooden frame around the shield structure;
- installation of the outer tube with a large diameter;
- Lime-slag plaster.
As excipients used heat-insulating material with a fibrous structure: mineral or glass wool. Also, the space between the frame and the chimney can be filled with dry sand, expanded clay, crushed brick.

Constraints concern in choosing the insulation material of the chimney. Taking into account fire safety requirements that must be fulfilled fully, lest there be a fire.
Take into account other factors:
- The gas temperature at the outlet. Since it requires a smaller increase in the heat insulation layer, but increases the requirements for heat resistance and fireproofing material.
- Location. Construction outside the house are heated worse, so need better insulation.
- Material. Type of insulation is applied depending on the possibility of mounting structure.

For some heaters do not need additional protection from external moisture and vapor barrier. These include metal cases. Wooden shield better cover Weatherproof enamel and cinder plate - a thin layer of plaster. Basalt wool, and other similar heaters require the mandatory protection from external influences.
Calculate the required number of thermal insulation material is easy. For rectangular structures define all parameters, learn the general area. In a circular design measuring tape measure the circumference, multiplied by the height. At a certain area is required to take into account the thickness of the insulation.
Two ways of warming brick chimney
Are preferably used with embodiments of plastering or mineral wool. For any selected method starts with channel purification. If you do not, after the insulation channels warms up quickly, stay inside the soot starts to burn quickly. Negative effects occur: fever, increased smoke content.
Preparing the outer surface: heavily damaged bricks removed and replaced with new ones. Then under the mineral wool insulation is carried out plastering, except when used face brick. It sought the same distance from the heater to the wall, the chimney will warm uniformly. Used sand-lime or cement.
Along the perimeter to reinforce the profile suspensions. The operation is similar to that carried out before plating the walls of plasterboard. It will need a screwdriver with screws and plastic dowels and the concrete drill of suitable diameter. The maximum distance between the profiles should not exceed 60 cm.
In the space between them is placed basalt wool with a minimum thickness of 5 cm, which had previously been cut to the desired size. It is important to achieve a dense packing, not to the void that will be cold bridges. Fixing is carried out to the surface of the building foiled tape, pieces of wire or dowel-fungi.
The important point, which is unacceptable to ignore - laying outside of the waterproofing membrane. Otherwise, mineral wool, which absorbs water and gives it bad become damp and lose much thermal insulation characteristics.

The final stage - exterior finish. Popularly profiled iron, which is mounted on a metal profile previously established. This design looks good, protects from the wind. Insulation between the steel sheets and leave a gap of 25 mm, which is output through the moisture that gets inside.
To finish the outside of the use of other materials. Fixed basalt insulation obkladyvayut decorative brick, cinder blocks or asbestos cement slabs. In the latter case, the minimum wall thickness of 40 mm.

Thermal insulation of the chimney pipe brick plaster easier. The surface of the pre-purified, a layer of deep penetration primer. The walls are fixed dowels reinforced mesh throw solution of cement, lime fillers of slag or other refractory materials. After drying the first layer is embedded possible cracks, put the second, already thinner. Brick structure on plaster painted in the tone of a building roof.
How to insulate a steel chimney
Performing operation, consider that the metal is heated to 300 °. Use completely non-combustible materials: various types of mineral wool and fibrous insulation, slag-concrete slabs. It is used as a special heat-resistant mortar. To perform an embodiment of a "sandwich" is used iron pipe larger, stainless steel is desirable.
Metal structures are often installed in conjunction with radiators, which are used periodically: heater in the bath, fine furnace and fireplaces. The available option in this case - application of a special plaster. Method simple and easily performed even by people without experience:
- on the surface of the fixed glass fiber reinforced mesh;
- mixture was bought in a shop, according to the instructions added to the water and whipped with a mixer to obtain a dense homogeneous mass;
- spatula repeatedly the blister layer applied intermittently to dry;
- forming finishing surface.

The popular and most effective way to insulate the metal structure, which is used continuously - case of the steel pipe. The product of greater diameter serves as protection, smaller - chimney. Between them is placed a mineral wool, broken brick, concrete block. Structure completely fireproof, winding protects galvanized iron or stainless steel.
Sandwich chimney formed in several stages:
- in the roof and its overlapping expanding the hole to a diameter greater than the channel dimensions of 250 mm;
- basic metal pipe is insulated by a layer of basalt wool 5 cm;
- fixed insulator wire, which is wrapped in a circle;
- don steel casing, iron if subtle, establish an adhesive tape, fix the fastening clips.
Special approach to warming requires venting steam room. The most successful variant - steel chimney iron pipe in a case, wherein the galvanizing is prohibited to use for the shell. Elevated temperature and humidity leads to the separation of harmful substances. A rational embodiment - stainless steel.
Asbestos cement chimney - proper insulation
Carcass construction insulated manner. Before carrying out major works pipe is cleaned thoroughly. Further actions:
- For the manufacture of the guard used galvanized sheets. Billets mark out with the expectation that between the inner and outer walls will be a distance of 6 cm or more. Height - the standard width galvanizing - 1 meter.
- Install protection, starting from the bottom. Each segment densely filled with mineral wool. Section bolted.
- The upper part is closed with cement mortar, so as not to get wet insulation. Layer is formed with a slight outward inclination to water does not stagnate.

Often one can observe that asbestos insulation chimney perform a simple coil of mineral wool, which is fixed ties. Such an option allowed in the attic, with respect to any material. Outside, this design does not last for long: it gets wet, it is suffering from the wind.
How to avoid common mistakes - recommend the master
Before insulation, particularly asbestos-cement or a steel chimney, make sure the correctness of the construction unit. The exhaust pipe must comply with fire safety rules and other technological standards.
It is recommended to use heaters that breathe, do not accumulate moisture. In other cases, be sure to leave a ventilation gap of at least 25 mm. Applied Materials, which are available for self-installation. Adhere to the manufacturer's instructions.
the most effective among mineral basalt wool insulation. It is slightly more expensive than conventional mineral, but at a low flow rate is not critical. But in reality significant advantages:
- ignition possible at very high temperature;
- It has a higher density;
- a large vapor permeability.

Even the high-quality thermal insulation does not extend the life of the structure when it is not previously brought to a proper state: need cleaning, replacement of destroyed items.
Work on the outer insulation of the chimney is carried out immediately after its erection. A few years later begin the destructive processes that insulation will not stop. Need repair or total replacement of the structure.