Not long ago, panoramic windows was an attribute of housing premium. Floor-to-shelf were expensive, but provide a stunning view from the apartments, making the surrounding area, as it were part of the interior. Today, this glazing is available to everyone, but the owners of apartments species often have problems with their insulation. How to insulate a panoramic balcony, to ensure optimum microclimate in housing, without violating the integrity and aesthetics of the design?
Types panoramic glass balcony
Called panoramic windows / transparent walls, providing a great view of the surrounding territory. The conditions may be flat loggia fiberglass from floor to ceiling or a balcony glazing having on several planes.
Technically, this can be arranged in 3 ways:
- using traditional window systems. They consist of several sections arranged in a row using common frame;
- with facade glazing. It can be represented frameless glazing mounted on the vertical and horizontal cross-bars or webs continuous glass plane. In both cases, the light transmission panels are sealed special sealant;
- using frameless glass systems. In the role of the fence here is thick tempered glass with finished edges. It may be monolithic (immobile, presented one-piece glazing) or tape, when construction flaps move on guides (like the closet, on the basis of accordion).

Facades and frameless glazing allow to isolate the balcony from the weather. Despite the presence of the seals on the doors, all the attempts to insulate the structure will be in vain - the heat will still go out. Only the use of traditional window systems can effectively be insulated balcony through the use of special frames and double glazing.
Related article - mineral wool insulation balcony.
Insulate a balcony with panoramic windows yourself
important nuances
The warming of the panoramic terraces and balconies there are significant differences provoked by the features of these structures. Balcony is always placed on the stove, serving for the bearing walls of the building, and remains open in several ways. Loggia is mounted in front of the house so that only the front part of its borders with the street space. In terms of openness, the balcony is a cold room, and therefore requires more costs for insulation.
Loggia design reinforced main walls, thus avoiding its deformation during thermal insulation work.

Organization of warming the balcony at the design stage
Despite the fundamental differences in the structure of the panoramic balconies and loggias, the same technology used for their insulation. Some of them are used at the stage of building a house, others - when he was put into operation.
To prevent heat loss, the main source of which is the glass surface, it is necessary to choose the correct light transmission structure. The best option will be "warm ups". it should be understood walling this term with:
- heat-insulated profiles. In conventional systems use aluminum window frames, which are cold. For additional insulation equip their thermo - inserts made of polymeric materials with low thermal conductivity. "Warm" are also windows with plastic profile a thickness of at least 80 mm;
- energy saving glazing with optimal heat transfer resistance - 0,78 m² · K / Watt. They use at least double low-e glass, and the chamber is filled with argon. This prevents heat loss from the premises Uluchay soundproofing.
Window glazing monogastric have heat resistance equal to 0,35 m² · K / W, which is half the required index. Glass of panoramic balcony is not recommended because they are cold. Single-chamber double-glazed windows are used only if there is a risk of overloading the base of the balcony. In this case, use glass with an energy-saving coating, argon-filled chamber and bridging.

Organization insulation balcony using "warm" glazing
Thermal insulation of the balcony "warm" window systems is carried out in the following sequence:
- dismantling of old glass. The cold box is removed together with the frames, carry out cleaning opening, leveling / snapping under installation of the new design;
- installation of "warm" frames. In this case, you need to take care of them properly installed. It involves the use of dowels for fastening design. This will provide a strong and tight fit frames to walls;
- installation of double-glazed windows. Their upper part is inserted into the H-shaped rail, and bottom - rests on the rubber profile. To ensure the tightness of the construction, the glass is pressed against the frame by rubber seals.

After mounting structure all the cracks and gaps filled with foam. If the panoramic balcony is long, it is recommended to equip the temperature compensators - elements of linear expansion. They are necessary to eventually prevent the deformation of the structure under the influence of external factors. Thanks to them, in a frame a gap of 5 mm, allowing the panes slightly expand / shrink under the influence of ambient temperature, without affecting their appearance, tightness design.

How to insulate a balcony with panoramic windows already installed
If you already glazed balcony, but the design is cool - to reduce heat loss is problematic. In order to maintain a stable temperature inside the apartment, you can use the following ways of warming:
- insulation of all non-glass design surfaces - floors, walls and ceiling. Then the balcony will be a kind of layer between the apartment and the street, which prevents heat loss from the premises. But do not expect that it will be comfortable to stay in the cold season, the temperature there will be only a few degrees above the street;
- Connect with room space. This is convenient because the balcony is automatically included in the central apartment heating system. But this option is complicated by the need to obtain permits to redevelop, the financial cost of refitting the premises, its continued heating;
- installation of floor heating systems. This method is insulated balcony design is convenient to use if you connect it to the room does not work because of the complexity of the process or lack of funds.

Materials and tools
Despite the fact whether a panoramic balcony or a separate structure connected to the bathroom, his insulated by the same technology. To do this, you need the following materials and tools:
- insulator sheets. This usually polystyrene or foam thickness of 4-6 cm;
- hydraulic and vapor barrier foil type film;
- polyurethane adhesive;
- Belleville anchors for additional fixing insulation sheets;
- Aluminum tape and polyurethane foam for sealing;
- FIBERGLASS reinforcing;
- wooden beams (they are necessary when fixing the carcass manner polystyrene);
- screwdriver, screws, tape measure, level, building spepler, glue gun.
Polyurethane foam should not contain toluene, since it facilitates dissolution of insulating sheets.

The procedure for work on the balcony insulation inside
Balcony is outside the thermal circuit at home, so in addition to "warm windows" require internal insulation design. Its layer should be as thin as possible so as not to "steal" the limited space.
For insulating non-glass surfaces panoramic balcony / loge (floor, the side walls and the ceiling on the balcony) is used styrofoam. It effectively prevents heat loss and is easy, so do not overload the plate. For warming the floor of this material will have to raise it to the minimum height - 7 cm. Also, polystyrene can be used for thermal insulation of walls, ceiling. Warming of the balcony these pictures is performed in the following sequence:
- sealing structure carried - sealing of existing cracks, chips. They are filled with foam and after drying, the remnants of the material carefully cut with a knife. Small cracks in the plaster triturated solution;
- Waterproofing concrete slab. For this foil is laid on the film surface. Alternatively, it can also be used penetrating waterproofing;
- stacked insulator. First, on the surface to be treated is applied to the adhesive, then it is applied to a polystyrene sheet, lightly pressing them. Useful trick - joints further lock plates can poppet dowels;
- on top of a heater glue reinforcing fiberglass mesh;
- insulating "cake" close paroiozolyatsionnoy film;

This method is used for insulation balconies or screed further plastering. If the floor of the balcony is planned to lay laminate flooring, ceiling and sew lining, can be stacked Styrofoam carcass method. It is more time consuming, but reliable. Thermal insulation "cake" with his hands laying in the following sequence:
- of wooden slats constructing frame attach them to the ceiling / floor with screws. They are fixed with a pitch such that the insulation between joists placed sheet and remained small gap of 2-3 mm, which will prevent the formation of cold bridges;
- pull waterproof film (roofing paper, glassine), fastened to its surface by means of a stapler;
- frame filled with polystyrene foam sheets, fitting them under the mesh sizes. Its layer should match the height of slats;
- vapor barrier is installed. As it stands polyethylene film, which is stretched over the rails, securing the stapler. Its mission - to prevent the ingress of moisture from the apartment or the street inside a heater;
- surface finishing is performed. Floor can be used sheets of drywall, paneling, flooring - laminate, or tie.

If the panoramic balcony Buda attached to the room, it should also insulate it from the outside. When the location of apartments on the upper floors of the house, this will require the involvement of experts used climbing equipment.
Ways of organizing heat panoramic balcony
Thermal insulation of the balcony on it will raise the temperature a few degrees, but if you want to make it a warm room in an apartment, need to organize its heating. You can do this in several ways:
- Design Connection to the central heating. This is a very time-consuming and not always feasible process because these activities can disrupt the heating system of the house. Connecting to the balcony of the Central Organ is carried out only with the authorization of special bodies;
- using electric heaters. It may be oil equipment, heaters, air conditioners, elekrokaminy. To enable them to bring enough to the balcony outlet;
- Using the floor heating system. It is characterized by simplicity of installation and ease of use. The system is represented by wires fixed as a screed, and is powered by the mains.
Effective, convenient, does not require special permits, way of heating a panoramic balcony floor heating. From his room is heated rapidly throughout the area. Which option underfloor laid on the balcony, it depends on the characteristics of the screed. When the heating cable, its thickness should be at least 5 cm. If you can not fill in a tie, it is better to build an infrared heating system. When installing electric floor mats will rise to a height of 1 cm.

Installation of floor heating is performed in the following sequence:
- surface pre-aligned, eliminate all defects thereon;
- paving layer insulation. Its thickness should be not less than 50mm;
- on the surface there is a mounting tape, over which incrementally heating cable is laid;
- bring to the wall thermostat;
- poured screed thickness of 3-5 cm;
- laid flooring.
According to the thickness of the floor heating should not exceed the height of the mounting profile, otherwise the floor will look unaesthetic.

Balcony with panoramic windows looks nice and status. It provides a hit in the apartment of a large amount of sunlight, beautiful panorama of the street. It is important that the design does not become a source of heat loss in buildings. Effective ways of how to insulate a balcony with panoramic windows are "warm" window insulation design of surfaces (floor, ceiling), the connection of the heating system. They should be used comprehensively, since the use of only one of the options will not give the desired result.
All work on the design of insulation should be carried out correctly, so as not to overload the floor slab does not compromise the integrity of the balcony. Only in this way can make a panoramic design, which will be pleasant and comfortable stay.