Every owner, before the construction of the house, is a plan for expenses. One of the most costly stages of construction of the foundation is considered. For small houses or plots, country structures do not need shading monolithic or strip foundation. Suffice it to driving in piles, which are strapped on top of raft foundation.
Why carry out insulation
Indeed, the question arises whether to insulate the pile foundation is necessary? After all, he digged deep into the ground and heaving it's not scary. But vulnerabilities remain, which require special solutions:
- If carried pouring concrete grillage, this construction in itself is a conductor cold at low temperatures. It will absorb significant amounts of heat, which would have to make up for an increase in the cost of home heating;
- If the house is built on a metal or wooden raft foundation, everything is good, but in the underground space is a lot of space, which is not protected from blowing wind and frost. You can use the multi-layer insulation, but it is better to completely block the cap insulated design;
- If the home provides the utilities, they will pass it through the underground space under the house. Therefore, a pile foundation insulation to prevent freezing of the pipeline;
- Externally, the building will look much more effective. Closed plinth portion can be nice to finish on the outside, and get a single finished design of the house.
These reasons have convinced many owners of the need to properly insulate the pile foundation of his house. To do this, you first need to understand what kind of material for that fit best.
Types and characteristics of heaters
Before qualitatively insulate the foundation on screw piles, it is necessary to select a material to be used.
Since the place opened and adverse conditions, should get serious about the choice of subject. Not every material is able to withstand heavy loads and accurately deter cold. The best options are the following materials:
polyurethane foam
She lay down a layer of dense and evenly distributed around the perimeter of the foundation.

According to its heat-retaining characteristics superior to other modern heaters. The main indicators are the size of the thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam derived cells or bubbles. Here, the thermal conductivity passes between 0.2-0.3 W / m K. The positive qualities include high adhesion. Due to this quality foam able to lie on Lyuba. The surface regardless of the configuration and design of the structure. Lightness of the material does not increase the weight of the foundation. Thus avoiding additional load on the pile.
The only disadvantage is the special equipment which is necessary for applying the foam to the surface.
It is important to bear in mind that in this case the need for penoplex foundation. Plates of this heater can quickly and reliably hide basement, cellar and underground space from the wind and cold.

The material is not only insulates but also protects against moisture and groundwater. Due to the ease, the foundation does not load, thus reducing the load on the piles. He is able to withstand a temperature range of -50 to +65, which makes it possible to use it in any region. The advantages we assign it a small cost.
foamed glass
Warming penostekolnymi blocks has both positive and negative sides. they all depend on the technical characteristics of this material. The advantages include its durability. When correctly installed it can last for a hundred years. Excellent serve as waterproofing. This quality allows to protect metal structures from corrosion and rust and increase the reliability of the home.

Penostekolnye plate are not illuminated, because the glass melting temperature is 1000 degrees. This provides additional fire protection for wooden structures.
The disadvantages are its high price and complexity of the installation. For fastening anchors required to be used very carefully, because the material is brittle and easy to crack.
Mineral wool
the foundation of this material Warming does not require special skills. It is lightweight, holds the heat well. But for a comfortable stay in the house quality moisture protection is required, and with that mineral wool large complexity. Requiring waterproofing material, so is not profitable to use. Moreover, short-lived and capable of deformation.

That active material offering the best combination of price and high-performance thermal insulator. It used rolls. Made from the thinnest aluminum foil layer is able to cover large areas, and rests on any surface. It boasts good heat and waterproofing properties. Penofol able to extinguish sound, and is a good one for living near railways and motorways.

On the positive side include its resistance to temperature changes, as well as ease of installation and ease.
Since the surface heater is a foil, it can not be applied to building materials in the form of paint or putty.
natural insulation
These include: sawdust, hemp, sheets of plywood. They are distinguished by environmental friendliness and breathability. But for reliable insulation in a scrap with a permanent residence, these materials may not be enough. At the same time they are the breeding ground for rodents and insects.
When choosing choosing the material for insulation material must be considered as a method of work inside, outside, and comprehensively. Do not require insulation of the pile, only requires protection grillage.
Carrying out work on warming their hands
The correct sequence and the precise execution of all works will help to achieve maximum results.
To understand how to insulate the pile foundation, need to carefully examine all the stages of the work and prepare the tools:
- The spatula or a brush for applying a protective layer on a wooden construction elements.
- Hacksaw. Required when cutting the desired size and quantity of material.
- Drill or a hammer for installation of insulation.
- Level for measuring the surface slope angle.
- The material for insulation.
After all the preparations, you can start the installation of insulation. All work is carried out as follows:
- First there is a raft foundation waterproofing joints, because it is through them the moisture penetrates more often. Because of this condensate is formed inside, contributing to the development of mold and metal corrosion.
Waterproofing grillage joints - Cover the exposed metal parts of liquid bitumen, wood covered with antiseptic anti-mold.
- Further, the protective structure is constructed. It can be made from single-row brick wall that is insulated from the outside and decorated with foam finishing material.
Facing brick plinth - On the pedestal is mounted crate to roll or tile materials.
- Between the guides fit insulation. For a better fit, leave a distance between 1 cm smaller than the size of a heater.
- Longitudinal guides mounted on equidistant distance from the center of the pile.
- To the prepared frame with screws attached wooden rails with a pitch in the size of the heater plate.
- After laying the insulation joints between the plates are sealed with foam.
Sealing joints between the slabs - Final work is carried out with the use of finishing materials. Facing mounted on top of a heater, screwing into wooden rails with screws.
When you reflect on how to insulate the screw-pile foundation, you can spend an option with the construction of the cap of warm decorative panels.

Create a false-cap of the panels is much easier than laying bricks. The first step is to take care of the design, which will be attached panel. To do this around the perimeter creates a metal frame with wooden rails. The distance between the rails is calculated by the height of the foundation. All wooden elements are treated with antiseptic.
By the completed structure is mounted heater. It must not protrude beyond the raft foundation.
In the design attached decorative Zabirko by a special glue. Lockable panel is connected to the top of the raft, the lower must be included in the ground at 4-5 cm. In the place of contact is necessary to remove soil and sprinkle it expanded clay or sand.
Since the panels have zero air permeability, it needs to create the vents, to allow air access. Suffice 4 vents, one on each side. With the onset of cold weather, they are usually closed with a cloth.
To drain rainwater and melt water make the drainage system, then the soil around the house will remain dry.
Pile-foundation screw is easier to construct, but requires work on warming. As the insulation can be selected as dense, and liquid materials, each of which has its advantages. If you perform thermal insulation in accordance with the rules, you can get a warm and comfortable home at a lower cost for its construction.