The story of the industrious Cinderella girl who was generously rewarded for kindness, diligence and responsiveness is one of the favorite themes of cinema. Movies about Cinderella, the list of which we compiled, do not always use the classic fairy tale plot in the processing of Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm. Modern interpretation of the history of a poor girl, selflessly and without a murmur overcoming difficulties, is no worse than the classics. We invite readers to recall the most impressive films about Cinderella .
Soviet picture-fairy tale "Cinderella", released on screens in 1947 - the first film about the famous fairy-tale heroine, who thanks to her godmother-fairy opportunity to visit the magnificent royal ball. A year before the premiere of the picture, the Soviet playwright Eugene Schwartz wrote the play "Cinderella" based on the fairy tale by Charles Perrault. A film was made on it, which gained great popularity not only in the Soviet Union, but also in Japan, Finland, Austria and other countries.
The plot of the film corresponds to an ancient French fairy tale in the processing of Charles Perrault. Cinderella lives in the fairy-tale kingdom in the house of her father-forester. It is exploited in every possible way by a wicked stepmother and half-sisters. When Cinderella is not allowed to go to the royal ball, her godmother comes to the girl's help. Having received as a gift a luxurious ball dress, wonderful crystal shoes and a gorgeous carriage, the girl goes to the royal palace. But Cinderella should remember that exactly at twelve o'clock in the morning the magic spells will disperse, and she will lose the wonderful gifts of the godmother.
An interesting fact: actors who played the main roles in the film, at the time of filming, have long since emerged from a young age. The actress Janine Jaimo, who starred as Cinderella, was 37 years old, and Alexei Konsovsky, who played the prince, is 34 years old.
The next movie in our list about Cinderella came out in Czechoslovakia in 1969.The original name of the painting is " Popelka ", in the Russian translation - "Cinderella".
A happy carefree childhood ended for the main character of the film with the death of her mother. Soon the stepmother and her daughters appeared in the house, and Cinderella's life turned into a series of difficult everyday life filled with cares and duties. But no matter how hard the girl tried to please her new relatives, the cruel stepmother was always unhappy and found what to find fault with. Even the invitation to the royal ball did not melt her heart-she forbade her stepdaughter to go to the palace and loaded her with hard work. But fate gave Cinderella a chance to visit the ball - in this she was helped by the magic nuts given to the girl by her father.
The list of films about Cinderella continues the picture of the British production "Cinderella", released on screens in 2000.The film's action has been postponed to our days. After the death of his wife, Cinderella's father marries a selfish Claudette, adoring fashionable parties and social life. She does not tolerate a stepdaughter and puts all her hard work at home on her. Cinderella is forced to endure the mockery of her stepmother for the sake of living next to her father.
The next film in the list of the best paintings about Cinderella is the German film of 2011 "Aschenputtel"( "Cinderella").It is based on a fairy-tale story in the treatment of the researchers of the German folklore of the Brothers Grimm.
Cinderella, who has long lost her parents, lives in the house of her stepmother and performs all the black work, like a servant. She does not have anyone who can protect a girl from oppression, and she can only complain about fate at her parents' grave. Once an occasional passer-by helps Cinderella cope with a little trouble. The girl does not suspect that this stranger is Prince Victor.
Cinderella: The version of the older sister
" Cinderella: Version of the older sister " - one of the most unusual films about Cinderella on our list. Classical history suggests that the half-sisters of the good Cinderella were no better than the hard-hearted stepmother and gave a lot of grief to the girl. And what if the sisters, on the contrary, sincerely help Cinderella?
Cinderella 4 × 4.Everything begins with the desires of
In 2008, the following movie from the list of paintings about Cinderella - Russian fairy tale " Cinderella 4 × 4" was released. It all begins with the desires of . "This is a new rethinking of the story of Cinderella. The film's action has been postponed to our days.
Dasha lives with her father and takes care of her younger sister Ulyana. She is a big dreamer. Once Dasha imagined that she was in a fairy tale. She turned into Cinderella, who lives in the garage. While the girl's mother was alive, everything was fine. After her death, a spiteful stepmother appeared with her harmful daughters and began to exploit Cinderella. As it should, the fairy godmother comes to the aid of the main heroine. When a girl is not allowed to race, she gives the ward dress of champions and a huge jeep.
The story of eternal love
Continues the list of films about Cinderella fantasy " The story of eternal love " with Drew Barrymore in the title role. The plot is based on a story about a girl Danielle, who is not as defenseless as it might seem at first glance. The main heroine will not allow herself to be offended by anyone and is capable of challenging her brutal stepmother. She will not wait for help from the fairy, but she will boldly take the matter herself. If you need to save the prince - Danielle can also take him out of danger on his shoulders.
Three nuts for Cinderella
« Three nuts for Cinderella » - one of the most famous and beloved by the spectators in our list of films about Cinderella. The stepmother of the girl dreams to give out her daughter for the prince, but he is not going to marry. He quarrels with his father and plans to escape from the palace, but falls in love with the charming stranger in the mask, met in the woods. It turns out to be Cinderella.
The farther into the wood
In the list of films about "Cinderella" the musical " The farther into the wood of " occupies a special place. It is created on the motives of several European fairy tales and amazingly conveys their atmosphere. In the film, a great cast of actors was shot - which only Meryl Streep alone has in the image of an evil sorceress.
The farther into the wood
The list of films about "Cinderella" includes the fairy tale of the studio Walt Disney Pictures "Cinderella", released on screens in 2015.Her plot is known to everyone: the father of a kind and industrious Cinderella after the death of his wife brings a new wife into the house. The stepmother could not replace the mother's mother-she was vicious and grumpy, and her daughters were greedy and harmful. Cinderella from the mistress of the house quickly turned into a servant, performing the most dirty and hard work in the house. But the kindness and beauty of the girl captivates the heart of the prince, and the fairy godmother comes to the aid of her ward at the right moment.
Interesting fact: the film "Cinderella" is a remake of the popular cartoon of 1950 studio "Disney".