The need for home heating in Russia is not discussed - in the winter, even in the southern regions of the country the temperature falls below zero. From the solution of this problem will not go away, so the desire of homeowners to solve it with the minimum cost of course.
For heating apartments and houses manufacturers of heating equipment produced today are many types and varieties of domestic heaters, tvordo- and oil, gas and electrical, continuously improving performance, which the buyer gives priority when choosing a model, including the amount of fuel consumption or electricity.
In implementing the heaters in the trade network buyer's attention, of course, try to attract more demand aggregates qualities, so often all the proposed devices are advertised as energy saving heaters.
In such a situation, not owning the objective of the construction of the main types of elektroobogrevatelnyh devices, it is difficult to make the right choice when buying.
Consider several types of household heaters from the perspective of compliance, determining efficiency to reasonably assign them to a group of "economical heaters."
The criteria for efficiency heaters
To the heater was considered cost-effective, low-power alone is not enough. Moreover, high energy consumption of the unit does not automatically make it uneconomical.
Heating efficiency is caused not only by its high performance, but also the influence of several factors, both individually and in combination with each other:
- safety equipment - directly and primarily related to the economy, as the consequences of accidents are not predictable nor by the degree of harm to the health of residents or financially;
- view of a heater - should correspond to its destination, i.e. the one in the device is used as a primary or supplemental heating means;
- source of energy - the fuel used must be available in the region and the creation of its reserves - do not create problems;
- Heater power consumption - calculated depending on the destination machine and the heated area of housing, taking into account amendments on the region, the degree of external insulation walling, orientation window openings on the sides of the horizon, the area glazing, etc. (Not enough power to reduce the efficiency of the heater, the excess - will entail not justify the cost of energy source);
- calorific power - depending on the heater design and is always smaller than the power consumption (the closer this value to the amount of consumed energy source, the higher the efficiency of the device);
- heater class - must match the purpose of the premises, it is not reasonable, for example, to equip heaters with a sophisticated country house programming system which is used for short-term periodical accommodation;
- the price of the heating device - should be accessible and be justified, that is, match the durability, functionality and quality of the unit;
- installation of the unit - the installation of the heater costs must also be reasonable, commensurate with the unit price and justified the feasibility of using it is the selected device.
Heaters that meet specific conditions, all the above requirements, are ideal in terms of efficiency, but it is - theoretically. In practice, the approach to the ideal leads to higher prices, a longer payback period and, as a consequence, the paradox - reduction in profitability.
Yet, different types of devices spend on heating one square meter or cubic meter of volume different amounts of energy source and time, so the question of what the heater more economical, not without sense.
electric heaters
Electricity - the most eco-friendly and convenient for home heating energy source, the use of which has the following advantages:
- lack Factor formation of combustion products and the need to take appropriate action (chimney, ventilation);
- there is the problem of creating fuel and equipment storage space for it - high-risk factor;
- absolute noiseless electrical conversion process into thermal energy;
- no open flame reduces the risk of fire.
These advantages were typical even for the first produced electric heaters - Primitive devices, and they have not lost their relevance after all the improvements elektroobogrevatelnyh equipment.
Choosing economical heater on electricity, will not limit the choice of the correct scope only electric heaters new generation- among the long-known heating units also have devices with acceptable the consumption of primary energy.
Without going into heat engineering calculations, consider the three most economical electrical heater in order of increasing energy (assuming correctly executed calculation of the required power).
Micatermic heaters
This type of heating devices refers to infrared household Electric heaters of new generation, but the operating principle remains unchanged - the heating of the room is carried out by exposing the interior walling and infrared waves generated emitter.

Emitting device is a flat micanite a heater configured based on resistive heating elements placed in a mica paper and pressed in a plate shape. The temperature of the radiator mica does not exceed 400 degrees, whereas the spiral heaters or heaters it is 800 degrees or higher. Therefore, to increase the intensity of the infrared radiation, on the one hand with two resistors plate added additional layers - reflecting and focusing, which change the direction of radiation on one side of the heater the opposite.
On top of this "sandwich" plate on two sides covered with layers of mica --dielectric material having a high heat resistance and thermal conductivity coefficients. Furthermore, by passing through an infrared wave, mica generates an emission spectrum that is optimal for human perception.
Thus, the structure of the plate layers is such that after its heat radiation of infrared waves occurs only one side - the working, so bilateral Micatermic heaters are arranged parallel to each other, radiating outward sides of the two plates, protected latticed metal body, not interfering the passage of infrared rays.
IR radiation reaching the obstacles in its path, amplifies the Brownian motion of molecules on their surface, which leads to surface heating of objects on a certain depth. The heated elements of the interior design and give off heat to the surrounding air, due to what is happening, and space heating.
The heater Micatermic emit heat at a fraction of the radiant energy is about 80%, on the convective currents - 20%.
The device described above is typical for underfloor heaters placement radiating on both sides. Placing the heater in the housing Micatermic only one flat heater micanite obtained single-acting device, used as wall heaters - devices at least equally effective, but would help to place them more efficiently, without sacrificing efficiency room volume.

Micatermic heaters for home energy-saving wall are a kind of core group aggregates and because the equipment only one flat heater micanite characterized generally at capacity.
micanite tubular heaters Manufacturing execution with an outwardly directed working surface has created heating units cylindrical shape, more compact, generating infrared radiation uniformly around itself in all side.
On the basis of the emitters in the form of a half-cylinder units are also available with housings oval shape as a one-way or two-way direction of heating.

Despite the fact that Micatermic heaters are infrared heating devices, their work is accompanied by heating of the body to 60 degrees, which triggers the occurrence of indoors and convection flows, the proportion which, though not large in the total amount of heat generated, but demand.
Choosing the most economical electric heater for the house in the first place should pay attention to Micatermic heaters. The difference in electric power consumption for heating of these units 1 square meter, compared with other types of electric heaters up to 35%.
Moreover, these new generation heaters through the mica-shell heater plates have relatively low temperature of the body surface, which makes them safe to use and cost-effective in the long run.
Heaters Micatermic action
Models Micatermic heaters equipped with a fan, called Micatermic fan heaters. This option accelerates the convection currents and reduces the time to achieve a comfortable room temperature. Power Micatermic heaters is in the range from 0.7 to 2 kW, which makes them effective for use as a heating large and small area of space.
Heater such design small and medium capacity is very useful as a heater for cottages since using a fan warms the indoor air before the heat up fencing design.

The most cost-effective for heating garden will heatersWhose power is in the range of 1 to 1.5 kW - with a moderate power consumption, these devices will provide the desired temperature in a short time.
Ceramic heaters electricity
Ceramic heaters - a large group of heating units that are united by the presence of a heater construction coated with a layer of porous ceramics of pressed glass ceramic powder. Such a coating has a surface temperature not exceeding 150 degrees, which is significantly lower than that of the heating element (600 degrees or higher), which makes the device safer. If the ceramic layer has a substantial thickness, it is more and accumulates heat, increasing inertia after turning off the heater.
Coz we are talking about the economy, it is necessary to narrow the sector review heaters to the framework of the "ceramic heaters home energy saving ", because a large steel furnace, lined with bricks (ceramics), also a ceramic fan heaters unit.
Ceramic heating radiator, depending on the type of machine, is carried out by electricity or burning gas. For heating housing preferably electric energy efficient ceramic devices, safer including because they do not form combustion products.

Electric ceramic heaters have other advantages:
- compact size and light weight;
- there are several degrees of security and safe surface temperature of the body, allowing the use of the heater, even in children's rooms; ;
- no effect on the humidity in the room.
Electricity consumption of these devices can not be called low but the output speed of the operating mode and the short achieve the effect of making ceramic device among the most efficient for home heating heaters, which run on electricity.
Important! Cost-effective ceramic elektrootopiteley fan should be supported by the right choice power device, its mode of operation and efficient external insulation walling premises.
some models quartz heaters Housing is also equipped with a fan made, but this kind of heaters due to another type of heater consumes much more electricity.
Gas ceramic heating device
Assemblies of this type consist of a housing in which are arranged a cylinder of liquefied gas (regular or multipurpose household) joined to it through a hose reducer burner, automatic ignition device, a ceramic emitter devices and systems security.
The principle of operation of the heater based on the infrared radiation generated by a ceramic transducer, which is heated by the burner during the combustion gas supplied to it.

Given that gas heaters are at increased risk of using the equipment, safe operation of the infrared device provides systems automatically stop the flow of gas fuel when the device is inverted, flame blowing gas pressure and deviations from standard values exceeding permissible value.
Efficiency of these heaters is not due to low consumption of the energy carrier, and the relative cheapness of gas fuel, but to choose a ceramic heating unit on gas for use in the country or in a country house - a rational decision, since it does not require the installation of the internal pipeline, and the replacement of cylinders - the procedure is not common and does not complex.
Important! Isolation of the air in some substances during the combustion of domestic liquefied gas (propane, butane) is minimal, so the gas heaters of this construction does not require a connection a ventilation system, but the oxygen consumption in the indoor unit during the combustion of fuel must be compensated by periodic ventilation of heated premises.
To make the cost of gas fuel as low as possible, choose a gas bound for the season - in spring and autumn is better to use butane, which is lower calorie, and in the winter in the cold - propane.
Selecting a heating unit, the most efficient in the issue of energy efficiency, can not have a universal solution. The answer to the question of what the most efficient heaters, depends not only on the design of the device, causes the power consumption, but also on a number of factors, which in the same housing can change over time, the change of season or change the situation with the accessibility fuel. So do not get hung up on saving every penny - the desire for this may be more expensive.
The main essence of the article
- The desire to reduce the cost of heating of housing natural, but to achieve the sensitivity of results can only be organized with the heating taking into account all the factors affecting the economy.
- The high cost of electricity is caused not so much the cost of this energy as many of his qualities - environmental friendliness, availability, no need creating reserves, etc. Therefore, the electric heaters in the long run are often more economical than heaters that consume less expensive fuels, but require additional measures to ensure their operation - ventilation, piping, maintenance of explosion and fire safe equipment storage and inventory locations etc.
- Micatermic infrared heaters - a modern efficient equipment, in a short time well-established in the Russian context.
- Varieties heaters Micatermic design, equipped with a fan, are devices with even greater potential for energy savings.
- Micatermic heaters electricity most preferred solutions for energy conservation for heating residential premises for any purpose.
- Gas heaters with Micatermic emitter only at first glance are more economical devices - because of the relative cheapness of gas. But the need for periodic airing heated room causes a large heat loss.
- When choosing energy-efficient heating unit should be aware that even with a high-power device in certain conditions may be more cost-effective than the much-hyped device - universal solutions for all situations does not exist.