Geothermal heating greenhouses with their own hands

The main task of greenhouses - forming microclimatic conditions necessary for the proper growth of agricultural crops or flowers. This is achieved by forming a protective shell of heat-insulating material. Of course, if the outside temperature reaches the serious negative values, one frame do no longer be possible. Come to the rescue of geothermal heating greenhouses, rightly called one of the most efficient and modern heating systems.

working principle

Scientists have found that the deep soil layers, even in winter, not cooled below plus five degrees. In combination with sunlight, this heat is enough to ensure a sufficiently high temperature within the room.

The ground mounted set of communication through which the underground heat warms the coolant, rises to the top, spreading through the pipes and radiators located inside the structure.

If exactly considered a design that in its composition, there are two circuits:

  • The first circuit is located below the soil freezing, namely it performs heat collection;
  • The second circuit is filled with coolant, whether it be a special fluid or plain water, spreading through the pipes and radiators.

The benefits of choosing

Of course, the arrangement of such a system with their own hands requires significant amounts of excavation, installation of pipes and other elements, due to the large time and financial investment. However, the positive side completely cover these features:
  • In use, completely lacking any costs, as applied energy generated by natural means;
  • The system is independent of external factors, is fully autonomous and does not require regular maintenance by a person;
  • The ideal microclimate conditions are formed throughout the year;
  • Equipment controls not only the temperature, but also adjusts the level of humidity, provides an effective air exchange;
  • The air is further saturated with carbon dioxide required in photosynthesis;
  • Subject to the rules of simple maintenance equipment will last at least 50 years.

Features of arrangement

Surprisingly, it is possible to organize an effective geothermal heating greenhouses with their own hands. It is important to remember that the process begins with the excavation, that is already ready to equip the system construction is impossible. As practice shows, the real cost-effectiveness of such a choice is reflected in the fact If the heated construction area of ​​over 50 square meters (the more, the better). So, if you prefer to operate their own hands, guided by the following statement:

  • Evaluate your site to choose the most suitable place for the start of construction. section dimensions in all dimensions should be about a third more greenhouse sizes. Among the recommended requirements of the lack of lush vegetation, shrubs, trees, and buildings for various purposes. Make sure that the site you can organize access of heavy equipment for excavation works and the transportation of materials, otherwise, have to deal with it all by hand.
  • Preparation of the pit. Recommended depth digging for the northern regions - about 320 centimeters, for the southern regions, this number may be lower by almost a meter. The uppermost layer of soil must be maintained, the clay can be taken out to 30 centimeters thick. Digging is carried out in the form of a trapezoid or a rectangle, the resulting wall is not attached, the bottom is lined with 15 and 30 centimeters of gravel - sand, on the slopes of the pit, 70-centimeter mark are less fit polystyrene.
  • Laid pipe. For accuracy stands with his hands pre-tension the ropes, repeating the configuration of the future system. As the pipes should be fine standard products sewer diameter of 11 centimeters. Fixing pipes being wired from cold rolled steel, a particularly zealous not worth it, the design is not under heavy load. The distance between the individual tubes - 50 centimeters, immediately formed and vertical branches. Upon completion of this step can be their own hands, or heavy equipment to fill a trench to below a meter with respect to the top layer of the earth.
  • After filling the pit to a certain point is completed, you can proceed to the final step - covering region, on entering the area of ​​the greenhouse, polystyrene plates and backfilling it turf. Thus, within the small greenhouses formed pit depth of about 80 centimeters. This cavity is amplified formwork lined with insulation, is laid fertile ground to final depth decreased to about 35 centimeters. After the erection of greenhouses with their own hands the tip pipe output by 40 centimeters above its roof. On the tubes can be mounted and conventional ventilation fungi, and fans to gain traction. In order to protect against ingress of insects recommended to equip pipes mosquito nets with a mesh size of about 0.3 millimeter.

To summarize

Do not be scared impressive front work. Experience shows that with a zero cycle to install the filter takes about 3 weeks, which, subject to half a century of operation of the system, - the term simply worthless. Such schemes are widely used in regions with a frosty climate, among the leaders - Greenland, a vast area that is always hidden under a layer of snow. Remember that once spending 3 weeks, more than you will not be paid to the system for a minute. For correct operation do not need any external influences, we need only occasionally clean the clogged mosquito nets.