Every owner of a suburban area, for sure, would not give up the prospects for the harvest during the whole calendar year. Of course, taking into account the peculiarities of the domestic climate it will have to make some effort to build a heated greenhouse. Water heating greenhouses with their hands - one of the most reliable and common ways achievements in the room temperature required for efficient plant growth, and the formation of ovaries fruit.

Advantages and features
Water heating greenhouses is characterized by the following positive features:
- Constructive simplicity, easily the system can be realized even on a large area of the object.
- Using any available fuels. heating method is selected in accordance with the financial capabilities of the hosts, terrain, presence of nearby highways.
- Water - a unique environment from the point of view of the specific heat, the liquid temperature reached is maintained for a long time even after turning off the power, and thereby save fuel, and abrupt temperature variations are eliminated, pernicious for plants.
- Water method does not cause a drop humidity (the negative characteristic of the air heaters and other heating devices, heating elements which are not closed by special covers, preventing burn-in of oxygen), i.e. formed microclimate, most friendly flora.
- The pipes can be laid in the ground in order to achieve heating of the root system, important for certain types of crops.
The disadvantage of the method have, in fact, one. Abrupt stopping fuel supply will lead to freezing of water in the tubes that will provoke the formation of ice, followed by destruction of the whole circuit.
Please note that before you buy a boiler and other devices should be puzzled with high thermal insulation performance of the object. Caulking and eliminate drafts laying panels on the basis of polycarbonate, gluing on a special plane Polystyrene on the substrate foil - all these measures will help to achieve the conservation of accumulated heat, which reduces the overall fuel costs.
Also read: We do winter greenhouses with their own hands.
A set of equipment

In forming the water heating system uses the following equipment and elements:
- the heat generator (boiler or furnace).
- The pump is used in order to constantly maintain a sufficient velocity of the water stream. Some schemes involve natural circulation, but to realize this method is unlikely to large objects.
- Clay loop transfer of thermal energy. This water circuit heats the ground, set it to a depth of about 30 centimeters. You may use any tubes, but it is better to choose a model based on polypropylene or metal-plastic. The pure metal, while in the constantly moistened soil, gradually begins to corrode, even in the presence of the protective coating. If we talk about the temperature of pipes, a sufficient value is 30-40 degrees, it is enough for a real increase in plant yield, reduce the growing season.
- The contour of the air heater. Pipes, radiators, batteries, which are located along the entire length of agricultural structures.
- The expansion tank compensates for expansion of water during heating to prevent exceeding the critical pressure of the system.
Main article: Heating greenhouses infrared heaters.
editing process
forming circuit the heating system in the greenhouse with their hands as follows:
- The place where there will be a furnace or boiler. Should carefully consider this point to the bulky design does not interfere with the passage, and nearby there is enough space for fuel storage. However, we should not forget the fact that the boiler is in itself a source of thermal energy, so that often it is put in the middle of the object.
- Pouring the foundation for the boiler. If you plan the installation of the brick structure, the foundation is based on the concrete. Metal stove-boiler or stove fill is not needed to find enough metal sheet of adequate thickness, it will become a reliable support.
- Mounting pipe for discharging the products of combustion. You must make sure that all joints are sealed to prevent ingress of gases into the room.
- Connecting pipes to the boiler. Directly connected to the unit metal fittings, the only way to guarantee the necessary level of reliability and resistance to stress. 100-150 centimeters from the beginning of the selected basic permitted connection pipes, including the polypropylene-based.
- Installation of the expansion tank. For it selects the highest point in the room, preferably directly over the heat source. Before entering the tank is mounted with automatic shut-off valve and pressure gauge.
- Laying of pipes, installation of radiators and valves. In the event that the battery is put on each separate shut-off valve, between the inlet and outlet pipe should be mounted jumper. Otherwise, one off the radiator system will lead to a halt in its entirety.
If we talk about the need for a circulation pump, the small farmer can successfully object It is heated and without it, but for structures total area of 100 or more squares of the accessory needs.
We should also be said about some of the nuances of the underground heating in the greenhouse. Heating in a greenhouse of this type is most effective when following certain rules:
- Laying polyethylene pipes should be conducted in a bed of sand thoroughly washed. Recommended thickness of the cushion - about 15 centimeters. This is done in order to achieve a more uniform heating of the soil;
- That energy is not wasted, fit insulation made of polystyrene;
- Fertile soil layer should be at least 30 centimeters.
So, for heating greenhouses is not necessary to use a heater - a simple device, but it is too efficient and economical. Its plot is quite possible to equip the productive water system, all costs relevant to the installation steps, are met for only a couple of seasons!