The greenhouse is indispensable for a good harvest herbs, berries or vegetables for a minimum period of time. And if you intend to have on your desk have always been natural vitamins contained in fruits and vegetables, then you will need the infrared heating of greenhouses.
As practice shows, one of the best systems of heating greenhouses or greenhouses is infrared heating. It is ideal for growing a variety of plants in the greenhouse at any time of the year. IR heater makes it possible to efficiently heat the air and ground to the desired temperature.

Of course, for these purposes, you can also use other options for heating. For example, the convector, a gas boiler, a wood-burning stove, hot-water heating. But all these methods are associated with considerable amount of effort, time and money that is required for their installation and maintenance. Infrared heating is devoid of these disadvantages.
Attention: The main feature of the infrared heating system is that it is not the warm air in the greenhouse, and the plants and the earth, which are located in the radiation field. This radiation is much like solar energy. After heated earth, sprouts and other objects, distinctive emit photons which are reflected back walls of the greenhouse.
That this is the main difference between this method of heating greenhouses from all others. Indeed, other methods only increase the temperature of the air, which rises up. The soil also sprouts and they do not heat. Of course, this can be corrected through the water pipes to be buried in the ground. But then the cost of such a greenhouse heating system, increase significantly. In addition, to control the soil temperature will be much harder.
Establish a system of infrared heating greenhouses, you will achieve rapid germination, development and fruiting of plants, since the radiation direction is from top to bottom. According to numerous studies have shown that with such a heating germination increased by almost 30-40%. This is possible thanks to a good heating of the soil. At the same time, the air in the greenhouse is not heated strongly, which is a positive factor.
Some of the infrared heating device can be installed and for the layer of soil. But this will require use a special infrared film.
On the influence of IR systems resemble solar energy. With their help, the preheat temperature is generated directly in the growth of plants. In this they differ greatly from the convectors in a better way. After all, those heat is the air, which rises, while the sprouts are cool.

The main task of the infrared heating system consists in heating plants, earth, shelves, walls, greenhouses and containers with seedlings.
Attention: The loss of efficiency in this type of heating does not exceed 10%.
Good effect and water heating greenhouses. But there is a difficulty with the installation of the pipeline. After all, it should be laid in the ground, and it takes a lot of time and effort. In addition, the heating method is quite expensive. Infrared heating is superior to him at once on two important parameters - mobility and energy efficiency. It also allows you to save a good idea.
Among infrared heating greenhouses advantages are the following:
- the destruction of a variety of viruses and bacteria that are harmful to sprout;
- uniform heating of all the plants and soil;
- positive impact on the development and growth of plants;
- creating moist microclimate in greenhouses, since the drying air does not occur;
- long service life and reliability;
- a significant increase in productivity.
All the advantages listed above make infrared heating greenhouses quite popular and the demand for them is always great. Though here much depends on the climate. After all, if the winter in the region are usually too cold, it will have to be heated in another way, since the infrared radiation can not cope with maintaining the desired temperature in such conditions.
Equipment greenhouse infrared heating system
Attention: Infrared heating greenhouses is of three kinds: the suspension, mixed or recessed. Its choice depends on the needs of the owner of the greenhouse. If a greenhouse is planned to be used only in the warm season, and it is necessary for the cultivation of only heat-loving plants, it will be enough only outboard IR heaters.
Integrated infrared heating systems are suitable for horticulture and floriculture throughout the year. If you use a greenhouse for the cultivation of early greens and sprouts, then warm up the soil should be used recessed system, which must be laid in the ground.
Suspended heating
The most simple form of infrared heating greenhouses is the use of suspension systems. They should be hung from the ceiling or walls of a greenhouse, and connect to a power source and directed to a bed. Thanks to the compactness and low weight they can be installed in a greenhouse as long as necessary. It all depends on the area of construction and their power. The heaters or lamps may be used as suspension systems.
Warmers and lamps equally resistant to temperature changes, mechanical stress, high humidity, exposed to various chemicals. Mounted infrared heater is recommended at a height of not less than 1 meter from the plant. More precisely, the height can be determined, starting from the greenhouse temperature and the size of that required for good plant growth. It should be taken into account is the fact that the higher will be located IR heating system, the greater the area it will be able to capture. But at the same time the plant will receive less heat.
Also read: How to make the most of winter hothouses?
infrared heater
Heaters are ceramic IR emitters, enclosed in a protective casing. To achieve high-quality distribution of rays, it is equipped with a reflector. Due to the mounting pads with cable, connection heater is simple and convenient. The installation of this device does not cause any difficulties. We just need to follow the recommendations specified in the instruction.
Heating greenhouses suspended infrared heaters, It should be in the region 1.5 - 3.0 meters apart. But the distance is largely dependent on their capacity, size, temperature in the greenhouse, and their height above the beds. If you stand on the street freezing, infrared heaters should be sent to the greenhouse wall.
IR lamps
Infrared lamps are manufactured of durable materials small ceramic emitters. They resemble in appearance an ordinary light bulb and just as they are screwed into the socket.
Attention: Because their power is much lower than that of the heaters, they are placed in a greenhouse at a distance of no more than 1.5 meters from each other. Usually they are used for heating greenhouses having a small area.

When mounting the infrared heating should be considered that the distance from the heater to the plant must be constant. To achieve this it is best to install them on hangers, which can be adjusted in height.
heating from below
If you want to warm the soil quality IR system should use heating from below. It is a special film which is necessary to lay on the ground. There are two schemes of its installation: horizontal and vertical.
If the installation is horizontal, the film should contain a farm to a depth of approximately 0.5 meters from the surface. With vertical mounting it must be stacked vertically on greenhouse perimeter and between the beds.
Despite the fact that the installation of the bottom heating is much more difficult than vertical, it is more economical. This is due to the fact that energy heats only the bottom of the soil and the air. This makes it possible to achieve a solid energy savings. But at the same time, this heating method has some drawbacks. In particular, care should be taken to prevent damage to the system when the soil replacement greenhouse, which is conducted on a daily basis as a preventive measure to prevent the disease plants.

Installing infrared heating for greenhouses and hothouses, you can count on a good harvest at any time of the year. This method of heating significantly more effective than all other methods. In addition, it allows you to save a good idea. Thanks to the infrared heating, the conditions are created in the greenhouse, which is almost completely close to natural. After the emission of these systems corresponds to the sun a lot.
Using this heating method, it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of farmed products, and increase yields. After all, a greenhouse equipped with an infrared heating can be enjoyed throughout the year.