Industry and agriculture are constantly evolving, and this is impossible without the use of various pipelines. To use them, you must lay them before. Without this it is impossible to provide a centralized facility with water and take away household or industrial waste water. Laying allows file object gas or water if necessary. It is for the purpose of providing a variety of liquid and gaseous products of industrial facilities and population targeted pipelines.
What is pipelining?
In carrying out such work is carried out laying water supply, utilities or individual communications. According to him the necessary substance, whether liquid or gas, are transported to the consumer. What method should be routed and connecting structure and gasket depth for water pipes, all described in the design documentation. Basis for its development is the design and technical documentation and applicable standards.

The pipeline may be laid under the highway and railway line paths, any construction. In this case, the asphalt surface and underground engineering structures are not violated. For trunk pipelines used trenching. In this case, the soil cover is disturbed, paralyzed the traffic. After the gasket will have to be restored.
The main ways of laying
Stacking any pipeline in the following ways:
- Public method. Magistral is mounted on a support or a place of its location is passing or failing collector.

- The use of closed or trenchless method. Laying of pipeline does not require pre-open ground.
- Underground method of laying the pipeline. Executed trench, in which is mounted the gutter system.

These types have their own positives and drawbacks.
Technology laying open line pipe
Initially performed construction that will serve as a support structure. Next in the pipeline is laid and communicating passage channels, gallery. Their location may be a ground surface or trench:
- stand-alone basis or foundation support;
- ballasting. Load on the pipeline is fastened, or used its anchoring in the ground. This is to ensure that the pipe is not revealed;
- pipe laid on the ground and made its filling.
Get the piping under the highway using the open method may be as follows:
- Works that do not violate other traffic. At the same time it arranged a detour or relocation.
- At the time the work is covered in turn one half of the road.
- On the short term movement rummage completely.
If the area of the operations has complex hydrogeological conditions, the design can be laid in the tunnel. When installing in winter, can not be laid on a base steel pipe, which is frozen. Before put them requires the examination of all the joint parts and components for defects. After laying the pipeline pressure tests are carried out. In the absence of complaints about the entire structure is filled.
Public method pads are most commonly used in country houses or in private homes, which require quick access in case of emergency leaks. Also, they are to conduct the gas to the private sector. This method allows for outdoor applications and set separately gas counters, directly at the pipeline approach to home.
Hidden method of laying
In this method, the pipe is laid in a trench or crawlway. If in the process of exploitation requires access to the pipes, it is necessary to open the relevant structures.
Private method
If it is not opened ground. This variant also is called Underground laying of pipes vodoprovodnyd. It is carried out by the following methods:
- Vibroprokoly performed through the use of vibration systems.
- Gidroprokoly. This uses a manual or drive puncturer.
- Mechanical punctures in which the jack is used.
- Punctures in which a screw is used puncturer soil.
- Performing pnevmoprobivki pnevmoproboynikom.
- Vibrovakuumny method of laying.
- Punching.
It can be used drilling or performing microtunnels. The variant of the shield and shtolnevoy penetration.

The way in which the pipe will be laid, depending on several factors. The value has the length and diameter of the assembly. It is also influenced by features of the soil and hydrogeology. It depends on what kind of equipment will be used.
overground pipeline laying method
Such a method is characterized by having a number of advantages during operation. This method is recommended for use when laying underground for some reason difficult. It can be carried out on the site, having any relief of his hands. When this method employs the following devices:
- The use of a beam system.
- The straight-line method of laying. When it longitudinal deformations are not compensated. Implemented single-span crossings, multi-span systems with rigid or ground supports.
- A method, which uses a self-compensation of longitudinal deformations. Typically, this single-span or multi-span cantilever transition system that has trapetsidalnye compensators.
- laying option in the form of breaks "snake." There may be a bridge or overpass.
Possible arch, girder or hanging structure.
Laying underground without trenches
With this method, the scheme is identical to that used in those cases where the above-ground pipelines are laid, having in its composition compensatory areas. If the seat of the tube is a solid base, the stacking scheme may be different and is determined by the length of the pipeline. It also affects the circumstance in which there are no or transverse stiffening ring.

Laying on a "one to one"
This technique is used in the case with the old, worn-out pipeline when needed to restore it. Most often made of reinforced plastic gasket water pipes, where the system is well protected from damage mechanical or chemical nature. New design at the same time are laid on the relining method. Laying does not require disclosure of the old highway or it is revealed only in part. Old pipeline is not subject to the dismantling.
a protective casing can be used. This is observed in those cases, the highway passes through any obstacles, such as highways. Thus the new pipe in which the gasket has a diameter of at least 200 mm. Such casings in technical terms is called the "shell" or "cartridges".
Passage of "puncture" method
Performing such punctures carried out in various ways. For example, using a jack. Wherein an opening is formed. In him and inserted the tube. A puncture can be carried out with different force that is determined by the angle at which the tip is sharpened.
The use of a hydraulic jack in the implementation of mechanical punctures
It is through such a device, and carried indentation. At the bottom of the excavation is placed a pipe unit which has a tip. Indentation is carried out on such a distance, which only allows you to make a stroke. Once the rod will starting position, it is replaced with the pressure pipe (a ramrod). Thereafter, the process was repeated. As soon as the first link will be fully dented, to the end of the second link is carried out welding. The whole cycle is repeated again as long as the pipe will not be pushed to the necessary length. Within one cycle is able to move the tube to a depth of 150 mm.

Using this method it is possible to lay a pipe of diameter up to 500 mm. puncture length can be up to 40 m Speed -. 2 m / h. Punctures are made with different forces, depending on the nature of the soil. This method uses the fact if the soil is well compacted.
Pneumatic punching method
Use a special tunneling shell, the effect of which is associated with prnevmoudarom. According to this method is laid pipe diameters up to 400 mm and a well depth up to 50 m. For this purpose the pressing plant consisting of several jacks. It is driven by means of pumps with high pressure.
This excavation is fully automated and does not require the development of human presence. According to this method trenchless excavation is carried out by means of special devices that are known as jacking station. It uses a special shield Tunnel (drill). It is mixed with water and breed output it outside. Here she was subjected to separation.
This method is most useful in areas where construction has high density or the presence of cross-country. Such a system allows for the implementation of the highest standards. The method has a high accuracy. In addition, there is a complete control values for certain lengths of time. Basically, such systems have a modular principle. They are easy to transfer from one to the other object. However, their installation is very fast.

We should also say on the construction of the pipeline in the apartment by replacing old cast iron sewer systems. Installation of water supply is carried out by other methods. In this case, various materials including copper pipes whose use for laying underground lines long impractical.
Pipelines are needed at the sites of any industry, agriculture and households. Despite the variety of methods for laying pipes, the choice will be determined depending on the presence of a number of factors. It has a value character soil, which will be laid pipe, the material from which the structural elements, as current compliance with all technological aspects. From this result and the pipeline operating time will depend.