To start to define the notion of the riser of the heating system. heating riser system - a vertical pipe for supplying and discharging the coolant to the space heating appliances multistory building, located one above the other. Usually it is the two pipes, but it may be one.

In apartment houses heating pipes are usually metal or cast iron and, therefore, susceptible to corrosion. There are also plastic pipes, which can also leak. Of course, in the event of a leak or need to call the wizard to repair the entire pipe, but some measures are possible to make.
The first thing that can be done if a leak occurs from the tube in a flat - a substitute for the tube container so that the water did not go to the neighbors and any damaged area wrap cloth. Next, call the emergency services, it is necessary to block the riser.
If the master has to wait a long time (holidays or weekends) or have the ability and desire to carry out small repairs yourself - for you below provide tips to eliminate leakage of copper, plastic, metal or cast-iron heating pipes with his own hands.
Let us consider the causes of risers heating malfunctions.
The causes of failure and the occurrence of a leak, rupture of pipes in heating risers
- So, the most obvious reason - a dilapidated, old pipes.
- Improper installation of pipes, their wrong repairs and maintenance:
- leakage in the threaded joint - poor sealing compound stripped thread, cracks in the connecting fitting;
- to flow into the flange joint - loose bolts, faulty gaskets and distortions in the flanges;
- flow in welded joints - poor quality welding work.
- Marriage of equipment and pipes.
- When installing plastic pipes, which are designed for cold water, hot water, they are deformed.
- Failure of the fitting.
- Hydraulic shock and fistula in the pipe, which occurs due to a sudden rise in pressure.
- Outside the heating season the pipe break can be from a malfunction of the hydraulic pressure test.
What to do with the appearance of a small leak and how to fill it in with your hands (clamp, sealant). Repair of metal, plastic, cast iron and copper heating risers
If you want to make minor repairs to the metal pipe it straight section or weld, you can use epoxy (emergency) glue and fiberglass. Before repair necessarily clean the damaged area from the old paint, strip and degrease the pipe. Apply the adhesive and, if necessary, further reinforce the metal clamp. They are of different sizes can be purchased on the market or in the shops of building materials and plumbing. Clamp - a rubber pad with twin thrust consisting of a pair of screws, which, in principle, can be done by hand. You will need a strip of thick metal plate made of rubber, washers, nuts and bolts.

Or a piece of land zamatyvaem rubber and fasten the wire.
You can use a sealant. Then repeat the previous steps (to clean, degrease) and apply the sealant in a clockwise direction.
If the leak is formed in places of fastening elements of the heating system, you need only a draw in the fitting with a special key.

It did not help, dripping? The reason may be worn tow. In this case it is necessary to press the fitting half, remove the old tow, clean the thread and wind the new. But be careful! The pressure in the tubes can cause a break connection point and flood.
Still flowing? the details thread may be damaged. In this case, call a specialist, and before he came to wind the leak (best piece of rubber).

Another option seal the leak (if a small area) - this winding problem areas with a cloth soaked in glue.
To prevent the formation of a leak in the ground screw connections have to cover it with several layers of paint.
Repair copper heating pipe may be required of the metal bundle. The solution - a high-temperature soldering using a hard solder. In the event of minor damage to the fold applied to the low-temperature welding soldering.
Before the repair is important to pre-clean the area from dirt and degrease it.

May need repair fitting which connects the pipe section 2. In this case it may be sufficient to replace the nut or gasket.
When repairing plastic heating pipes are replaced damaged item new.
If you can not replace, you can wrap around the injury a special reinforcing plastic cover to melt it welder.
So, summarizing the above, we point out what activities are included in the repair of heating system:
- eliminate leakage in devices, pipes and fittings,
- replace a separate section of the heating device, a crane,
- insulate pipes and various devices that are in the cooling or open spaces,
- to eliminate reverse biases on pipelines,
- make installation of additional fastening,
- troubleshoot problems in the boiler,
- replace gauges,
- cleaned and flushed elevators, expansion tanks, regulating and shutoff valves,
- air collectors wash system and adjust them.
What to do in case of damage of the radiator section (radiator plate)
Before carrying out this type of operation, the first step is to turn off the heating system. Next you need to reset the system and riser disconnect the radiator.
Attention! Before you remove the heat sink, substitute for it some capacity, as in the riser is still water left.
Disconnect the damaged area a special radiator key and attach a new nipple.
Connecting the heating system and run the risers.
If the damage of the radiator plate is necessary in the same way as in the previous case, turn off the heating system and reset the risers. Further purify and degreased leakage place, put on a special portion of the mixture of cold welding (which is an adhesive with a high degree of ductility, made of epoxy resin), waiting for solidification and connect it heating.
What and who is to blame, if by a gust of heating riser pipe flooded neighbors
Consider the legal aspect of the problem of flooding that may occur as a result of leakage of heating pipes.
So, there is Government Decree №491 from 13.08.2006, which determined that the composition of the total in-house property includes a system Heating with risers, radiators, regulating and shutoff valves, obschedomovye heat metering devices and other equipment to these networks.
The management company serving the house, should 2 times a year to check the equipment and expense, troubleshoot, change the damaged radiators, pipes and etc. However, if he was not granted access to the apartment to inspect the condition of the pipes and equipment in all further consequences will blame the owner housing.
Further. If the owner of their own decided to replace pipes, radiators, etc. without the consent of the management company - responsible for the consequences of the transition to the owner.
It is recommended to keep all receipts and enter into agreements with any work with the heating system in order to subsequently could resolve the issue in court.
Attention! There is a decision of the Supreme Court on September 22, 2009 (Number GKPI09-725), which excludes the radiators with disconnecting devices in the apartments from the common property at home.
Therefore, this type of question is always controversial, and starting with the legislative acts themselves.
Documents required for filing a claim to the court:
- inspection certificate flooded apartments,
- expert assessment of the damage,
- photos, videos with the consequences of the accident.
And, of course, bring your contracts, receipts, etc. (If any) associated with the application.
If the fault management company, it is obliged in 30-day term to indemnify the owner of the "emergency" room, and the owner of the affected premises.
If the owner is guilty, then the best solution would be drawing up a peace agreement and claim damages in the pretrial order. This will save you time and frustration on both sides.
And finally, the most important advice: prevention, control and timely repair will save you from future problems with heating systems.
Repair of heating pipes in the apartment and a private home: features
As already mentioned above, preventive inspection (at least 2 times a year) and repair in apartment buildings is carried out by the management company.
Everyone knows who should in a private home for all of the following - it is the owner, and which provides advice in this chapter.
Council. All the work is done, if possible, during the warmer months. That during the cold season does not have to do without hot water and heating.
It is useful to know that the heating system consists of three elements:
- boiler,
- radiators,
- pipe.
Additional elements may be present: warm pipe in the floor for the circulation pump, etc.
Gas boiler can be replaced only in agreement with the gas service. She also performs the corresponding operation.
Electric heating boiler can be restored in case of the following faults:
- reduction in heating the coolant,
- failure of the control unit,
- flow,
- power surges in the network, bad water, causing scum and deposition of salts on the heat exchanger, etc. external factors.
First check the electrical parameters, the system pressure and water flow rate. Check the correct connection of wiring.
Problems may also arise in the policy adjustments of the boiler. In this case, you need to completely shut down and re-enable the boiler and perform a series of actions by the instructions received with the purchase of a boiler.
Regular cleaning of heat exchangers from scale to avoid more serious damage in the future.

With heating system repair everything is clear. What held major heating repairs?
Repaired heating system comprises:
- replacement of the heating circuit (pipes, panels, floor heating / plinth, etc.)
- partial replacement of pipes,
- installation of floor heating system,
- replacement of boilers, furnaces, heat pumps, heat storage, etc.
- complete replacement of the heating system.
Of course, the overhaul is not necessary to carry out before each heating season. It is needed when the repair is impossible or unprofitable, or, for example, during a home renovation.
So, the article you can see how many ways are there to repair the heating pipes in the apartment or in a private home, but also very clear that there is nothing better prevention.