For a convenient stay in the apartment, along with heat and electricity, it must be fed water for drinking purposes. In addition, it should still be a drain on sanitary appliances. Ideally, the exhaust quantity of water must be water consumption. But in practice it is not always that way.

Of course, you must pay for this service. Free no one will do. But not all tenants in a hurry to do it. Many people do not pay for something that the management company gives them water, and diverts it. Debts are growing like a snowball, and the moment comes when they exceed all reasonable limits. Public utilities, of course, are constantly in search of ways to impact on debtors and make them pay. You can, of course, cut off the water, limiting her access to the consumer. However, water is supplied by the common riser, and then through the branch network is distributed to the apartments.
If this is done, together with the debtors will suffer conscientious payers. Therefore kommunalschikov preferable to use another way. They are installing plugs on drains malicious debtors, and it can be done in relation to a particular apartment. Installation of water consumption limiter is not broken, but the use sewage to be problematic.
Eligibility of installation
Under the law, the utility may not, without a special court order to disconnect the supply of essential services such as water and electricity. Therefore, in jurisprudence there was such a restrictive measure such as a cap for the drain.

Of course, you can also use other means to combat non-payers, in which a mechanic comes to the apartment and cuts cranes. But not every tenant is willing to let him in, he has a guaranteed right to inviolability of the home. To install the stub is not necessary to enter the apartment. When possible judicial proceedings can not prove anything.
setting mechanism and whether it can be removed
The easiest way to fix the problem is to pay debts. debt elimination will lead to the removal of the damping device management company. Technically, it is very difficult to remove because it is installed with the help of special equipment. For this purpose, a probe and a manipulator. Sewer plug is supplied with the camera, which allows for placement in the place where it is really needed.
Invented many devices, but they are all approximately the same on the basis of its action. Performed on a long rope manipulator descent.
Structurally, the cap to the sewage drain pipe may be provided in various forms, as well as the material for its manufacture. It is made of metal and polypropylene. Mostly, use the second embodiment.
The utility uses the following types:
- Continuous type. When installing it completely stops the movement of waste for the sewer standpipe.

- Lattice-type plug. The liquid passes freely and suspension are retained, resulting in their gradual accumulation.
- Air pressure plug. Apparatus as inflatable rubber ball.

It is easy to imagine what a nasty smell when it will be in the apartment. After all, every day the apartment is given a large amount of liquid waste.
Is plugged as follows:
- Initially, a specialist management company of the scheme is studied in detail, which is used when connecting the sewerage system. This is necessary because in the apartment may be several sewer risers. Installation of only one partition will hardly create a tenant serious problems.
- After studying the action plan is developed, how it will be installed plug. It is planned to the point of its installation. Usually this segment sewer network, limiting the toilet from the riser.
- It requires selection of user-friendly control station equipment. Usually it is the roof.
- In this pipe descends device consisting of a manipulator, a light guide and a camera. The plug is supplied to a certain place and the installation is carried out.
Once put plug drains stop moving only in a particular apartment. Work sewer neighboring apartments will continue normally.

Remove the cover, of course, possible, but this requires some experience with sanitation devices. Otherwise, unskillful actions will lead to the fact that the riser is completely clogged, and in the worst case will be damaged and fail.
To clean categories such works include very problematic, since, for example, need to carry out the removal of a toilet bowl. In what way will be removed protective devices depends on the presence or absence of the apartment window audits sewage, as well as the manner in which connected to the sewerage system. It is much easier to perform such activities if installed risers made of plastic or metal and plastic. It is more difficult if there is a cast iron risers.
Them removed by mechanical or chemical method. If any of them is a high risk that the risers clogged.
Disconnect the toilet and partially disassemble the riser
It is possible to remove the cap from the sewage supplied independently with partial disassembly problem area. Such a method is applicable in recent toilet installation. It should be secured to the floor by bolts. You should not even attempt to disassemble the toilet, if it is set for a long time and is filled with cement. If the toilet to shoot, it can deform.
The plug is usually placed where sewage enters into the living room. At this point you want to gain access. Therefore initially removed the toilet. If the toilet bowl modern design, then take it easy. But first disable the access of water, cutting it with a crane. First remove the drain tank. Then disconnect the bell. Next he removed the toilet.

Required to unscrew the bolts by which the anchorage.
When the unit is eliminated completely, access to the partition. Now, remove the plug from the water drain pipe, and carefully pull it out. This crucial stage, the error must be eliminated. Some try to push it into the riser. Doing this is not necessary in any case. Plug fall into the common riser and will block it. In this case, the sewage will not be able to use all of the tenants, the drain of which is connected to this riser.
The plug should try to get into the apartment. The way to do this will depend on how long is the tube. You can use tongs. But perhaps the length will be longer. Then you must make a metal hook or use a regular fishing harpoon. Capture it is quite possible, because it has holes.
When able to catch, you need to gently pull the plug inside the apartment. It requires maximum accuracy when carrying out such work. We can not allow the device is inside the sewer riser. When the cap is successfully removed, perform installation work bowl and return it to its original place. All operations are performed in reverse order.

Of course, you will need a set of tools. Without them, just do not pull the plug. If such instruments are not available, and no skills in working with plumbing devices, better zagoroditelnoe device itself does not extract. In the arsenal of tools must be present in a set of wrenches. Can not do without a hammer and a wrench. Further, it should be reserved flashlight, hard hook or harpoon.
Chemical removal using audit
By the way, the use of such a method is absolutely no guarantee of what you can get rid of the caps. Sometimes, if the configuration allows you to connect the riser, it is possible to achieve a positive result.
When the bowl is filled with cement, shoot it is not even worth trying. However, in an apartment may be a revision of the sewer standpipe. Then it is possible a way to extract it through the window. Pre need to stock a long slender stick with a metal hook at the end. It can be used for this purpose and a fishing spear. from the hands of the stick can slip and fly into the riser. Then from there it will be impossible to remove. To avoid this, you need to stick to tie the rope. If it accidentally slips out, it can be pulled out.
Steps simple in their execution. First remove the cover of the audit window. It should push the hook or harpoon, which was prepared in advance. After that you want to try to catch her. If this fails, pull it gently in the riser, and then it was taken out.

In the case of a polypropylene mesh or a cap to perform these actions is easy. However, this method is associated with a number of disadvantages:
- Before carrying out such action must be prepared and wear suitable protective clothing. Care should be taken measures of protection, because in that moment, the top can be reset to the sewer anything, including boiling water.
- Very high risk that during the execution of such work falls cap and gets into the sewer standpipe. Then it will block it completely or partially.
- A significant drawback is the fact that all the work is done almost blindly. However, to determine the location of the device is easy to zagoroditelnogo. At a time when metal hook comes to the walls of the riser and the cap surface, the sound will be different in nature.
You can try to dissolve the bars. You can use the drug "Mole". It consists of oxalic acid. Such an embodiment is applicable only if the utilities non-metallic plug was used. one should not expect quick results. You will need at least a week. It will take some time, the grid will dissolve and disappear plug.
Mole - a strong chemical means to remove dirt and obstructions in sewer
Citizens who removed the partition are often used antizaglushku to again avoid the restrictive measures.
Installing the plug is valid, so the utility are struggling with debtors. Himself to remove it very difficult. This requires appropriate skills. The most sensible solution is to pay debts. Also, do not rule out the possibility that, after the removal of self-caps, the utility will install it again.