Metal pipes are one of the most high-quality and efficient materials for the organization full of water inside. Their main main feature is flexibility and ease of installation, which significantly reduces the time and effort to build a water supply system. Despite all the advantages of similar products, their strength and broad scope, we can not exclude the possibility of entering the network or its separate parts of the building.

Causes of plastic pipes faults
Composition pipe is a relatively new product, proven best side when creating the wiring tap indoors. The basis material is aluminum base clad on both sides of a solid polyethylene coating. This structure makes the material pliable and easier, considerably extending its scope. Because of these qualities pipe can bring any shape without any effort or special tooling.
The pipe made of metal is able to withstand great pressure without being deformed or losing its load-bearing qualities. In practice, line integrity violation is possible, but it depends on the causes and perfect otherwise wholly irrelevant to the quality of products. The main factors that can cause damage to the metal-water supply failure, are:
- Errors in the compound of the Elements;
- exceeding the allowable bending angle of the pipe;
- extreme mechanical loads;
- deformation of metal due to thermal overload adapters.
The above list of reasons has a direct impact on the functioning of water supply and its integrity. Because the design and construction of the system is necessary to observe the installation, based on the technical characteristics of the material. Ignoring the standards and disregard for existing standards will inevitably lead to the formation of leaks with all the ensuing consequences.

Burst pipe and fittings proceed: variants damage
Longitudinal strength multilayer pipe has a sufficiently high value. Therefore, in the fixed (set) state there are few factors that could compromise the integrity of the material. In most cases, problems occur in the joints, which have a smaller longitudinal stability as compared to the base pipe. As a rule, the main varieties of metal-water supply faults are:
- leaking fittings;
- cracks in the metal case;
- cracks in the fittings.
The most common problem in the functioning of plastic pipes is leaking fittings. Systematic operation and arising as a result of vibration, leading to gradual deterioration of waterproofing qualities transition sections system. Pipes lapped, nuts and fasteners are weakened, and rubber gaskets lose their elasticity. Such changes remain unnoticed for a long time before the moment when fitting begins to leak.
Cracks in the multilayer pipe can also serve as a cause of leakage. As a result of exceeding the allowable bending angle of the material occurs aluminum product casing deformation. First, it may remain completely invisible, because the polyethylene fabric does not lose its integrity. However, after some time in the field of cracks due to the pressure in the system occurs and plastic lamination form a leak.
Another problem is widespread, is the formation of openings in the fittings. The reasons of their formation can also be somewhat poor since the material at the base of the metal parts and ending thermal overloads.

How to fix a leak with your hands
What to do in the formation of leaks? Neutralization damage plastic pipes can be carried out with your hands, without the involvement of specialists. The implementation of self-repair, not only allows you to save money, but allows you to restore the functionality of the water distribution system in the shortest possible time. Depending on the type of damage, there are several solutions to the problem:
- Leaking fittings. To eliminate leaks it is necessary to take a wrench and tighten slightly loosened joints. As a rule, a twist is sufficient for complete neutralization of the leak. In general, the nut must be tighten up to the point until it is fully locked. However, you should not overdo it because too much tension can lead to cracking of the fitting body.
- Cracks in Plastic enclosure are sealed by means of a simple band. The principle of this device consists in overlapping the small tube rubber gasket and its subsequent consolidation. In the role of the band may be a patch of dense rubber part of the bicycle or car tires. Fixing the holding pads made in 4-5 places with special clamps or the ordinary winding wire.
- Cracks in the fittings. Elimination of such faults is possible only with the help of the full dismantling of the system and replace the damaged item. Other ways to solve the problem completely ineffective and are not able to completely neutralize the leakage.

These variants are the most effective and are used to eliminate leaks in the water supply systems of reinforced plastic. In addition, the implementation of such action does not present much difficulty and will make it possible to neutralize the leak with your hands in just a few minutes.
Features of repair of the pipeline at a press fittings and compression fittings
The metal-plastic constructions can be used water supply 2 and the connecting elements form:
- compression fittings;
- press fittings.
The principle of operation of the compression fitting is a special nut winding in place of a threaded joint provides a complete fixation of the clamping ring. This type of compounds is considered the most simple, because it does not require any special tools. At the same time it is not the most reliable and requires constant monitoring on the part of man.
Working with compression fittings is as simple as installing them. To fix the problem you must:
- determine the specific violations of integrity of the system;
- to block water;
- untwist the ring nut;
- to press the retainer ring;
- disconnecting the tube from the adapter;
- if necessary slightly cut portion of the tube, to clean it or preload ring;
- wear ring on a pipe, to insert it back into the groove of the nut and screw.
Sequence of operations for disassembly-assembly compression fitting is quite simple and does not require application of any effort. Troubleshooting in the press fitting is a much more laborious process.

Press fitting is much more reliable connecting element for the plastic, providing high-quality mounting and requiring no systematic monitoring. However, to build similar systems requires a special crimping tool, without which arrange a full pipeline is unlikely to succeed.
Leaking compression fitting itself it is considered to be quite rare problem related more to do with violations of mounting technology, rather than with the connection defects. The following actions are carried out to eliminate the leaks in the press-fitting:
- determine the specific violations of integrity of the system;
- to block water;
- unscrew the cap nut;
- disconnect the pipe from the fitting;
- cut portion of the pipe with an old sealing ring;
- Connect again to collect and compress fitting.
In any case, repair the ruptured press fitting is not so reliable solution than its complete replacement. As a result of leakage of the connecting parts, the risk of the recurrence of leakage increases several times. Therefore, this type of adapter is better not to repair, and completely replaced.

Expert advice and a list of the required tools
In the formation of a leak are replaced only connecting portions of the pipeline. However it is better to carry out a full repair burst pipes, including update or complete replacement of pipes. During a long stay in Metal-end junction undergoes partial deformation and loses some of its insulating qualities. Therefore, for the organization of valuable compounds in place of fixing the fitting pipe is cut to 2-3 cm.

Rubber sleeve is an excellent means of local repair plumbing. However, its use is justified only in cases where it is impossible to carry out a full replacement of the damaged pipe. cracking the formation at one point is a signal to the action and performance of the complete repair of the damaged area metal pipes.
To take measures to eliminate leaks in PVC Pipes need the following tools:
- Wrench (one or more);
- dedicated pipe cutter or hacksaw;
- roulette;
- pencil;
- pliers;
- of crimping pliers (for press fittings).
The presence of this tool makes it possible to perform a complete replacement occurring parts of the pipeline in the home. At the same time for repairs will not leave a lot of time, causing the system to be up and running within an hour.
Metal pipes are one of the most high-quality and reliable materials for the organization of water supply in the room. Subject to all rules and regulations for dealing with similar products, finished pipe will last for many years. However, even in the formation of a leak repair it on their own without the involvement of expensive specialists possible. And perform the assembly, replacement and assembly of the damaged areas will not be easy.