- What is it - an engagement ring?
- Magic of the gold rim
- If nothing helps
- To keep the rings from missing
- If you find the ring
Almost all the decorations are of their kind from ritual objects, but only a few of them have kept their magic meaning to this day. One of these ornaments is the wedding ring, which to this day is associated with a lot of admiration and superstition. Worst of all, if it disappeared. What if I lost an engagement ring? Is it really so scary? Every omen has a material explanation. Let's talk about this.
to the contents ↑What is it - an engagement ring?
It would seem that there can be questions? This is a thin bezel, which the bride and groom put on each other after the ceremony of marriage - secular or ecclesiastical. In fact, everything is not so simple.
Shape is of importance
This item has its features:
- no stones;
- lack of bulk elements of the same metal;
- no slightest irregularities.
Important! The appearance of this decoration is in itself a sign. A smooth ring, without protuberances and hollows, foreshadows a happy family life. On the union, where all problems are solved peacefully and calmly, where different opinions do not become the cause of discord, in the depths of my soul, everyone, who decided to get married at all, dreams. Therefore, there was such a symbol.
Materials - there are priorities
Engagement rings are most often made of precious metals:
- gold;
- of silver;
- platinum.
Important! The most popular metal is gold. This preference is also the most that there is a practical explanation. This metal was always valued, and in case of serious financial difficulties could very much help the family in trouble. At the same time, it easily melts, so that jewelers love it more than, for example, platinum. Yes, and the appearance of gold remains unchanged longer, which can not be said about the rapidly darkening silver. But to sell wedding rings was always considered the most extreme measure, when there is no other way out.
Wedding and wedding
Many married couples choose only one wedding ceremony - secular. Others prefer to get married in the church. In our time, both are permissible, both families have equal rights.
But the symbolism of these ceremonies is somewhat different:
- In the Wedding Palace, the bride and groom exchange wedding rings or even do not wear them at all.
- The church uses wedding rings, over which the priest performs a certain ritual.
Important! A hundred years ago the difference between these objects was very large. Wedding rings were worn during the betrothal, that is, the betrothal - public or secret. The wedding was preparing for the wedding. Both those and others were considered family relics, were kept together with other sacred objects and passed down by inheritance.
to the contents ↑Magic of the gold rim
From ancient times, wedding rings were ascribed a magical meaning:
- There was such a rite: a man put on a gold ring without any stones and went out to wash with rainwater. It was believed that this promises health, strength and wealth.
- Very worried about our ancestors and the slightest damage to this object. It was believed that scratches and dents do not promise anything good.
- And if the bridegroom or bride happened to drop before the ceremony or during it - the signs were simply not worse. This foreshadowed either betrayal of a spouse, or an imminent death.
Based on all this, it is quite clear that the question arises, what to do if you lose an engagement ring.
The ring disappeared - what does it mean?
Many peoples, who generally have similar symbols of love and fidelity, the loss of a sacred object is considered, if not a bad sign, at least a cause for concern.
Superstitious people believe that if you lose an engagement ring, it heralds:
- divorce;
- betrayal of a spouse;
- large financial expenses;
- fast health problems.
Important! The loss of the wedding ring was sometimes considered a foretaste of the near death of a loved one. In any case, people inclined to believe in magic, began to fear for the integrity of their family.
Is this really so?
Signs are a complex phenomenon. Psychologists are still arguing about what exactly happens when something happens that foreshadows the bad consequences:
- higher forces send people a sign that something terrible will happen;
- people who know what a sign to anything, start to expect consequences, thereby bring these consequences closer.
What should I do if my wife lost my wedding ring?
Quite often the situation looks like this:
- The wife firmly believes that loss is to betray her husband.
- Starts to think about it sometimes.
- Husband feels that his wife is dealing with him somehow wrong.
- He notices interrogative glances and unusual intonations.
- He does not like that his wife suspects something, even if she is intelligent and does not express it aloud.
- He begins to pay attention to other women with whom he feels calmer.
- In the end, it comes to treason, and even to divorce.
Important! Therefore, if the wife has lost an engagement ring, then it is not necessary to do so. Do not suspect a husband of what he did not do - thoughts tend to turn into actions, so if you think that your half is wrong to you, it will eventually turn out.
Husband lost engagement ring - what to do?
Men lose rings no less than their wives. And it does not matter at all, on whose hand is no more expensive jewelry. This golden bezel is so unreliable - it is quite smooth, all the time striving to slip or roll somewhere, if you took it off while cleaning.
In any case, do not panic. It is best to immediately try to find an ornament. The house will have to do anew cleaning, especially if there are many things in the apartment. Do not be surprised if you need to move the closet or refrigerator. A small object will find where to go for it so that the owners can talk to them.
However, it is especially not worth worrying, at home it will still be there - of course, if your child did not come up with the idea of putting him in the toilet.
To speed up the process, it is not superfluous to act this way:
- Remember where the lost ring was and what he was doing.
- Go through all the corners in which he was.
- Check all items touched.
Mischiefful house
Everywhere looked, but is there no sense? Try to appease your Brownie. For example, like this: "Brownie, Brownie, play and give!".You can put a saucer in the corner with milk, and next to put the candy - they say, the house lovers like such treats.
Important! This very often helps even those who do not believe in spirits - just a person relaxes, false memories go away from the thoughts, and the right ones - on the contrary - come back, and everything falls into place. In the end, if a husband or wife lost an engagement ring, it is. And nothing more to do is not necessary.
If it was not at home
Worse, if you do not know exactly where you managed to lose your ringlet. But do not think that all around live exclusively scoundrels, who are just waiting, that they will get an expensive item in their hands to pocket it. It is not ruled out, of course, that this is the case, but still try:
- to contact local media - especially those where there are find tables;
- look into the network community - it is possible that there already someone has advertised about an interesting find;
- write a message to the most popular of the communities with a request to return an expensive artifact to you.
Basically around you there are exactly the same people who too can lose an expensive thing to them and perfectly understand you. And it is not at all ruled out that someone will give you your ring even without a reward or a box of juice.
to the contents ↑If nothing helps
Your ring was not found? Unpleasant, but it does not matter. You can do it in several ways. It all depends on your character:
- you are a strong person, you know how to take responsibility and hide your emotions;
- you are not very sure about yourself, you need support.
Situation with great willpower
In the first case, you can not say anything to your spouse. Just buy or order a new ring, exactly the same as the old one. The most important thing is not to let your relatives feel that you are disturbed by something, then they will remain calm, they will not wait for trouble - and it will not come.
Important! This is a risky way and is accessible only to very strong people. Engraving on the ring can significantly complicate matters - you will have to look for the same master and make the same inscription.
All other situations
In all other cases it is better to do so:
- Tell your spouse everything that happened.
- Explain that you need to change a pair of rings.
- Buy new rings.
- The remaining old donate to charity, and if you are a believer, give it to the church.
Important! If you were married, contact your parish and ask the priest to consecrate your new rings.
to the contents ↑So that the rings are not lost
Some things, of course, have the feature of living their lives. But still, we must try not to give them will, otherwise - they will periodically run away from the owners and hide in the most unexpected places.
What can make your ring always in sight?
- The order in the house.
- Constant habits.
- Neat appearance.
- Competent behavior during quarrels.
At different ages a person looks different. Some - after the wedding are rapidly losing weight, others - get fatter. Clothes are bought new, but with the wedding ring nothing to do.
Is it really so? Check how tight it sits on your finger, does not it have the desire to slip. If has - descend or go to the jeweler and ask to adjust a ring on a new measure. The risk of losing it will drop dramatically.
Order in the house
In a house where every thing knows its place, losing something is quite difficult. Yes, there it is difficult! Almost impossible. Magic it or not, but a ringlet or earring, even if you forgot it on the refrigerator, will certainly return to the box. You will not even notice how this will happen - you'll do everything on the machine.
It is especially important to determine the place where to put jewelry before you go to the bathroom.
Important! It is noticed that the rings are most often lost there, and sometimes irretrievably. Accustom yourself and your half to take off the ring and everything else and carefully fold them into a specially designated box.
Habits of
Habits are the basis of order. Watch yourself and your spouse in different situations:
- Where do each of you add rings, watches, bracelets, when they interfere with something to do?
- When the work is finished - what happens to the decorations?
Important! If any action is repeated from day to day( for example, washing dishes or sewing), place a container next to it, into which you can put a ring or chain. Then you will know for sure that you did not abandon him to the mercy of fate.
Quarrel culture
Family life is not without controversy without disputes. Even if people are very fond of each other and are able to negotiate, on some issues they may not agree. This must be understood and accepted. And do not take disagreement as a deadly offense and an occasion for divorce. And what should not be done in any case - so during a quarrel pull the ring and throw somewhere, whether it's in its half or just in a corner. Togo and look flee, and with this attitude to the cause of the divorce will certainly come true.
to the contents ↑If you find the ring
And what if you found an engagement ring? To begin with, think about the person who lost it. Maybe he is looking for an item dear to him. Maybe he believes in signs and now he is waiting for all kinds of troubles. Therefore, the best option is to return the decoration.
It's not always easy to do this. Of course, there are discovery tables, but there is no guarantee that the loser knows about their existence or that only honest and decent people work there. Therefore, the best option is to advertise in the most popular publications and groups in social networks. Detailed description of the find is not necessary, it is enough to indicate what you found and where. And indicate where to go. When you call or write - ask in detail about the subject. Maybe there are some signs known only to its owner.
And what should I do if the owner is not found and you have to leave the ringlet in your house - do not throw away the same? You can do it in several ways.
Send the item to the nearest church or charitable organization.
Smelt it on other ornaments.
The charity will find a way to convert the ring into money, and you will no longer bear the responsibility. With regard to the manufacture of jewelry, there is a simple consideration. Such an object always carries information about the former owner, who for some reason could not turn to you. You do not know anything about this person, so do not try to take on his fate. By giving jewelry to the jeweler, you will begin to treat him simply as a metal - a material from which you can do something.